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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

spic No. 16294813

my mom told me alcohol works by pulling a lot of water from your brain at once as your stomach needs it to digest the ethanol molecules and when your brain looses it's electrolyte balance that's when you feel drunk i just want to know if this is accurate

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294790

was the SOVIET moon landing real or fake? according to the russians they left a camera with a rope before landing

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🧵 Simple proof that "Global Warming" is just a hoax

Anonymous No. 16294786

Let me show you a simple, yet devastating demonstration that "Global Warming" (a.k.a. CO2 Hysteria) is just a hoax: (Video: The Death of CO2 Hysteria)

The video does a better job explaining things with animations and everything, but let me give you a quick TLDR version of the argument:

The most essential principle behind "Global Warming" is the concept of Greenhouse Effect, which essentially means that if you surround a system with insulation on all sides, you will trap the heat inside the system and prevent said heat from leaving. From this concept derives the concept of Greenhouse Gases, which are gasses that, when released into the atmosphere, cause Greenhouse Effect on a planetary level.

The problem here? Earth is surrounded by vacuum on all sides, and vacuum happens to be the most effective form of insulation known to man. In other words, Earth is already inside the most effective "greenhouse" there can ever be, and has been so for 4 billion years. Heat on Earth is as trapped as it's ever going to get, and has been so for 4 billion years. Heat cannot leave Earth, at least not in any way that would be affected by CO2. But more importantly, it is a good thing that heat is trapped because if it were possible for heat to freely leave Earth, well, it would do just that: it would leave, and a few hours after sunset you and the whole city around you would be frozen solid and everything would die. The fact that heat cannot freely leave Earth is the one and only reason life on Earth is possible in the first place.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294770

What was the scientific reason for the YMCA requiring boys to swim completely naked while allowing the boys' families including the boys' sisters and female classmates to watch?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294656

>astronaut training takes 2 years
Is a space really that tough? No military training course this long

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Anonymous No. 16294639

Is quantum mechanics so insane?
Why couldnt be this simple thing, which makes sense.
It doesnt make any sense, it has no end.

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🧵 TheLeocode

Anonymous No. 16294617

Anyone able to figure this out?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294598

I'm weeks away from thesis submission, I've spent months and months writing over 100 pages, and now that I ask my supervisors to look at it, one of them just started editing it and rewriting sections without telling me
This has really annoyed me
It's supposed to be my work

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🧵 It is actually quite easy to build your own perpetual motion machine

Anonymous No. 16294583

This is a video called "The simplest Perpetual Motion Machine you can build at home - The Hydro-Gravitational Device"

YouTube Link:

It is based on simple principles of physics that take advantage of gravity, hydrodynamics, and vacuum. If you don't believe it works, you can easily build it at home for less than $10 worth of plumbing supplies, and see it working with your own eyes.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294582

What is your favorite prime number /sci/?
I think I'm leaning towards 11, but it's kind of small you know?

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🗑️ 🧵 Science says, without evidence, that there is no link between dna and intelligence

Anonymous No. 16294578

Science really is the shittiest new religion. At least scientology has cool things like space lords from billions of years ago.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294574

Can someone explain to me why ChatGPT is doing to get this and why more water gives you colder temps?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294562

Alien dude i was told you are here

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🧵 Age reversal when?

Anonymous No. 16294553

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294518

>particles that aren't real are pushing the plates together
ok scientists are really retarded now, why don't they just admit they don't know what causes them to attract?

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🧵 Why is medical science not advancing?

Anonymous No. 16294454

How come humans haven't figured out how to cure diseases and disorders yet?

Has huminaty already peaked? Will there never ever be cures for things like:

>chronic pain
>hearing loss
>autoimunne diseases
>reumatic disorders

What do you think?

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🗑️ 🧵 Homoesexuality's purpose

Anonymous No. 16294441

What's the evolutionary purpose for homosexuality? There IS an evolutionary purpose, not only do multiple species across multiple families demonstrate the behavior, but in humans, male humans have a prostate gland that's the 2nd most sensitive organ in the body. it needs to be stimulated in order to have good orgasms, and the prostate even cums/squirts if you put enough sensation into it, so, from an evolutionary perspective, the fact we have an organ that's literally dedicated to rewarding submissive males for buttsex shows there's some type of purpose to it. So, what is it? on a tribal-social level.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294437

an scientific experiment has been performed

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294433

what's the science behind the halo effect?
what makes someone, particularly a man, get better life outcomes by merely existing?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294413

Why are atheist scientists so disingenuous? They believe that life could have 'chemically evolved', yet willfully ignore things like chirality or Eigen's paradox. The odds of chemical evolution happening are so low so as to be totally unbelievable. I even found two legitimate scientists who say that the odds of life happening are 1 in 10^40,000th power. You may as well believe in God at this point.

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🧵 Exotic probabilities

Anonymous No. 16294404

In statistics in what situations can we speak of a

- negative probability
- probability greater than 1
- imaginary / complex or other forms of non-real probability


Also how can we practically conceptualize exotic probability? And what are the greater implications for both physics and pure math of exotic probability?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294381

Is there any scientific literature that shows how to stop procrastinating and to deal with difficult tasks that need to be completed asap? If so what are the best solutions to tackle this problem?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294338

Is it possible to use math to accurately estimate the initial number of holocaust survivors if you know how many were left 80 years after the holocaust? Would you need to use actuarial tables to do something like this or could there be a simpler method?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16294332

>watching through the wormhole
>episode topic "Is there a superior race?"
>Linda Gottfredson appears on the screen
>presents bell curve chart
>whites-100 iq avg
>blacks- 85 iq avg
>hispanics- 80 iq avg
>native americans- also 80
>asians- not specified but higher than whites
now here's the kicker
>ashkenazi jews- 110-115
Why mention jews at all and specifically ashkenazi jews in a bell curve chart about different races IQ?