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🧡 /cg/ - Climbing General #8

Anonymous No. 107234

The route setter known as 4chan edition

>Should I start climbing?
Yes. Get a friend, find your closest gym, go there and rent some shoes. Start with bouldering. Usually two colored tape-marks set the start of the route and the color of the tape is difficulty. Route is the same-colored grips up until the topmost grip (not edge of wall). There's usually a difficulty chart around the gym somewhere. Two hands on the last grip = you've sent it, congratulations.

>How do I start toproping?
You have to learn how to belay. Almost every climbing gym has toproping courses if they have toprope walls. Same grip-color system as with the bouldering, but here it's more common with each route having a specific grade instead of being within a range of grades. The grading system differs internationally and for style see here for more info:

>I just bought a BeastMaker 2000β„’, will I finally git gud?
No, you'll just fuck up your tendons. Google "Eva Lopez fingerboard routine" to learn how to use a fingerboards safely.

(Eternally remembered as /bog/)


Anonymous No. 107236

Arco Rock Master is coming up on July 29th. It's the biggest non-IFSC climbing comp of the summer and always features several of the world cup regulars.

Anonymous No. 107238

IFSC World Cup Briancon starts tomorrow! Just lead category for this one.

Anonymous No. 107251

Only comp I care about is CrackFest.

Anonymous No. 107262

Why are minorities under-represented in climbing and how can that be changed?

Anonymous No. 107263

i want to go to crackfest, i got a couple bucks on it.

Anonymous No. 107272

are the briancon lead qualifications streamed anywhere?

Anonymous No. 107276

Plz no.

Anonymous No. 107292

Why is climbing considered a reddit sport?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 107297

>Why are minorities under-represented in climbing
missing the godly spark of white people and east asians
>and how can that be changed?
it can't

Anonymous No. 107302

They're not underrepresented at all. They just climb different things (trees)

Anonymous No. 107320

i, too, like drugs

Anonymous No. 107348

Climbing is fun. I wish it wasn’t so expensive for a membership at my local gym

Anonymous No. 107372

Because its for spergs who don't have enough coordination to catch a ball, enough social skills to play as a team, or enough grit for combat sports

Anonymous No. 107542

Great semi-final round at Briancon. Women's side was very competitive. Men's side unfortunately had a tough bit at hold 41+ that a bunch of the finalists fell on. Jesse Grupper continues to prove he's going to be hitting podiums for some time to come. His surprise finals appearance earlier in the season was no fluke.
First: I hate you and people like you. How come you never complain about the wonky demographics of basketball? Eh? How can we get more white and asian athletes in the NBA, huh? Fuck off. Second: speed climbing has a completely different demographic. The top guys on the men's side are mostly Indonesian.

Anonymous No. 107551

Any books on climbing you'd recommend?

Anonymous No. 107554

What kind? Books about being a better climber, practical rope skills/alpinism or books about/by professional climbers?

Anonymous No. 107564

Live for the white powder.

Anonymous No. 107567

i'll be posting webms from the semis

Anonymous No. 107573

Sherman Exposed

Anonymous No. 107576

Probably the same reason why snow sports (skiing, snowboarding, hockey, etc.) participants are mostly white people; high financial barrier to entry. It costs a lot of $$ to get everything needed to participate. Another factor to consider is a lot of times the people who participate in these sports are in it because their folks did the sport as well. There are hockey families, ski families and of course climbing families, i.e. the Raboutous

Memphis Rox is locally attempting to change all that by not turning away anyone who can't afford day passes by offering people the opportunity to volunteer their time in exchange for gym memberships. Presently it's 5 volunteer hours for a month membership, which is a pretty good deal imo. My hope is that at least there, it'll create an opportunity for regular folk to go through the transformative experience that is climbing

Anonymous No. 107580

Anon if your mental game is weaker than you'd like I have a gift for you and everyone in this thread. I bought the book and then I bought the audiobook "The Rock Warrior's Way" by Arno Ilgner and I went up two grades by changing the way I interpret climbing.

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Anonymous No. 107581

Anonymous No. 107582


Anonymous No. 107583

Black people should learn how to swim before learning how to climb. There are no tragic stories of blacks dying needlessly because they couldn't send a V6.

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Anonymous No. 107589


Anonymous No. 107622

Did you like it? It reads like Sherman jerking off for me. I'm at page 60 and haven't picked it up back up

Anonymous No. 107624

i climb like jesse grupper

Anonymous No. 107634

like a fairy?

Anonymous No. 107714

Thanks I'll check it out.

Anonymous No. 107721

It's a little weird. I bet he's very good at outdoor. Anyway congrats to him on his first gold medal.

Anonymous No. 107902

Bouldering from the World Games last week. Moon commentary featuring Akiyo Noguchi. There are some world cup people in this but none of the biggest names. This was in Alabama and apparently it was crazy hot there at the time.

Anonymous No. 108043

>Nimrod Marcus
Do Jews really?

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Anonymous No. 108080

>brushes off chalk from holds
>re-applies chalk on holds again

Anonymous No. 108116

black people die all the time by "going for a swim" in lakes and ponds because they forget that they don't know how to swim
usually it's just drunk retard teens being retarded, but blacks unironically have higher bone density on average which makes it harder for them to float in water.

Anonymous No. 108251

geekclimber was right, chalk is a cope

Anonymous No. 108259

>chalks up
>blows excess chalk off hands
>dips in to chalk bag a second time

Anonymous No. 108407

>chalk up
>running start problem
>missed completely, didn't touch any holds
>"hmm, i better chalk up"

Anonymous No. 108485

I saw her and a few other pro climbers in studio bloc as they were doing a training session on the way to a comp.
She actually looks that fucking divine. Insane how pretty some women can get.

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Anonymous No. 108486

>not using chalk as part of your mental game to focus
>mfw I even chalk up on mostly feet heavy slabs
>mfw chalking makes me feel safe and strong

Anonymous No. 108489

Chalking up compulsively is more like an excuse to fidget. You get nervous and insecure so you find something to do with your hands.

Anonymous No. 108492

What is the highest indoor bouldering grade you guys have sent?

Anonymous No. 108503

But I started around a year ago, so there's still plenty of room to improve (I hope)

Anonymous No. 108508

>6B+ in Germany
Dunno how that translates to freedom gyms. I've heard from quite a few that the US has the softest grades and UK/France have the hardest amount of sandbagging. Germany is somewher ein the middle I reckon.

Anonymous No. 108509

Why is the transition to 6C so hard to make?

Anonymous No. 108516

But I started around a year ago, so there's still plenty of room to improve (I hope)

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Anonymous No. 108520

V7 once but mostly I climb 4/5. I've been climbing regularly for 4 years and plateaued at this grade for almost that long.

Which is plenty strong enough to climb cool shit outdoors so I don't really mind. Maybe once I run out of awesome 5.9s to climb I'll get more into training.

Anonymous No. 108521

>Why is the transition to 6C so hard to make?
Because most gyms tend to steepen the curve around that mark.
I remember reading that early grades up to V6 differ wildly from region to region but things tend to equalize from that point on worldwide.
Anything below V5/6 is mostly there to flatter your ego and get you hooked.
Only the people actually focusing on proper technique, strength, tension and flexibility tend to break that plateau.

If you want a decent gauge your actual skill level just go to fontainbleau. Most gym "6C"s wouldn't even be considered a 5b there.

Anonymous No. 108571


Anonymous No. 108601

V8. But it played to my strengths. One of those "This is my route, it was made for me!" kinda things. Normally V5-V6.

Anonymous No. 108622

The only 5B ones I have done have been with jugs that are easy to hold on to. The hard part is that the wall is usually angled and it's a long route. I guess that means I have the strength but not the technique?

Anonymous No. 108623


Anonymous No. 108647

My gym grades in ranges. I can sent most of the V2-V4, but I've only ever sent two of the V4-V6, so my highest grade is probably V4.

Anonymous No. 108717

Rock Master in Arco started, stream's a bit funky atm but I hope they'll fix it before the climbing itself starts

Anonymous No. 108730

Interesting format, never watched this before

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Anonymous No. 108742

Using pic related format, I've climed one orange and most red. So I'm probably around 6c, 7a on a good day

Anonymous No. 108841

I got a 16 yo son who is a bit of a fag and I've managed to bribe his ass into joining me in the climbing gym about a month ago. He's currently sending 6a+ and will do 6b by next week. Am I raising weak sperm or should I be proud?

Anonymous No. 108851

why would you speak like this about your own son?

Anonymous No. 108895

"Asking for my son" Yeaaaa your """son""" is ok. You should chill out on the self depreciation anon.

Anonymous No. 108906

>No isolation
>Athletes can try to boulders in advance
Mickey mouse climbing competition

Anonymous No. 108913

Arco Rock Master has always been a sort of for fun event in middle of the world cup season. I do like the lead race though.

Anonymous No. 108915

Actually I changed my mind. The knockout format is entertaining. Great separation between the athletes. The limited attempt makes it more exciting and adds some pressure to flash the boulder. You still get some tops cause they practiced it beforehand but the route setters are allowed to change some holds. Great comp overall.

Anonymous No. 108918

I feel like the unathletic spergs get filtered out hard by anything above a V4 though

Anonymous No. 108920


Anonymous No. 109035

I feel like I only have energy to do 5 good climbs in the beginning of a session. After that my energy will ne noticeably drained for the rest of the session and every climb is just going to be worse and worse. Do I get tired too fast? Should I maybe take longer breaks?

Anonymous No. 109036

if you are new to this sport like me, then it will take time for our body to adapt, the longer we go the easier it will be to do harder bouldering for longer periods

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Anonymous No. 109059

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Anonymous No. 109060

based miho nonaka poster

Anonymous No. 109137

So I've been climbing for two months now about 2 or 3 times per week and lately my fingers hurt during the week, nothing to serious but noticeable.

Is this normal? Should I stop for a week or two?

Anonymous No. 109144

I'd stop for a week and if it's gone still keep it slow and easy for a month or so.
Maybe you've advanced in difficulty a bit too fast? Finger tendons take a long time to adapt

Anonymous No. 109222

I'll do that, I don't think I advanzed fast or anything but I'll take it easy for now

Anonymous No. 109233

I'd just try dropping down to 2 times a week. Also try to avoid doing more strenuous climbing like full crimps all the time. Where does it hurt exactly?

Anonymous No. 109574

Is a 6A+ on a moonboard basically the same as a 6A+ outside?

Anonymous No. 109652

Bulk sessions are the best. To casually do the routes the casuals struggle with, and then simply move on and do 10 more. Hits right in the ego, good stuff.

Anonymous No. 109682

This is insanely true, nothing better then flashing a V3 tons of gumbys are struggling with

Anonymous No. 109754

I definitely know that feel, but it's poor form to flash a route that people are working on. I used to just climb every V3/4 in the gym on volume days but I noticed that half the time I climb something that a group is projecting they'll give up and move elsewhere right afterward. so now I skip those routes. no need to kill their fun.

Anonymous No. 109756

plenty of easier 6A+ outside then the harder 6A+ moonboard benchmarks

Anonymous No. 109803

Yeah I know, usually they ask for tips afterwards and I help them. Or, as most recently, a guy invented a new very interesting and difficult static beta to avoid dynoing, making it much harder. But we had some fun failing on doing it, then I showed how I did the route instead which has an easier solution.

Anonymous No. 109873

Sauce? reverse image search gives nothing

Anonymous No. 109919

based cloomber

Anonymous No. 109994

Any tall Chads in? Just mogged some manlet who is usually much better than me on a V7 slab where I could just reach through the crux. He acted nice but I could tell he was seething inside. Feels good

Anonymous No. 110008

Imagine thinking you're a chad when you get routinely schooled by manlets.

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Anonymous No. 110011

Non skelly bros.... It's over

Anonymous No. 110019

>Tfw almost identical stats to Adam Ondra
>I look like a ghoul while he looks shredded
It's not fair bros

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Anonymous No. 110032

>tfw im 180cm and 70kg

Anonymous No. 110077

At least I will get stronger dragging all that muscle and fat up the wall

Anonymous No. 110079

Isn't there a BMI limit?
Should be 20 for men and 19 for women but I guess it's 18 and 17?

Anonymous No. 110083

17 male and 18 female

women have naturally more bodyfat. odd that janja is under the competition limit here. I wonder when this data was collected.

Anonymous No. 110096

That's interesting, thought men had a higher limit due to the normal BMI ranges typically being 1 higher for men.

Anonymous No. 110124

I double-checked and it looks like that was an article from 2014. a more recent article from 2021 says males 18.5; females 17.5.

so it seems you're correct

Anonymous No. 110241

Anyone here experienced low-right back pain? Seems to go away during bouldering sessions (when I climb down) and mainly affects me at night when sitting at my pc or sleeping. I'm 19 and have a good BMI and awful low body flexibility am I fucked?

Anonymous No. 110242

>am I fucked?
Not at this young age, you can still undo A LOT of damage before 35~40
I'd go to a doctor or do physiotherapy if the pain doesn't go away after a few days/weeks

Anonymous No. 110474

why do i feel like there's not much more to talk about in this general

Anonymous No. 110579

I'm lurking for an answer to this >>109873

Anonymous No. 110593

How do I stop pissing my pants doing slabs where I have to trust my shoes to make my feet stick to tiny indentations in the wall, do I just force myself to do them until I grow accustomed to it? I fucking hate hate hate it.

Anonymous No. 110602

think like any other kind of fear management/training, helps to find a less terrifying version of what you're doing lower to the ground, or on a problem with lower stakes.

like finding a foot chip closer to the ground and steadily just working out how little of your shoe+weight you can keep on it without slipping off. stuff like that

Anonymous No. 110604

shin pads
just kidding stop being a pussy

Anonymous No. 110606

Go find some friction slab boulders outside that are low to the ground. They will teach you how to stand on nothing using friction alone. Indoor "small" holds will feel like jugs.

Anonymous No. 110621

>other people have climbed this route
>their feet are no stickier than mine
>therefore this foot will stick
>foot sticks

doesn't really help the fear but at least it keeps me moving

Anonymous No. 110665

Just do it, I've had bloody knees and shins from slabs but you just have to keep going

Anonymous No. 110685

Just stop being a pussy mate

Anonymous No. 110712

I don't care about blood, just the uncertainty of having no idea whether the nothing I'm standing on will spit off my feet without warning.

Anonymous No. 110736

Because this board moves slower than old people fuck and is just indoor climbers, check the general on /out/ it still moves slow but more topics than just "my fingers hurt should I still climb?"

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 110752

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Anonymous No. 110753

How well do you guys think gym climbing translates to outdoor climbing?

Anonymous No. 110769

it doesn't hurt. bouldering is probably easier to transition than rope climbing.

I've got a friend who climbs V10 indoors and can't even finish a V3 at the local bouldering area. I've got to think he's a bit of an exception though since he's autistic. He will just try the start moves over and over until he's completely exhausted, looking for the "right" beta which doesn't exist.

Anonymous No. 110780
1 hour from now

Anonymous No. 110796

would anyone happen to be going to the "top of the blocs" its a competition in carlisle uk on the 13th. im going but i dont have any friend and still want to climb with some people

Anonymous No. 110856

Your gym has to grade extremely soft if he can do a V10 indoors and can't do a V3 outside. It's usually like two or three grades lower than you climb indoors but not seven.

Anonymous No. 110878

like I said I think he was just mindbroken by the fact that there was no setter creating perfect beta. gym is definitely soft though yeah.

Anonymous No. 110879

What country?

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Anonymous No. 110880

three v8s two of which were apparently soft, lost track of v6-7s. I still take multiple days to get most v7s, so im comfy in my v5/6 range

Anonymous No. 110894

USA, ID. I've been to a gym in a neighboring state that was harder by ~1.5 V-grades.

Anonymous No. 111086

Every single time I' impressed again how hard Janja dominates.
She should climb with the guys, the other women have 0 chance to ever beat her

Anonymous No. 111280

Beginner climber here. Is is normal for my hands to hurt after climbing? Not the top of the skin but my hand internally. I’m not doing any permanent damage am I?

Anonymous No. 111294

>Is is normal for my hands to hurt after climbing?
No that's really weird actually, you might have been climbing wrong because my hands have never hurt after climbing

Anonymous No. 111321

Your finger and hand tendons and ligaments might be unused to heavy activity and need some time to get used to it. Climb shorter sessions and gradually let your tendons adapt.

Anonymous No. 111336

Thank you for the insight, I’ll make adjustments to my sessions.

Anonymous No. 111399

because the community is extremely efffeminate and run by women
why? because rocks are masculine and attract women
the opposite sport is surfing, the ocean is feminine and it attracts men

Anonymous No. 111400

Then why are ships called "she"?

Anonymous No. 111401

Gyms and sport climbing.

Anonymous No. 111402

men don’t ride men
in the case of surfboards theyre an extension of the penis which is why all hot surfer girls and the uberist of surfer chads are all longboarders
and yeah it’s mostly gym mentality, i’ve met some cool trad dudes

Anonymous No. 111422

>everything is about sex

Anonymous No. 111424

life is sex retard

Anonymous No. 111426

good day at the crag yesterday with the main belay bro. fun climbs on easy moderates and vibes.

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Anonymous No. 111429

> friend has been in Jew York for a week
> had a miserable time climbing without him
Muscles don't make you strong, friends do

Anonymous No. 111432

just marry him already faglord. better be quick anout it before clarence thomas starts dabbing on the gays.

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Anonymous No. 111433

You're right, I need to blow out his asshole before he proposes to his chink gf

Anonymous No. 111458

In the end we're all just animals.

Apart from that, holy fuck ratings in boulder gyms are useless. Ranges truly are much better.
Could easily do all 6B/6B+ in one gym, struggled with the 6As in another and managed 6C/6C+ in yet another.
When at gyms with ranges I'm always at the 'intermediate' range which often lies between 6A and 6C

Anonymous No. 111490

I'm getting goddamn worse. I've tried two problems I could climb with some struggle about a month ago, which I can't do anymore. It's so frustrating

Anonymous No. 111492

One time I saw a fat woman at my local gym, not obese but definitely 300+. I didn't think much of it at first but then I saw her climbing a v6 and I thought it was pretty cool. I'm 6'1 160 lbs male and I can climb v6 when I'm fresh.

Anonymous No. 111495

>not obese but definitely 300+
Are you American?? Because that's fucking obese what the hell!

Anonymous No. 111502

>saw her climbing a v6

V0 in my gym.

Anonymous No. 111509

Not only is 300+ morbidly obese, that's how fat you have to be to get your TV show

Anonymous No. 111511

>not obese but definitely 300+
Nigguh that's a fucking mountain of lard.

Anonymous No. 111552

Damn, I'd climb a V25 easily in 'murica if that's the case

Anonymous No. 111564

I might be retarded but she was twice my size and I'm 160

Anonymous No. 111575

God damn why are Hannah and Jessy so cute?

Anonymous No. 111595

The climbing goddess did it again to no one's surprise

Anonymous No. 111670

Could very well be, but 300+ lbs is obese, at least in non-american countries (unless she was like 2,50m tall)

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Anonymous No. 111678

I'm trying to break through my current plateau. The gym for reference I'm using is studio bloc, which occasionally has world cup athletes doing sessions when passing through.The grades here are color coded (pic related)

I can currently flash most (60-70%) blue problems and top pretty much all, given a session or two. I only manage to do the occasional white one, when it suits my style (pinchy/ upper body heavy/ overhang), which is one or two every few weeks. Most of the time I'm lacking body tension and crimp strength for the white ones.

Since I'm a brute forcing retard I wanna start training with a weight west and focus doing overhangs on top of regular hangboarding. Anyone got a good plan or advice?

Anonymous No. 111681

Max hangs

Anonymous No. 111683

What you should try to fit in a week :

>2 sessions of finger training (fingerboard, campus board, moonboard)
>2 sessions of pulling strength training (one arm lock-off/negatives/pull-up, weighted pull-ups)
>core specific exercises at least thrice a week
>2 30 minutes sessions of mobility
To be done on top of climbing thrice to four times a week
If your fingers hurt tape up (look up how to tape properly) and swap intensity for volume on finger related training
It's also nice if you can fit cool and easy cardio and push sessions

A single session can obviously mix several elements of training for example :
>max hangs, max bouldering for around 1h-1h15(remember to have 5 min rest between each attempt during which you brush and figure out small but important details), 3 sets of assisted OAP for 5 reps, finish with core
Now this is quite a heavy session so it should be surrounded by a day of rest and a day with light intensity (such as lead climbing for example)

On a wider time frame while following the rhythm above :

>3 month of strength oriented training
>1 week of climbing with no other training
>3 month of explosive oriented training

rinse and repeat

Anonymous No. 111705

Sorry for the confusion, he should have said "niggers" should learn how to swim. Hope that clears things up.

Anonymous No. 111719

epic post /b/ro :)

Anonymous No. 111724


Tbh are you taking into account that the difficulty scaling is exponential?

IE every grade jump will take you a multiple of effort/time invested to achieve.

Also 6b-7b is a huge grade range. At my gym 6b boulders are very comfortable for me, but I haven't yet achieved any 7a or even 6c+.

Don't be surprised that there are lots of climbs in that color grade that you won't be able to do for a while.

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Anonymous No. 111732

That limit isn't enforced

there is no way in hell laura rogora isn't under 18 bmi

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Anonymous No. 111813

stasa she washed?

Anonymous No. 111828

>At my gym 6b boulders are very comfortable for me, but I haven't yet achieved any 7a or even 6c+.
There's a very tough logarithmic skill ceiling around here. From my experience, you either need to climb slowly very consistently for a _long time_ 5+ years to overcome it. Or to go very hardcore workout schedule unfitting for a person with a 9-17 job

Anonymous No. 111839

Please no, I want StaΕ‘a to be happy ;_;

Anonymous No. 111889

I see a couple of guys who climb really hard who I envy sometimes but they literally don't have a life outside of climbing and half work at the gym. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with my job when I don't even spend half of my paycheck but I think it would be a mistake to go full climbing NEET 15 years and be 40 with no carer

Anonymous No. 111902

She looks sickly...

Anonymous No. 111906

I join your struggle my brother.

Anonymous No. 111907

>tfw my only climbing friend moved away to toronto, meaning we can only climb together if I commute 2 hours there and 2 hours back
It's just not the same going alone. I'm too much of a sperg to make friends at my gym.

Anonymous No. 111911

Maybe comment on a route or give some beta to someone who is struggling, seems like that would be a good ice breaker.

Anonymous No. 111913

Yeah, I usually do. It's not that difficult to make small conversation, and I suppose I look more approachable these days because sometimes people even talk to me first. Yet it's ultimately just shallow pleasantries. I'm aquatinted at most with people there, but I never have the courage to make any further step. Doesn't help that I am physically incapable of asking out women for fear of rejection.
I suppose the answer is to just stop being a pussy.

Anonymous No. 112015

>I never have the courage to make any further step
That's stupid, you're already talking to them. this has got to be a troll

Anonymous No. 112021

Nay, I'm unfortunately too much of a pussy to ask their phone # or anything like that

Anonymous No. 112141

another thing that really helps is to take your time during the warm up and do the VIntros/V0s a ton first. That really helps a lot. As a beginner climber myself, I find that I want to rush to my "projects" and harder routes, and I injure myself in the process by failing to do a proper, long warm up.

Anonymous No. 112170

I just did my first clean one arm pull-up 1 hour ago and I'm pretty psyched, I managed to do it on both arm as well. Now onto the chest to bar/for reps/off a 20mm edge I guess.
Anyone else reached some nice goal of theirs lately ?

>t. 174cm 69kgs

Anonymous No. 112180

Fuck yeah anon that's sick. What was your training regime to get there? Did you record a video you could post?

>Anyone else reached some nice goal of theirs lately ?
Haven't climbed for weeks because my fingers are in snap city. Even pullups hurt :(

Anonymous No. 112227

I completely missed that there was climbing at the Euro Championships in Munich over the last week. Janja wins lol was the story. Oriane Bertone got bronze in bouldering! The event had individual boulder, lead and speed as well as a separate combined boulder and lead event.

Anonymous No. 112235

Thanks man, I used
A big key for me was to get into lead climbing, having a good split of high volume low intensity/high intensity low volume sessions makes this much more sustainable than when I was only bouldering
I'll try to get a video of it hopefully during this week

Anonymous No. 112276


chalk is like a sponge, u use it to dry up hands and holds, u want the thinnest layer that still makes ur hands bone dry or u reduce friction, clapping just makes the excess fall of

Anonymous No. 112277


hard to say most gyms dont go by normal grades but iΒ΄ve done some 7b on the Moon training board and i lead climbed 7b+ outdoor b4, iΒ΄ve also projected V11 outdoor with very close trys, i say i for sure did a number of V11 indoors over the years with maybe 1 or 2 V12

Anonymous No. 112487

Anyone else love hangboarding? There's something so satisfying about it. Most people I talk to say that they hate it and only do it as little as they have to

Anonymous No. 112608

>Anyone else love hangboarding?
I like it but like climbing more. It's fun to do when the weather is bad and gyms are closed

Anonymous No. 112717

I'm afraid to start it because everyone says you need to be climbing consistently for like 2 years before you can do it safely. I've been climbing for a while bow but usually in 3 month spurts before I focus on something else like running

Anonymous No. 112860

I've enjoyed skimming AMGA manuals. Most junk I've known but I've found some good things in there that helped when I was newer.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 112901

/bog/bros, i just need to share, i learned recently that cross-training isn't always so smart. I used to run + climb as hard as I could. I ran 7km and kept trying to beat my previous time 2-3 times per week(32m20sec, come at me), and then I climbed twice per week. But this isn't smart, no. First of all: the energy when climbing I found were a lot lower. I couldn't find that "little extra" to actually push my ability, I were always bound to work on bumping up my worst, instead of improving my best. And secondly, I never got any muscle aches or any indications of my climbing muscles actually growing.

But recently I stopped running hardcore, and just focus now on maintaining running stamina by running about 70-80% 1 time per week. Now I can really push myself climbing instead, and I have more energy for other hobbies and activities. Point being: don't overpush yourselves, since it won't give better results than doing it in moderation. Maybe it's all related to diet as well, not sure.

Anonymous No. 112902

/bog/bros, i just need to share, i learned recently that cross-training isn't always so smart. I used to run + climb as hard as I could. I ran 7km and kept trying to beat my previous time 2-3 times per week(32min20sec, come at me), and then I climbed twice per week. But this isn't smart, no. First of all: the energy when climbing I found were a lot lower. I couldn't find that "little extra" to actually push my ability, I were always bound to work on bumping up my worst, instead of improving my best. And secondly, I never got any muscle aches or any indications of my climbing muscles actually growing.

But recently I stopped running hardcore, and just focus now on maintaining running stamina by running about 70-80% 1 time per week, while keeping the twice per week climbing schedule. Now I can really push myself climbing instead, and I have more energy for other hobbies and activities. Point being: don't overpush yourselves, since it won't give better results than doing it in moderation. Maybe it's all related to diet as well, not sure.

Anonymous No. 112986

Can't believe IFSC thought they could get away with not streaming the youth world champs boulder semis and finals. Thankfully they are streaming the rest, speed and lead. Small indoor gym instead of the usual outdoor comp venue is a disappointment. There is no live crowd.

Anonymous No. 113004

I'm watching youth B boys speed shitting right now. Holy fuck these guys are putting up times that would win podium positions in the women's adult world champs.

Anonymous No. 113085

I routinely do V4s, the absolute highest ive sent was a V6, but to be honest it was kind of a pussy ass V6, all technique, so a much better climber just walked up and said "hey man let me show you how" and after he showed me I could do it every time without fail. Id say realistically I cap out at high V4 and low V5s. Been climbing a year in total time, but had a solid like 7 month break in between, so think im doing good all things considered.

Anonymous No. 113087

Really depends on the gyms style. Comp style gyms in america are filled with assholes normally that sandbag pretty hard. Glad my local gym is chill and they just try to do outdoor analogues and give a lot of room for lower grade climbers to learn and get better. There are definitely some insane sandbags when route setters from its sister location, which is all comp style, come and set for my local location. Mfers will give you like, one foothold, two dynos and call it a mid tier V4.

Anonymous No. 113099

How long have you been climbing for and when are you gonna put down that outdoor V11?

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Anonymous No. 113180


Anonymous No. 113199

A couple of V5, but Corona gymblocked me and there's barely anything to climb around here.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 113214

Climbing and /pol/ don't mix.

Anonymous No. 113228


Anonymous No. 113235


Anonymous No. 113401

you got a source for that bro?

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Anonymous No. 113423

i can't climb for now coz i injured my foot while cleaning my apartment :(

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Anonymous No. 113449

I thought she was 10 ft off the ground, lol

Anonymous No. 113456

V3 - help me bros

Anonymous No. 113546

holy crap sexo

Anonymous No. 113575

I'm getting good enough to have other people come to me for social interaction. I've worked so hard for this. I'm worthy. Feels good man.

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Anonymous No. 113598

>Should I start climbing?
>Yes. Get a friend

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Anonymous No. 113611

These are the only friends I need.

Anonymous No. 113621

Those aren't even friends

Anonymous No. 113647

you can always make friends at the gym anon.
You just have to be a regular

Anonymous No. 113656

Do they ask to borrow your chalk? Do they maintain eye contact as they dip their hand into your bag while mentioning how much they like fingering your sack?

Anonymous No. 113658

just joined an adult bouldering league with 3 pals. pretty exciting stuff. there's even a pizza party.

Anonymous No. 113660

No, I'm not that good yet. One day.

Anonymous No. 113813

Is being able to flash V4 a good enough starting point to start hangboarding regularly?

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Anonymous No. 113964

ai mori is back and she qualified first place in womens lead in koper

Anonymous No. 113981

Why are the japanese so good at bouldering when they're so shit at literally every other sport on the planet?

Anonymous No. 113985

Not a very popular sport in most of the world, but since its popularity has risen a lot recently I expect the ability level to rise sharply in the next couple of decades, along with more participation from the rest of the world. Japan will fall behind.

Anonymous No. 114021

god damn that was an impressive performance by ai mori. we all know janja will win but ai being short af and almost topping the route while everybody not named janja was struggling is really something else

Anonymous No. 114074

Can't even praise a female climber without adding "she's not Janja but" nowadays.

Anonymous No. 114089

call me when janja sends a 9b+ route. i heard she's planning to send la dura dura, until then she's just an indoor merchant

Anonymous No. 114098

take it you don't watch combat sports

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Lead finals __ Ko....jpg

Anonymous No. 114226

Congrats Ai-chan!

Anonymous No. 114233


Anonymous No. 114261

>takes a break from competitive climbing to study
>returns and btfo janja, again
>refuses to elaborate

Anonymous No. 114294

absolutely fucking based, I kneel Nippon

Anonymous No. 114357

a man of culture

Anonymous No. 114358

ping pong?

Anonymous No. 114399


It cost like $200 to start climbing.

Kinda alot, but if you split your first pad with a friend, it's $40 of shitty shoes, $20 for chalk, $75 for your half of the pad.

Nothing wrong with outdoor sessions like gym sessions

Anonymous No. 114401


You can hangboard at any level. Just depends on the weight you're using. You can start any time, just don't lift your feet all the way off the ground at first. Etc.

Also grades are so damn subjective, like walk up and flash 3 out of 5 V4's outside? Or do gym V4s at big gyms? Generally if you're flashing V4, you're probably crimping 20mm holds regularly on 15 degree overhangs and such, so hangboarding should be nothing

Anonymous No. 114410

You also need location, gym, park or otherwise. Easier for some to just grab a basketball and find a hoop.

Anonymous No. 114562

i dont want my usual gym to smell like monkey, so no. They can keep throwing ball in hoop

Anonymous No. 114588

I’ve never done indoor but do V5 outdoors. Not sure how translates

Anonymous No. 114619

Thats about a V3 indoor

Anonymous No. 114716

that is like v7 indoor where im from

Anonymous No. 114731

V2 for me (home gym)

Anonymous No. 114784

v5 outdoor in colorado is not that easy. i climb consistent v8 in most gyms in the state as well. any coloradans here who climb outdoors?

Anonymous No. 114834

I climb v7-8 outside and v8-9 inside at DBC (small Colorado gym chain). On the other hand I max at v6 on the moon board, that shit is hard

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Anonymous No. 114916

No judging

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Anonymous No. 114928

miho nonaka owes me sex

Anonymous No. 115293

>The International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) can confirm that the IFSC World Cup Edinburgh will go ahead as scheduled. This follows consultation with The British Mountaineering Council and GB Climbing after they received Government guidance regarding sports events in the UK, following the sad news of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen.
>During the event The British Mountaineering Council and GB Climbing will observe a media blackout. As an International Sports Federation we have a duty to continue to provide the global climbing community with information and results from our events, however, during this competition, on official IFSC channels, the media output will be reduced out of respect at this time and in support of the home nation event organisers.
>Our thoughts and condolences are with The Royal Family and everyone around the world mourning the loss of Her Majesty The Queen.
Based IFSC

Anonymous No. 115349

also deutscher here
I've only ever climbed Via Ferrata in the alps until yesterday, where my company went indoor climbing as a Teambuilding exercise but now I'm hooked. Shit was so fun, I managed up to a 5- but that was the best I could manage in running shoes. As for bouldering, they only had color grades so I managed up to pink/red? I'm definitely going to book the next course to learn out to toprope/use grigris.

Anonymous No. 115357

>on official IFSC channels, the media output will be reduced
does anyone know what this means?

Anonymous No. 115358

you need a north korean vpn to watch it

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 115527

0-1 Valkia
2-3 Volkmar
4-5 Eltharion
6-7 Skrolk
7-8 Heinrich Himmler
9 fap to porn instead

Anonymous No. 115528

Fuck I'm retarded...

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 115565

rolling for a new partner

Anonymous No. 115568

Stretch, legs and especially hips not your back

Anonymous No. 115572

Uhhh the fucking guidebooks?

The vertical mind.
Disclaimer: haven't read it.

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Anonymous No. 115581

>get notif from ifsc youtube channel
>it's speed shitting

Anonymous No. 115585

fuckin nerd

Anonymous No. 115586

so a false start in speed automatically disqualifies you?
that's so easily rigged, no?

Anonymous No. 115627

how is the dbc? never tried it out

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Lead semi-finals ....png

Anonymous No. 115723

*sends your route*

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Anonymous No. 115727

*seethes in your path*

Anonymous No. 115728

>those twig arms
Does she weigh like 80 lbs?

Anonymous No. 115731

probably lighter

Anonymous No. 115745

>medical scrubs

Why can't she wear yoga pants like a normal chick?

Anonymous No. 115748

based jesse grupper btfoing the entire mens field

Anonymous No. 115751

Can't wait to see Janja btfo that growth-stunted gook

Anonymous No. 115758

>btfo by ai mori

Anonymous No. 115759

>in time pressure situation
>refuses to rest
>just continue climbing
based nippon, i kneel

Anonymous No. 115760

it's over janja bros...

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Lead finals __ Ed....png

Anonymous No. 115762

stay winning morichads

Anonymous No. 115763

>not yoga
>wear yoga pants

Anonymous No. 115764


Anonymous No. 115782

yoga is japanese for V4 at my gym.

Anonymous No. 115811

What is this strange monkey-like thing?

Anonymous No. 115812

>in speed
How the fuck should I know?

Anonymous No. 115824

Doubt they make yoga pants in XXXS. Think I would honestly feel sick seeing those twigs.

Anonymous No. 115828

>China Media Group (CMG) has reached an agreement with Olympic Broadcasting Services, the host broadcast arm of the International Olympic Committee, to produce international broadcast feeds for four sports at Paris 2024.
>CMG will produce feeds for Sport Climbing and three other sports – badminton, gymnastics, and table tennis – during the Olympic Games Paris 2024. Sport Climbing will be featuring in its second edition of the Games in France, having debuted last year at Tokyo 2020.

Anonymous No. 115839


Anonymous No. 115870

They make yoga pants for children. You should check them out.

Anonymous No. 115877

why is the ifsc geoblocking europe on their youtube wtf
Was able to watch the finals video yesterday but i cant finish watching the rest of it today lol

Anonymous No. 115890

janja btfo
glad you saved this, heard about it but she had deleted when i went to look lmao

Anonymous No. 115926

No thanks, it is disturbing enough for me to believe you.

Anonymous No. 115960

Based Nippon, I kneel

Anonymous No. 115961

>why is the ifsc geoblocking europe on their youtube wtf
Spend the money and get Eurosport, goy!

>Was able to watch the finals video yesterday
Yeah, no clue why they did that but I liked it, fuck VPNs)

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 115962

Why do libtards love this shit?

Anonymous No. 115981

No clue but I think that's only in the big cities?
Out here where I live there aren't any extreme lefties in climbing

Anonymous No. 115982

skelly physique

Anonymous No. 115986

no vpn required

Anonymous No. 116050

not sure, but it sucks. i want to start doing some lead climbing but trying to find a normal partner in the gyms seems... unlikely

Anonymous No. 116071

how the FUCK do I get over FALLING. I'm afraid but I'm strong, and ive got technique. I feel better as I type it out but I get these irrational thoughts about my knot being fucked, or the rope breaking, or hitting something on the way down. I gotta make it anons. what now?

Anonymous No. 116078

-eco fash people like climbing
-it's noncompetitive at low levels
-it's not uncommon for girls to be really good at it (though climbing styles will vary significantly for different body types)

For me, as a chud, I enjoy climbing because there are a lot of hot asian girls into it.

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miho nonaka.jpg

Anonymous No. 116082

Get in line, bub.

Anonymous No. 116107

>the rope breaking
Just get out now

Anonymous No. 116217

best setting in colorado for the outdoor focused crowd IMO, routes are more focused on strength, small holds, body positioning vs. dynamic and coordination focus you see in bigger chains like movement. DBC also has a 24 hour membership option so you can go at 5am or whenever, useful for those who work nights and such. finally, they play better music then the big chain gyms and the people are generally cool and focused on getting better at climbing.

Anonymous No. 116255

>my knot being fucked
You don't have buddy-checks where you're from? It's climbingculture here in Sweden, belayer checks the climbers knot and have clear verbal queues before starting the climb

>or the rope breaking
If your rope doesn't have any visible damage, and it's less than 20 years old, there's no problem

>or hitting something on the way down
that's fine and some battle scars only make you look cool

The biggest risk is if you're trad climbing on unclimbed/rarely climbed cliff where there's falling rocks and/or loose cracks where your gear placement might slip out. Bulted sports climbing outdoors is also very safe, only risk is runout, which can be caught and helped by a good belayer

Anonymous No. 116269

>>or hitting something on the way down
>that's fine and some battle scars only make you look cool
100% this, as long as it's just a blood shin or elbow it's cool.
Worse things luckily don't happen that often

Anonymous No. 116603

Train falling indoors. There are major pros who do fall training to get used to the sensation of falling both bouldering and on rope.

Anonymous No. 116615

When I belay, I slide my braking hand up like technique 2 here, but too many people at my climbing gym have bothered me saying to only do pbus (technique 3). Why are climbers insufferable faggots that always have to correct you for no reason? Just belaying a buddy and some fag comes along saying I’m belaying wrong because I’m letting go of the rope (I’m sliding my hand in a loose fist bc I’m lazy and was top roping). I said idc bc gym climbs have plenty of friction so nothing could happen and then I got a multi minute tirade about why it’s important to do pbus.

Anonymous No. 116616

Forgot to link vid

Anonymous No. 116620

My gym are sticklers about using tech3 and they claim it's because of the insurance policy the gym has to take as a business, which I feel makes some sense

Anonymous No. 116696

I hate them but I also hate you too

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Anonymous No. 116750

>Why are climbers insufferable faggots that always have to correct you for no reason?

No one wants to see your friend go splat because you're too lazy to give a proper belay. You are wrong for letting go of the rope that's rule #1 for belaying. Scroll to the bottom of that article you linked and re read the last sentence.

Anonymous No. 116751

>Why are minorities under-represented in climbing?
My theory is they're priced out because they don't tend to have friends that do it.

Even at its cheapest, climbing is an expensive hobby - you first get hit by high upfront costs for shoes and gym membership at expensive gyms, even if you just want to boulder. It's at absolute lowest minimum gonna be 500ish a year before you even start meeting other climbers in your life and get to touch a wall.

That said, that 500 only buys you the right to boulder. If you want to do anything besides boulder? You either need a friend to teach you how to belay or lead, or pay 100-500 bucks in classes and for the harness. Don't find someone to top rope with you or who'll share their lead rope? Sucks to be you, loser, pray you can rope a non-climber friend in, ponzi-scheme style.

The above is optimistic, too, and are the cost-conscious version of climbing. May god have mercy on your wallet if you want to go climbing outdoors. Even if you just want to boulder, if you don't have a friend to mooch off of? You're dropping 200-500 in pads. If you want to toprope or lead? If you don't have friends with gear who can share? You're dropping 300-2000 bucks basically immediately on ropes/helmets/belay devices/quickdraws and will be feeding the beast money for the rest of your climbing career due to typically high travel distances and gear degrading or being lost - and remember, even with ALL this, if you don't have any climber friends, you can't even get a belay.

And the above is STILL the cheap version of climbing. The moment you think about climbing trad? Don't have a friend with gear? Take your wallet out back and shoot it in the fucking face, because it and your soul now belong to REI.

Network effects are massive. You MIGHT be able to make a friend group out of people at your gym or in your area - but if feel you can't or that there is a serious risk you won't, because you don't "fit in"? Then you see the price and steer cleer

Anonymous No. 116765

wtf I love climbing now!

Anonymous No. 116774

Indoor climbing, the primary entry point for most people into the sport, started in America in Seattle in 1987 and by association got associated and intermingled with early stoner culture, the remains of the hippies, Seattle leftism, environmental liberalism, and tech, blue sky computing, and early tech utopianism due to proximity to Microsoft.

People from Seattle and those who were influenced by their contact with the sport then spread it across the country to other gyms, and generally re-seeded it in the same way the sport was originally transmitted to them: in ways inoffensive and likeable to people who like the above, and disagreeable to chuds.

Anonymous No. 116775

I appreciate your effort post on our mongolian basket weaving board

also as a POC, the perception of climbing (and camping and those types of hobbies) as a (rich) white people sport is pretty prevalent amongst people I hang out with/grew up with. Kinda like golf, but I think that's even less "outsider-friendly" or whatever you wanna call it. But unlike golf, seen climbing become slowly more embraced which is cool.

Also I know some gyms in my hometown do a thing with lower income people where they basically just comp their membership--no idea how often people actually do it or are aware of it though.

Anonymous No. 116783

>geek climber in denial that chalk improved his climbs

Anonymous No. 116789

>When I belay, I slide my braking hand up like technique 2 here, but too many people at my climbing gym have bothered me saying to only do pbus (technique 3).
I've literally never seen 1 or 3, everyone I know only uses 2 and I've also never seen anything else in my typical gym (I'm 95% of the time bouldering, so it's probably not worth much)

Anonymous No. 117142

Does anybody here take creatine and have found it improves their performance or will I just be wasting my money?

Anonymous No. 117146

I thought those were the 4chan clovers from the shrunken image.

Anonymous No. 117154

congrats, you finally read the fucking joke in the OP.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 117158


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Anonymous No. 117199

Anonymous No. 117204

Oof, gotta watch that!

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Anonymous No. 117294


Anonymous No. 117327

I'll give you the lazy /fit/ spiel of it's one of the most studied substances and has well documented benefits. ie not a waste

also I use it (and used it before when lifting) and feel it helps

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Anonymous No. 117370

Any advice for recovering from shoulder injury? Grabbed a jumping overhang with my right arm at my max range of motion and felt it "pop", shit still feels weak and sore more than a week later and acts up whenever I try to mantle on it.

Anonymous No. 117424

What are some good forearm exercises? Specifically endurance?

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Anonymous No. 117438


Anonymous No. 117455

>speed shitting relies on electronic timers which are easily rigged in order to lessen the time or disqualify someone due to a false start.

Anonymous No. 117514

6a+ very happy about that one, just did it today, 5th time in any climbing gym so not bad? Small holds and only 5/6 of them but the wall was leaning away from me

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Anonymous No. 117519

Pic related yellow are starting holds and red is finish, you could use those triangle domes

Anonymous No. 117648

He's such a retard

Anonymous No. 117807

>being this paranoid

Anonymous No. 117821

Looks fun

Anonymous No. 117848


get a piece of rope and repeat knots while watching tv, what knot u do 8 or bowline?

do fall training climb up and fall into rope from higher and higher

climb more

but to be honest some people just worry way more during climbing then others, u just have to get more confident/secure to compensate

Anonymous No. 117849


leftist people are more open and tend to try new stuff

leftists generally do less backbreaking labor and work less hours

leftist go to college, a lot of people start climbing in college

leftists more likely to not be fat

Anonymous No. 117850


- the sooner u realize ur weird the better

- finding a climbing partner is hard, you trust each other with your life after all

Anonymous No. 117873

6a slab. I cant strongarm 6a’s with overhang because of injury in tendons thats ontop of my shoulder. [spoiler]Still think i cant do them because of shitty footwork though[/spoiler]

Any tips for rehabilitating a fucked up rotator cuff tendon injury? Im gonna see a sports therapist soon but i really wanna start doing small stuff before i go to make myself feel better.

Anonymous No. 117918

North Idaho. Great climbing and outdoor shit in general. Sane people.

Anonymous No. 117920

Thanks for the 'advice'.

Bought one of those massage gun things to ram the shit out of it and rested it a week, seems to mostly be better now.

Anonymous No. 118042


cant really heal tendon besides give it time and rest, only helpful thing u can do is stretching to losen up the area and moving it steadily over the day to increase blood flow, avoid stiff or repetitive motion

Anonymous No. 118162

Fucking hate this injury so much i almost broke down in the climbing gym. Thank you for the tips anon.

Anonymous No. 118177

wtf janja was in my climbing gym earlier today
t. sg anon

Anonymous No. 118235

Did you sniff the floor where she sat?

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Anonymous No. 118299

Ok gusy, where did you find easy gains?

Specify your:
>boulder grade (outdoor grade or true to outdoor grade)
>climbing history
>preferred wall (roof / overhang / vertical / slab)
>preferred hold (crimp / sloper / pinch)
>what specific training did you do that seemed to unlock stuff to you for a minimal effort?

boulder grade 6C, absolute max 6C+
climbed for 1.5 years, 3 times a week
preferred wall roof / overhang
preferred hold crimp
I started focusing on pinchy problems. If they had one I climbed it and repeated it each session. Occasionally did some training with pinch blocks. Seemed to help with almost any kind of climbing and any kind of hold. Nowadays crimp is still my preference but I started enjoying all kind of holds, even slopers which I really hated before.

Anonymous No. 118324

Magnus Midtbo said in one of his videos that finger strenght made all the difference for him

Anonymous No. 118332


Grade: Boulder 6b+/6c

Climbed since 2020 regularly, but lots of downtime due to lockdowns

Preferred wall: Idk, route matters more than wall type to me. I do enjoy puzzling out tricky roof sequences.

Preferred hold: atm no real preference. Hate crimps that are just between half crimp and full crimp size. I generally don't like full crimping anyway, too scared to pop a tendon/ligament.

For me atm big focus points are finger strength (started hangboarding once a week), and core involvement (actively engaging the core to stay tight in certain positions).

Anonymous No. 118337

>V3s or outdoor 5.9s on TR
>9 months of sporadic ~2 a week sessions
>Jugs lol
>Actually watching other climbers and stealing beta
The last one got big gains, because at least at my level, usually my problems were and are that I literally don't even know how to approach a problem, not that the sequence of moves is impossible for me or beyond my personal abilities

Anonymous No. 118341

Grade: max V5 but average V4~, 5.11~ TR, 5.10b lead bc I'm a scared babby

History: First started climbing November 2021 but went maybe once a week. Actual consistent 2/3x week climbing since January 2022, minus this past month because sick

Wall: Slab or overhang

Hold: idk but I hurt my fingies crimping so I gotta do that better

Specific training: Biggest things that helped me were recording myself, consciously copying techniques from better climbers than me, writing down what happened or went wrong each problem/route, just generally thinking very deliberately about what I'm about to do or why I fell

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 118431

Does anyone's local gym offer personal training/climbing coaching services? Have any of you used a climbing coach or trainer before? What were the pros and/or cons of your experience?

I'm planning on breaking into this niche soon. Let me know some of your must-haves or general wants when dealing with a coach.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 118434

inspired by
- Start focusing on slopers, specifically on vertical and slab walls. Recognize your most obvious weaknesses, then work to strengthen them.
- Work on your mental game. You will inevitably have to use crimps in a variety of ways, so it's best to get comfortable with them sooner rather than later.
- Pick up THE ROCK WARRIOR'S WAY, and learn to identify the different parts of a route. Find the crux, then mentally work forward and backward to develop a plan of attack.
- Ramp up your exposure to crimps of various sizes, shapes, and orientations. Get some laps in on roof and overhanging terrain, and take care to avoid "paralysis by analysis".

Anonymous No. 118473

max duration dead hangs on a board, 1 minute on/1 minute rest on a circuit board

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Anonymous No. 118474

these are elite stats for a female climber
only 3 women have a sent a V15 boulder and maybe 5 or 6 have a 9a+ or 9b redpoint

Anonymous No. 118476

how much do you all think about skin care? my tips are basically always smooth and dont seem to generate enough skin between sessions
i cant tell if this is a problem or not, i dont have any pain or anything but seems like a lot of high level climbers are always talking about their skin condition

Anonymous No. 118478


climbing is 80% finger strength, dude i know look like a normal dad except this forearms and cruise a 7c like its warm up, but also a guy who looks like he could crush anything but struggles at that grade

Anonymous No. 118480


if u mean climbing like with a rope, any "coach" working at the gym, should be competed enough and necessary to teach u the basics of safety and how to use the gear

if u mean bouldering like on a mat, coaches are generally not worth it, as most of them are on a very basic level even struggling with anything beyond very basic concepts and most times canΒ΄t even send 7aΒ΄s, youtube content for climber is a good resource understanding techniques and helpful tips, an introductory session might give u a good start but beyond that just climb and seek information yourself

Anonymous No. 118492


Ok gusy, where did you find easy gains?

- try harder
- stronger mental
- evaluate moves / adjust beta to your strengths / be more creative

Specify your:
>boulder grade (outdoor grade or true to outdoor grade)
climb:5.12c/7b+ outdoor boulder: 7B (benchmark moonboard in less then 3 trys) / flashing most 7a/b on Kilterboard / 8a maybe 8a+ peak (indoor speculated)

if u wonder for yourself, grades can be assumed by the generally accepted way, giving +1 compared to the time it took

example 4 me:

flash: 7A
1-3 trys: 7B
1-3 session: 7C
1-3 weeks (10 sessions): 8a

depending if a route is or is not favoring you it can be a -/+

so a route taking me like 5-8 session could either be a 7c+/8a or 8a+

>climbing history
10 years, 95% boulder indoor, but have done everything including multipitch climbing
>preferred wall (roof / overhang / vertical / slab)
>preferred hold (crimp / sloper / pinch)
>what specific training did you do that seemed to unlock stuff to you for a minimal effort?
boulder/climbing project specific muscles (i.e. pushups for press routes)
technique esp. feet placement (takes basically no effort physically)[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 118494

I make sure my callouses don't build up too thick because otherwise, they will literally rip off your skin on some future climb. Light scrubbing with a pumice stone in the shower is good enough for me.

My wife says I give the best deep muscle massages.

Anonymous No. 118495


skin is genetically, some have good some bad, skin in climbing is a resource similar to stamina if routes take a lot of skin you just have less trys

Anonymous No. 118498


get one of these basic forearm trainers, the rubber ring type are the most practical, pump it for until u fell the tightness (30s-2min), squeeze for 10 to 30 sec do 5-10 reps more, increase step 1 duration until u max out then get harder ring

Anonymous No. 118695

I tried taking it for a while (3g/day) but it made my tummy hurt. Didn't feel a noticeable improvement, but I was only on it for a month and a bit and not climbing super hard in that period.

Anonymous No. 118710

Bros is there any way to bail off a slab? I feel like I'd just smash my face into every hold on the way down if I slip so I'm always super static on them

Anonymous No. 118715

push off the wall

Anonymous No. 118767

Never climb a slab again. Run from your problems and fears.

Anonymous No. 118772

> Outdoor v9, Moonboard v10
> 3 years
> 20 - 45 degree wall.
> crimps, small pinches
> Moonboarded 3 times a week. ticked everything on the 2016 set up to v8

Anonymous No. 118835

linking NEW THREAD since op is a fucking faggot

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 118881


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 119264

fag thread btfo

Anonymous No. 119273

>>boulder grade (outdoor grade or true to outdoor grade)
Indoor around 6B/6B+
>>climbing history
1 year, mostly indoor bouldering with a Bit of top rope (afraid of heights, so I'm bouldering 99% of the time)
>>preferred wall (roof / overhang / vertical / slab)
Kinda like all of them, mostly overhangs I guess
>>preferred hold (crimp / sloper / pinch)
Slopers, now that I'm getting a hang of them (hated them the first 8-9 months
>>what specific training did you do that seemed to unlock stuff to you for a minimal effort?
No clue, I'm still too new

Anonymous No. 119303

get outta here cocksucker

Anonymous No. 119315

probably deleted because it was made too soon? shame. it was off to a good start.

Anonymous No. 119319

Next time you wanna start a new general show some respect to /bog/ you idiot

Anonymous No. 119326

What weight is everyone? I've just hit 84kg, at around 16% bf. I climb 6c but struggling with progression which I think is down to overall grip strength needed to hold myself to the wall. Also small footholds I slip off easier than my friends.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 119329

lmao butthurt faggotron

Anonymous No. 119331

>show some respect to /bog/
This, know your roots
177cm and 77kg at around 15%bf
Could probably boost my climbs by a lot by losing 7-10kg but I'd rather get stronger first staying "heavy"

Anonymous No. 119334

74kg at 181cm

Anonymous No. 119351

171 cm and 60kg~
Skelly mode

Anonymous No. 119372

>my butt hurt so much i complained to the mods about it

Anonymous No. 119392

Just accept that your thread was shit and deserved getting nuked

Anonymous No. 119395

There's a bouldering place I want to check out, however I've never climbed in my life and sadly the trainings are in a time slot when I'm unable to visit them.

Are there any good yt videos on the subject? Any tips for first timers, any unwritten rules?

Anonymous No. 119399

The only thing you really need to know is how to fall safely, which at most gyms they will teach you before signing you up.

There's a bunch of technique stuff you'll pick up from climbing/watching people climb. Try to keep your arms straight to reduce the work your biceps are doing and use your legs as much as possible. Here are some yt channels that I found helpful. You should go climb once before watching them though.

>any unwritten rules
Take turns with other climbers and check that a climb you're going to start doesn't overlap something that another person is already on.

Good luck Ema

Anonymous No. 119451

>Unwritten rules?
Unless you're alternating a climb with someone who also can't finish it and you're working it out together, or they give you the okay, avoid "spraying beta" where you tell people how to do the climb before they start or make suggestions about what they should do while they're on the wall.

Many people see bouldering as a problem solving exercise and want to figure out solutions on their own, and dislike watching others do a climb they care about or other people telling them what to do. They see it either as unnecessarily annoying (they already get it, now they're trying to do it) or as a spoiler (you're ruining the fun).

Anonymous No. 119495

Thanks for the help, anons!

Gotta check these out, although I have another random question: what about shoes? Do I really need those shoes dedicated for bouldering or can I go bare feet? And how do I know the difficulty of a route? Is it based on color or the shape of the handle?

Anonymous No. 119497


That thread actually had discussion on anchor systems and rope work not just "hurr my fingers hurt should I keep climbing" jannie lover

Anonymous No. 119502

188cm, 65kg. I don't even want to know my body fat percentage.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 119504

what the hell bro

Anonymous No. 119515

You can rent shoes. Most places won't let you climb barefoot, and some will only let you climb in climbing shoes. It's absolutely worth using proper shoes.

Some places shoe the difficulty using the colour of the hold. Others use coloured tags on the start holds. Just ask when you go to the gym.

Anonymous No. 119525

I can climb V8 but any burly shoulder or compression moves shut me down pretty hard

Anonymous No. 119526

>Some places shoe the difficulty
You sure like your shoes

Anonymous No. 119563

I used to be 66kg at 186 so I feel you, bro. I stopped running and switched entirely to weight lifting, started eating more than ever, and now, after 6 months I'm roughly at 78kg. Keep up the fight, brother.

Anonymous No. 119723

I want to go to a bouldering gym but all my friends are out of shape. Will I look autistic if I go alone?

Anonymous No. 119736

yes, but so does everyone else

Anonymous No. 119792

you will look fine. you are there to climb not socialize

Anonymous No. 119806

My local gym has a no-singles policy

Anonymous No. 119809

90% of people are alone it's just like a regular gym

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 119817


Anonymous No. 119823

we're still on page 6 you fucking buffoon. your thread is going to be deleted again. this is a slow board: wait until page 10 before making a new thread.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 119825

again with your pozzed fag thread?
reuse the OP or get fucked

Anonymous No. 119839

I wanted to go alone but now you made me nervous.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 119844

>>>/pol/ is that way.


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 119847

>le pol boogeyman
get new material cocksucker

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 119849

>big chosspile energy
Lol did the team kids flash ur proj, brah?? :p get a life

Anonymous No. 119851

You were right, he's an annoying faggot

Anonymous No. 119870

I can finally understand why normal people hate climbers

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 119877

>normal people hate climbers
Wtf are you on about mate, normal people don't give much of a flying fuck about us they got their own lives to worry about far removed from what we do
And the vast majority of climbers are normal people not a weirdo contingent who post on 4chan
Touch grass, bro...or some rock...climb out of your basement and join the real world sometime lmao

Anonymous No. 119944

If wood pushers can get multiple threads why can't we

Anonymous No. 119947

fucked around and got a triple double

Anonymous No. 121126

why is this new thread so fucking gay?

Anonymous No. 122721

Why the fuck did the other thread get pruned? fuck these gay ass mods

Anonymous No. 122726


Anonymous No. 122758


Anonymous No. 122760

New and proper thread