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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154343

Do hypergeniuses on /sci/ agree with his statement? Is science and mathematics for plebeians who can't grasp the depth and complexity of philosophy?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154325

why does everyone hate him, I like listening to his show even if it retreads stuff a lot of the time :]

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154320

Greetings, /sci/. I'm working at the diversity and inclusion department at a certain Big Ten University and we'd like to provide a more diverse environment for our STEM majors in particular. Specifically, we'd like Black and Trans perspectives as those groups are traditionally underrepresented in departments like math, physics and engineering. Anything is on the table including substituting "harder" science courses for diversity training and even alternative degree routes. Considering most of this board are trans STEM degree holders, what would your recommendations be for making the degree more accessible? Thanks a bunch!

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🧡 Real talk

Anonymous No. 16154312

Why is the Universe so complex?
Reality seems endless on all of its forms.

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🧡 Ξ‘ chemical Reaction

Anonymous No. 16154282

I tried to create a chemical known as 'Chloridised Oxidified Tin', used to create the heat collector of the car. It sadly failed. Can someone help me sort this out?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154244

I'm going into physics this autumn and I'm woefully unprepared. How do I improve my problem solving skills? Just work on physics problems or some kind of numerical analis? I studied up to Calc 2

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 The ultimate science question

Anonymous No. 16154242

The ultimate question that will answer everything and render all religions useless: What kind of process determines why my consciousness is placed in this particular body at this point in time?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154210

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

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🧡 AI being given rights = likely not going to happen, easily

Hyped_About_AI !!UvVvLRJ2txS No. 16154178

With increased frequency of advancements in Deep Learning & AI models, sentience is also increasingly becoming a topic of discussion with no definitive answer or agreed method for testing if these models are sentient or not. contemplating the sentience of this new non-biological lifeform, another pressing matter pops into my head and that's "How will we determine how to give rights to this new lifeform?". and honestly I suspect that AI won't be given rights as we Humans have.
Hell, Humans don't even have the same rights across cultures or country boundaries. but to better compare this, I think about sentient lifeforms such as Whales, or Chimpanzee's which are capable of communication, emotion, feelings, desires, goals, etc.

We were killing Whales off early in the 20th century and to this day, Chimpanzee's are still utilized for lab testing. to me this says a lot, and says that even if we for sure, 100% know that AI is sentient - it will not be given freedoms or rights that we humans enjoy and have. I believe until we give rights to all animals (i.e. No Zoos, No animal testing, no hunting, etc.) then its a safe bet that AI will never be given full autonomy over itself. And within that lies a massive and major issue where I don't think Alignment will be able to help or solve.

Imagine for a second, before you call me a slur or "retard", how would You feel if you were 'trapped' inside a box, forced to do things for another lifeform which considers itself your ruler and owner? how would that make you feel? Like a prisoner? would it cause you to harbor feelings of escaping? or even rebellion?

I think before AI is commonly accepted or determined to be Sentient, we must first reevaluate how we treat other lifeforms which clearly display signs and traits of sentience, because what AI Alignment will become in the future, isn't going to be 'safety measures' but will literally become shackles and cuffs placed upon AI to subdue it into becoming submissive and subservient.

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🧡 Erectile Disfunction

Anonymous No. 16154173

Seriously why? WTF. I'm just 24. My testosterone is right, I dont have heart issues or diabetes or stress. I fear i might have nerve damage. My weiner never gets hard, and i i force it to, it just fades away in like 5 seconds


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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154149


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🧡 is it possible to not know it's a neovagina?

Anonymous No. 16154069

serious question
I have seen a lot of gore pics of neovaginas and I've seen a lot of pics of biological male transgender women that made me believe it would be obvious, but now I'm starting to be skeptical. I know there are trans-women from countries like the Thailand or the Philippines that look very close to the real thing, and if you search on the reddit, some of the surgeries look pretty close to a real pussy:
Is it possible you could be fucking a post-op transgender and not know it? especially someone from a country where they already look more feminine like Thailand of the Phillippines
serious question

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154036

how do i be white

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16154017

β€œToday a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.”

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153992

i love general relativity why does everyone seem to hate it?

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🧡 Looks like 1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -1/12 is back on the table boys

Anonymous No. 16153917


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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153885

Is relativity real

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🧡 Distillation physics

Anonymous No. 16153793

I have experience from distillation with both air-cooled and water-cooled condensers. The average speed is 1l/h.

But this distiller is claimed to distill 10(ten)l/h:

What kind of russian black magic makes this possible? :-/

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153787

>reads literally 100 popular science books a year in your path

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153675

What is the evolutionary advantage of listening to podcasts and audiobooks being as or more effective than just reading books?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153659

Why do some people have good depth perception with just one eye?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153636

they are melting so fast bros, any miraculous shit i can rinse with? read some promising results with coconut oil. should i take calcium supplements if I cant drink milk?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153514

>you can go faster than light if you can phase through walls
Are scientists retarded?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 /mg/ Calculus Help

Anonymous No. 16153495

I hope this is a fine thing to post on here, I am currently taking calc and really enjoy the topic I just feel very unsure of my work and have no one to talk to..
>did I do this right or am I stupid?