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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147590

Medically speaking is it a good idea to teach future doctors that telling fatties to lose weight is racist?

>Course Objectives
>1. Understand the concepts of race/racism, power, colonialism, patriarchy, and capitalism and their manifestations in the history of medical thought, education, practice, and research and shaping the healthcare system overall.

>Pre-lecture material:
>4. Read this article by Marquisele Mercedes

>Apart from quoted material, this article uses the term “obesity,” the medicalized notion of fatness, in quotes or censored as ob*sity as per fat liberationist conventions that reject the idea that fatness is a disease. The concept of ob*sity is used to exact violence on fat people, and fat activists regard it as a slur.

>It is proven that weight loss is a useless, hopeless endeavor. You are unlikely to lose weight in any permanent way and highly likely to open yourself to the myriad risks associated with weight cycling. The relationship between weight and health is also muddy. People often mention research that suggests that fatness (up to a point) can be protective, but this often only has the effect of scapegoating the fattest among us, the infinifat people who are only acceptable to acknowledge via mocking entertainment. If you decide (or are pressured to) pursue gastric bypass surgery in order to escape fatphobia violence, you may not actually lose weight — for some, the main outcome is disordered eating, an attempt to salvage the benefits of an incredibly harmful and risky procedure. No study measuring the association between weight and health outcomes comes close to appropriately accounting for the impact of fatphobia on an individual’s wellbeing, including how those impacts are likely the worst for the fattest among us.

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🧵 no theoretical physicist or philospher has ever answered this question

Anonymous No. 16147523

I have asked this multiple times and no one has ever given me a straight answer:

What astrophysical evidence would even possibly count as evidence that the universe is infinitely old? My understanding of the history of western thought is presuming the universe has/has no beginning is fundamentally a theological or metaphysical concern. No amount of finite evidence will ever confirm one over the other because the finite age can always be pushed back one layer of explanation so as to make sense with all of the observations made. What is the consensus on this dilemma in the theoretical physicist community? The way I see it is science simply has no say on whether the universe began to exist, unless scientists inject some metaphysical philosophy into their own theory.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147512

I fucking love science. Can you even imagine way back in the past when we thought that storms were caused by petty gods fighting on top of a mountain?

And yeah I like a good story, but eventually it's gonna bore me If it doesn't have that truth; That incontrovertible, testable, repeatable proof.

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🧵 >Line up smaller horse fossil to larger horse fossil

Anonymous No. 16147480

This is le… evolution?

I can't believe people have just arbitrarily lined up different fossilized animals in a row, always (no exceptions) with massive gaps, claim they turned into one another, and the vast majority of the general public accepts this garbage as science.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147403

My mom is white German and my father is italian, but I look pretty much 100% Greek and people have thought I look Arab even though I'm theoretically half white half slightly less white. Did my mother cheat with a sandnigger??? To make things even more confusing my older cousin looks fully white, and obviously she cannot have a different lineage? Any explanation on the meaning of this would be appreciated. How can it be that I look like I got all the Greek genes and she has all the white ones when I know it's supposed to be 50/50.

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🧵 Was this schizo onto something?

Anonymous No. 16147376

Looking back this doesn't seem so far fetched.

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🧵 Hybridization

Anonymous No. 16147372

Horses have 64 chromosomes and donkeys have 62 chromosomes, together they produce mules with 63 chromosomes.

If we were to take a sperm cell or an egg from a person suffering from either XXYY, XXXY, or XXXX syndrome and then taken a sperm cell or egg from a chimpanzee and used in vitro fertilization, would this produce a human-chimpanzee hybrid?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147354

>take philosophy of science class
>the high IQ STEMchuds are straight up laughing at what the philosophy teacher says half the time.


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🧵 What is the meaning of the cosmological constant?

Anonymous No. 16147341

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147247

Winning/losing are synonymous, you'll have no charicature if you don't see this. If you win something, someone puts a point there physically, you don't actually gain a life point. It can just as easily be considered a loss: what I assert is that winning and losing is more like magnets where it's win/loss/loss/win/loss/win/win/loss all the way through rather than specifically winning and losing, and gaining victories is a completely physical event.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147221

>heat water 10 degrees, nothing happens
>cool water 10 degrees, nothing happens
>heat wood 10 degrees, nothing happens
>cool wood 10 degrees, nothing happens
>heat dirt 10 degrees, nothing happens
>cool dirt 10 degrees, nothing happens
>heat plastic 10 degrees, nothing happens
>cool plastic 10 degrees, nothing happens
>heat steel 10 degrees, nothing happens
>cool steel 10 degrees, nothing happens
>heat your skin 10 degrees, nothing happens
>cool your skin 10 degrees, nothing happens
>heat or cool your """core body temperature""" by 10 degrees
>"OMG NO you'll die!!!!11 BECAUSE, uhhh uhh, REASONS!"

You really expect me to believe this bullshit?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147200

Consciousness is the most massive in the universe. Each contains information of billions of stars and each other.vvdyhw

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🧵 Moonbase

Anonymous No. 16147192

is this a realistic project? What are we going to do with it?

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🧵 Is Climate Change Real?

Anonymous No. 16147165

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147142

Does this represent the pinnacle of modern technological advancements?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147136

what is a hermitian operator

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🧵 Let's talk about ornithology

Anonymous No. 16147099

Did you know that we finally resolved the polytomy of Neoaves?

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🧵 Bones

Anonymous No. 16147083

Why do bones last so long? Do they ever deteriorate? Why does the rest of our bodies decay in short order, but bones remain? Is there any way to get rid of them?

Something that always comforted me is the thought of dying and eventually no trace of my corporeal form remaining. But bones ruin that, because fossils last for clearly an extremely long time. How can I be fully untethered from this world if my bones are still bound to this plane? What should I put in my will if I want my bones to be destroyed and entered back into the food chain as fast as possible?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147036

Why do kikes suck baby dicks?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16146999

Cross-posting from /g/, since I don't expect a lot of answers there.

I attend a cryptography course at uni. The subject of the last lecture is up for discussion.

So far we've seen groups, Pedersen commitments and RSA digital signatures. What's left is ElGamar encryption and zero-knowledge proofs. Some choices for the last lecture are:

- Groups from Elliptic Curves (construction method, space and time costs, support for bilinear mappings).
- One-time signatures from hash functions (Lamport, WOTS, resistance to quantum computer attacks).
- Signatures (EC)DSA and Psychic Signatures (including a brief discussion of implementation issues).
- Secret Sharing, multi-member signatures (Shamir Secret Sharing).
- Electronic Voting (commonalities with the above).
- Lattice-based cryptogaphy.

What do you think would more interesting/useful from the above? Do you have any other suggestion?

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🧵 Renormalization

Anonymous No. 16146996

Why is this necessary?
It makes no sense that a conventional calculation of a transition probability gives you an infinite result. What craziness lead to it, a division by zero?

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🧵 Electrostatics?? Orgone??

Anonymous No. 16146954

what the hell is happening here bros how is the water getting electrostatically charged and getting alkaline and showing a higher uv spectra by it just being in some box please someone explain the mechanism

i have made a diagram of the box the author used

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16146947

If sex drive is tied to your hormones (testosterone,etc) then how do you explain asexual people who have the same hormones but no sexual thoughts whatsoever?

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🧵 Joint Supplements

Anonymous No. 16146931

Hello, I am currently feeding my 35 lb dog EPA/DHA, Glucosamine, and GLM for joint support.

Is this too much? Will it cause toxicity or damage to organs?

230 mg EPA
230 mg DHA
100 mg Glucosamine
600 mg GLM

Per day.