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🧵 Peer review.

Anonymous No. 16153432
What changes should be made to the peer review process so that the "peers" can't just rubber stamp the papers and let trash like this get published?
pic related: "the science" doesn't even try anymore, just copy paste the numbers lol.
this kind of low IQ frauds shouldn't even passed the paper writing because it's so apparent. the authors should've realized this kind of fraud is retarded but somehow it made it all the way through peer review.

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🧵 how do you cope with being low iq

Anonymous No. 16153401

anything more brutal than studying hard for a test and performing very badly, knowing people that studied less effortlessly, with much less stress, did better than you?
even with amphetamine and studying many hours for months. brutal.

it's the most demoralising thing ever. I am a beaten down dead dog today.

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🗑️ 🧵 Why don't people want Jewish Science?

Anonymous No. 16153385

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🧵 I hate sleeping. Why do I have to get tired and sleep?

Anonymous No. 16153370

What kind of shitty ass organisms are we that we have to waste 1/3rd of our lives being unconscious and stationary. It's so fucking stupid.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153317

Sending probes and robots is really good and all that, but I think it's important to also put actual people out there someday, that is how you get people excited to do space stuff. Do you want to live in a world where nobody ever get's to see Jupiter up close?

When it's safe to do so, obviously.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153288

>day 121 of unemployment
Getting a math phd was a huge mistake

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🧵 I'm a midwit, shill me textbooks to escape this phase

Anonymous No. 16153245

any /sci/ textbooks must read to not be pop /sci/ or midwit, I'll be reading them all the time
I love reading textbooks

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🧵 How do we reduce stem cells exhaustion?

Anonymous No. 16153239

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🧵 now give me my nobel prize

Anonymous No. 16153173

why don't we simply mine out minerals from sea salt water, and we get sodium + other minerals + fresh water?

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🧵 how do minerals tend to distribute themselves when put into an oil water emulsion?

Anonymous No. 16153166

How do minerals tend to distribute themselves when put into an oil water emulsion?

Like, you sprinkle some magnesium citrate into a vinegrette, where do you suppose its bits would end up hanging out?

Is it different when it's shaken or settled?

This isn't a homework question.

Pic is unrelated but it's funny that i happen to have it on my phone.

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🧵 Alcoholism and the science and medicine of liver disease

Anonymous No. 16153081

Why is the science behind liver disease seem so muddled.

I've read statistics as low as 5% on the low end of heavy drinkers to 10% to 20% on the high-end.

10% is the most commonly cited.

How much of this is scare tactics because 1 out of 10 heavy drinkers is not a high percentage, yea it's a risk, but I hear doctors talk as if every heavy drinker is going to get cirrhosis.

Why are their racial disparities with hispanics and blacks more likely to get it then whites. I never see stats on Asians.

It's also interesting that women are more susceptible to liver disease and cirrhosis but men are more likely to get it because there's a bigger drinking culture around men, although after graduating from college and seeing how some of those girls drink? I think that stat might start changing.

I read genetics factor highly into cirrhosis, does that mean if someone has a history of alcoholism in their family and no one ever developed advanced liver disease that that person is less likely to get it, versus someone who is an alcoholic and has a history of liver disease in the family?

It's weird that I read in some case studies that cirrhosis is reversible and other case studies that say it never is.

Are blood panels and liver function tests effective at detecting liver damage?

No, I'm not worried about myself, but my father who has been a heavy drinker all his life. He's in his 60's and his father and his father's father have all been alcoholics and none ever developed cirrhosis or liver disease and lived to be in their late 80's/ early 90's. I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject because I'm worried about him but there seems to be a lot of conflicting data that I can't make heads or tails of.

I also read that drinking coffee regularly and taking milk thistle can help fight the onset of liver disease, it won't sober you up, but it will help prevent damage.

Any med students or doctors or people who specialize in the liver who can help me parse through this data?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153042

Ok /sci I need some serious input here.
I am a 5, how do I improve to a 1?
I have been reading everywhere online but nobody is giving me good info on how you move up the chart which is the most important part.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16153022

>economy collapsing
>Exports collapsing
>demographics collapsing
>Infrastructure and buildings collapsing
>Food supply collapsing
>foreign investment collapsing
>Manufacturing and tech sector collapsing

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🧵 "Robot vs Cat: Who's the real retard?"

Anonymous No. 16153005

"YK, I had this wild thought: a body is key to consciousness. Like, consider a cat - it's not like it's got a ton of knowledge or data stored in that little head, but it's got a body and those instincts are fire
Take a robot, for example. You tell it to pick up food, and it'll do it no matter what. Even if you light a fire between the robot and the food, it'll just walk right into the flames. But a cat? Nah, it's got better sense than that. It'll avoid that fire like the plague
So what's going on here? Is the cat just more intelligent because it's got a body that can inform its decisions? IDK MAN, JUST MY TWO CENTS
PS: This post was created by an LLM (Large Language Model) so don't @ me, bros"

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152979

Has science gone too far?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152954

Hey /sci/, tell me about gravitons

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152927

>Imagine a room completely sealed off from the outside world. This room is so carefully sealed and shielded that no instruments or signals of any kind can penetrate its walls to obtain information about what’s inside. Every so often, some lucky individual gets randomly selected to enter this room. They’re given time to investigate the room’s contents to their satisfaction, but when they leave, the only information they can take with them is their memory of what they witnessed. They can’t carry any sort of physical evidence at all.

>Most of us would agree that, if enough people went into this room and enough of them came out of it agreeing about what was inside, their joint testimony would justify the rest of us in believing that the room contained what they said it did, even in the absence of physical evidence. Now, it’s true that, if the contents of the room were quite strange—say, if its contents appeared to contradict the accepted laws of physics—we might need a particularly high number of testimonies from particularly well-qualified investigators to convince us that the room’s contents were indeed as strange as reported.

>But if enough reliable observers came away convinced that the room’s contents contravened the accepted laws of physics, then we would be justified in relying on their testimony and adopting their belief about the room’s contents as our own.

What would it take for you personally to believe that some sort of afterlife exists?

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🧵 You are (not) my personal army.

kfir No. 16152863

The intellect is the most dangerous weapon ever developed by humans. A way to neutralize it had to be developed.

I dare (not) say, I could (not) manipulate your chaotic mix of arrogance and cowardice to deprive you of your capacity for reason if you are rude. I tested this today.

Righteous people have to practice a lot of self doubt to avoid erring like Hitler in the impunity we've developed. These kinds of statements serve to reassure in 2^n different ways.

Words have these things called meanings. I never knew learning Hebrew would give me mind antivirus from social distancing. For the longest time, I was so angry at paradoxically attracting the trouble of bad drivers that it made me question my sanity. Scholars, let's practice spatial-temporal distancing before your misdirected need for danger and play get us all killed in a most splendid apocalyptic way.

Have you callous lesser mortals (not) witnessed all the traffic accidents? Do you just tune out all the scam texts while being so buried in your phones that you can't hear people asking you simple questions?

If you want to impress anyone, including yourself, in calling me a schizo or self righteous, you need not even challenge me to an academic decathlon fistfight anymore. You just have to not fall for these.

I was taking dictation from my TA when I discovered this, so I (don't) take credit. But I dare (not) say, I may be first person to get Evangelion.

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🧵 Covid Vax Confirmed Deadly

Anonymous No. 16152840

Its now official

Affected vaxxxxies to possibly be paid millions in pharma gibes if their court cases wrap up before they die

>AstraZeneca admits for first time its Covid vaccine CAN cause rare side effect in tense legal fight with victims of 'defective' jab
>AstraZeneca has admitted in court for the first time that its Covid jab can cause a deadly blood clotting side effect.
>Lawyers representing the claimants believe some of the cases could be worth up to £20m in compensation.
>Cambridge-based AstraZeneca, which is contesting the claims, acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that its vaccine 'can cause TTS'.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152814

Meta's AI hates trannys

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152736

I suddenly started feeling intense fear and panic and would start hitting myself in response to certain sounds when I was 9 or 10 years old. Other than that I was relatively normal throughout my life. Scientifically, what went wrong with my brain?

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🧵 The expansion of hte universe

Anonymous No. 16152659

>be galaxies
>emit light
>be earthling, seeing the light
>"the illustrious lightform-wave's frequency seems to be of an unusual constitution"
>drink tea
>realize the galaxies are getting farther from us
It is totally the virtual particles bro, this totally does not throw out of wack completely the theory of conservation of energy.
>but the uncertainty principle
>>>/reddit/ for being a brainlet.
Explain, /sci/.

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🧵 Spooky Science Thread

Anonymous No. 16152632

ITT we discuss /x/ type shit that is science related, I'll start:

Given a monist view of quantum information and the separation of the physical and the phenomenological being an illusion, could it be possible that celestial bodies could be conscious? Everything from moons to planets, gas giants, stars and black holes?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152616


Is this true? is technology and science really stagnating? yes these are my posts, am I an idiot?