
cris's unsto....png

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903963

I present you with cris and his unstoppable progress

Anonymous No. 903968

It's bad enough that he posts his garbage here, you don't have to do it for him.

Anonymous No. 903971

Please take him back I'm tired of him shitting up /agdg/

Anonymous No. 904035

>implying it is not cris that made this thread

Anonymous No. 904063

We don't fucking want him either

Anonymous No. 904085

If anyone has an image dump ready of cris pics I'll be glad to spread them around, seeing how th
strong the psychological effect his wendy's model has on anons.

Anonymous No. 904376

I became fully convinced that cris is actually mentally ill once he posted about his rape game.

Anonymous No. 904377

...it took you that long?

Anonymous No. 904406

And I'm 100% positive that all the frogposter threads and maybe 3 more threads are from him too. Why that retard is allowed to pollute the /3/ catalog is beyond me. Don't you have mods on this board?



Anonymous No. 904567

pixel art in 3d is very easy.

Anonymous No. 904569

Can you fucking faggots stop shitting up this board? This shit ain't funny, it wasn't the first million times either. Fuck off.



Anonymous No. 904592

Who's this Chris again?