🧵 Animations
Anonymous at Sun, 26 Jan 2025 08:01:05 UTC No. 1006243
I'm noob, can someone help and explain how to make animatons like that in blender? Just manually move every single bone frame by frame?
🧵 I do not pay for the software that makes my assets
Anonymous at Sat, 25 Jan 2025 01:31:15 UTC No. 1006158
Therefore, I do not charge for the assets that I make
🧵 Disney stole 3D model
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 18:14:15 UTC No. 1006140
Disney is still selling stolen 3D artwork and never apologized to artist. Keep your eyes peeled.
🧵 How do I convert Blender Models to SFM?
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 16:34:06 UTC No. 1006130
Hello, I've tried to convert this Blender model using Crowbar, however, my materials folder isn't working. I tried to use the VTFEditor to create the VTF archives and put them in this folder, but it's still not working. What can I do?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 14:52:55 UTC No. 1006124
How do I get more unique simple objects in blender with script? I need to create like minimum 3600 very simple objects like cubes and they cant be instances because I have to run operations on all of them. Right now if I try to do it it freezes 4.3
🧵 I want to create my own character models but don't want to Rig.
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 12:48:42 UTC No. 1006119
My primary goals are to create characters for my own games and animations. More than anything I want to focus on animations and character designs. I'm operating solo trying to do stuff but I've realized that 3D is so multifaceted that it's very very difficult for a single person to be good at all of it. I understood this conceptually but until I really started making my own projects I realized why these pipelines are so specialized. I want decent quality rigs, and it's not like I don't think I have the capability to make them but it's just such a time and skill investment that I want to dedicate to my main purpose which is animation and character design. I don't have the money to pay someone to do this so I guess I'm in a tough spot.
🧵 Blender Chads we are thriving
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:22:30 UTC No. 1006070
That being said what is your excuse
🧵 Anime General
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 06:22:55 UTC No. 1006048
Previous thread : >>997198
Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
Recommend Youtube Channel :
🧵 Assets assets assets
the chair nerd at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 19:22:24 UTC No. 1006019
Every day I make assets for various purposes and clients. Low poly anon's thread made me want to make a thread where I post weird random shit I make from scratch/ ai / download and modify every day for my clients. Almos all assets are quickly made just for illustration and context purposes so don't expect perfect models. So I'm posting some of the assets I make until I get bored, thread prunes or the world explodes.
Lets start with some sculptures made for a client that collects them and wants to see them in his new apartment. Technique: Photogrammetry from a video taken by the client and then processed for low res and multicolor.
🧵 the industry is shifting
Anonymous at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 16:49:16 UTC No. 1006009
>yhou'll never get a job woth b;lender
🧵 Help to create txd file for gta sa
Anonymous at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:17:47 UTC No. 1005995
I want use this pokemon 3D model https://rigmodels.com/model.php?vie
Any hint? the dff. model works great in my game but I'm stuck with this issue related to the txd. file. This is my first time making a skin from a 3D model that's not something from gta sa so no idea what im doing wrong.
I'm using autodesk 3d max 2012.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 06:21:37 UTC No. 1005992
Will it be more lucrative to try and make indie 3D animations, Make indie Games, or just make models. It kind of seems like animation isn't very prophetable.
🧵 Open weights AI generated text-to-3D and image-to-3D
Anonymous at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 03:21:53 UTC No. 1005981
Open weights AI generated text-to-3D and image-to-3D
also supports hybrid inputs (give it an image and text)
Try free online, no account needed:
download models for free:
*also includes a separate model called "Paint" for creating and texturing UV maps from a mesh input
*The output mesh is a trimesh object, which you could save to glb/obj (or other file format).
🧵 Rhinoceros
Anonymous at Tue, 21 Jan 2025 18:04:08 UTC No. 1005944
>solid modelers hate it because it's a direct edit tool with limited parametric capabilities
>polygon modelers hate it because blender has more features while also being completely free
>boomers who refuse to learn something newer swear by it for some reason
I get that people working in industries like architecture, civil engineering, and education like to use Rhino, but is it worth learning the program as a casual hobbyist?
🧵 Worth it?
Anonymous at Tue, 21 Jan 2025 03:03:02 UTC No. 1005890
I don't want to go to through the process of sculpting, retopology, rigging. So I'm thinking of just buying the character I need. I've asked around and it's usually 800 bucks. What do other anons think.
🗑️ 🧵 raw artistic talent
Anonymous at Tue, 21 Jan 2025 02:50:57 UTC No. 1005889
there is NO substitute for raw artistic talent
we all know that guy who has a gifted imagination from the start and makes miracles on the page/screen in just a short time learning
meanwhile, you and I have to work for YEARS just to get to a below average tier piecing shit together from scratch
all the reps we do in blender is cope, all the encouragement we get is cope, we have access to endless information and tutorials with the internet that professionals 20 years ago could only dream of and yet we can't get anywhere close to their level
the truth is, if you are not artistically talented from the very START, if it doesn't just click and come to you NATURALLY, you're better off quitting now
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 21:15:28 UTC No. 1005840
What's the best way to put the dress in that pose? Dragging in sculpt mode is just chaotic.
🧵 Furry Modeling Problem
KRCH at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:59:43 UTC No. 1005829
I don't like the way I do my face. Can someone tell me how I can improve it.
Also I will not mind criticism, it will help me to understand what I do wrong.
🧵 Pre-Rendered 3D
Anonymous at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:39:14 UTC No. 1005817
Hello, I’m making a computer game called Hypercoven. [www.hypercoven.rodeo - a demo is also on Steam]
The dream from the beginning was to achieve "2.5D" graphics like they were common around 2000, in SC:BW, RA2, Infinity Engine and such. [spoiler]I’m just a programmer.[/spoiler]
I’ve come a surprisingly long way now using cheap assets from itch.io, to the point that many units are at least isometric.
But for some of the remaining units, which are vital to the gameplay, it’s quite unlikely to ever find fitting ready-made spritesheets. So my next best idea would be rendering spritesheets from existing 3D models, as I understand there’s a lot more variety and flexibility in that space.
Throw any guidance and advice my way?
Actually I’m wondering if any Anon would be interested in doing this rendering for me. for money.
🧵 Unity: Scene Exporter OBJ
Anonymous at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 07:04:32 UTC No. 1005808
I'm trying to extract scenes from a Unity game for the maps (RWBY Grimm Eclipse, Steam Edition). Since it's an older game, after using AssetRipper to extract the scenes it defaulted to Unity Version 5.4.1p4 (from 2016) when I opened the project in Unity; though I've had the same problem that caused me to make this post before when using a slightly younger version of Unity (during an attempt to do the same process with UTinyRipper instead of AssetRipper). Since I'm working with an older Unity version, I don't have any options to extract the maps besides using the Scene Exporter OBJ plugin from the asset store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packag
My problem is that this plugin doesn't work for me. I should be able to click the file tab to get the option to export, but this doesn't show up for me, picrel (the left is how it should look, the right is how it looks for me). Anyone know how to fix this?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sun, 19 Jan 2025 13:14:04 UTC No. 1005763
Someone in my family told me straight up that he believes that 3d can be completely automated yesterday when we were talking about 3d jobs. I had to tell him that 1) you can only automate the simple stuff and 2) if you automate your art it looks like its been automated.
Who was right?
🗑️ 🧵 Questions for people working in industry art departments
Anonymous at Sun, 19 Jan 2025 02:14:35 UTC No. 1005737
>Is it really just having a portfolio that will make you seem like a yes man at the company?
>What do you need to know?
>What do you not have/or are expected, not to know?
>Are there Bibles that people are always textbook on in the company?
>Is it really fake it till you make it or is it actually “know how to do thing and you got the job”
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sat, 18 Jan 2025 22:02:02 UTC No. 1005712
Can someone tell me if the face rig control panel on the right is part of an addon I'm missing or if it's custom? This is all in Blender.