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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152545

What is the technical name of this in Psychology?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152536

post titles of nonexistent papers you dreamed, imagined, or fantisised about.

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🧵 Informational Monism

Anonymous No. 16152529

/sci/'s take on this?–%20Igor%20Ševo.pdf

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152498

Does the AI lack creativity? Love how it just puts the extra square in a corner and calls it a day.

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🧵 5x+1

Anonymous No. 16152486

Recently, I've heard of the Collatz Conjecture (3x+1), and was intrigued by it. I then decided to test out the (5x+1) pattern, and found these results:

For the (5x+1) pattern, take a number, for example 5. If the number is odd, do 5x+1. If it's even, do x/2. Then keep on doing it. You'll notice that the numbers eventually fall into a loop. For 3x+1, the loop was 4,2,1. For (5x+1), however, for numbers up to 32011, numbers can fall into SEVEN unique loops. The names of the loops will be denoted by the smallest number of each loop. These loops are {1.0, 7.0, 13.0, 17.0, 121.0, 1151.0, 2037.0}. Now here's the question:
1. Are these the only loops possible?
2. Is there a recognizable numerical relationship between the starting number and the loop it falls into?
3. Can we predict the number of unique loops possible for patterns kx+1, with k being an odd number greater than 1?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16152393

Haven-1 Pathfinder Edition

Previous - >>16149899

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🧵 Is this guy a genius that BTFO all of current math academia or a retard posing as a smartass?

Anonymous No. 16152376

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152192

Someone explain this shit to me

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152191

What is the psychophysiological significance of morphology?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152175

BREAKING: NJ Wildberger definitively solves the twin prime conjecture.
You may not like it, but this is what infinitist math looks like.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152165

Isaac Newton wrote more about astrology and alchemy than he did about calculus and physics. Your response?

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🧵 Best College Degree for Working from Home at Own Leisure

Anonymous No. 16152148

I have insomnia that I've had since I was in middle school. It got so bad, I had to drop out of high school and get into online high school (which was based, since I was able to go through junior and senior year in just 6 months). I could kinda do college between 17 to 18, but I still depended on my Dad to drive me to school, and he wasn't able to take me to all my free tutoring sessions, and I missed some of my classes due to insomnia. (Whoops.)

I will turn 24 in June, and a lot of years have passed since I was in college. I have not wasted all these years, spending them learning all sorts of based shit in various different fields, but most of these fields aren't really STEM related. I did, however, teach myself algebra through calc 2 in just a couple months back when I was 21, so I strongly feel that I could teach myself all of undergrad mathematics in just a year if I just persisted with it and made sure I worked on it for a few hours each day. This wouldn't be unheard of, and I already have all the textbooks. The thing is, it's not like I would immediately get a high-paying job upon learning all this shit. If I do end up going with some non-math related college degree, could all this math knowledge come to help me out? I am also aware of the fact that you forget the things you learn with time. If I go back to math, I will have to quickly review everything from algebra to calc 2 before I move forward again, but my knowledge would be more solidified.

What should I get a degree in if I want to get a high-paying job working from home without any time constraints? Deadlines are fine. My issue is having to be at work from A time to B time. Bonus if this would benefit from lots of math knowledge.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152144

I feel like desensitization of medical staff in hospitals to fucked up shit do impact their mind pretty negatively to the point that they don’t really care if someone lives or dies at least to some extent. You guys think there’s anyway to fix this phenomenon? Of course there’s benefits to desensitization like being more calm but I also think it probably makes people less motivated making their work worse. Any studies or articles on this you guys know of?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152112

why are people like this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152074

I'm a mathematics graduate and I'm going to be NEETing this year. I started out quite motivated, studied some optimization and deep learning at the beginning of the year and was planning on applying it to real project. I was always interested on the intersection between biology and mathematics, and studied some neuroscience and organic chemistry just for the sake of it. I was also reading some Theory of Computation books. I suddenly realized I do not care about any of it. There's of course something personal that's going on, but it might also be that I realized that there's nothing exciting happening "behind the scenes". I spent months reading research papers, something I had never done, and I found myself underwhelmed by 99% of it. In order to focus the thread a bit more, I'm looking for books about mathematics/computer science/science in general that produced some sort of motivating effect in you in the past. Hopefully no pop-sci, it can be a well-written book about a (in your opinion) beautiful subject. I'm open to schizo stuff too (just read The Hidden Pattern by the AGI schizo the other day, and I've been reading some political stuff too).

Pic semi related

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16152049

>Tfw 85 IQ
>Tfw I'm literally worthless

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🧵 Mathematics

Anonymous No. 16151983

Does every non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function have a real part of 0.5?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151982

Scientifically, how do you deal with allergies without taking pills?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonynous No. 16151970

How do I get music out of my head?
I finally quit my podcast/music addiction, and tried reading. I've made a good deal of progress, but now I can hear a song once and its stuck in my brain on loop for weeks until its replaced with a different song.

I can't properly meditate like this.

What the fuck do I do?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151943


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151893

Is it true red meat gives you diseases like cancer and type 2 diabetes?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151860

Can any one of you math nerds help me how the author got 998,901 and 1,100 figures in picrel?
Shouldn't it be 989,901 and 9999?
I'm retarded with maths

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151849

>kills your big number

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🧵 Why Not Round Down at 5??

Anonymous No. 16151833

Numbers 1-5
5 Numbers
Numbers 6-10
5 Numbers
Wouldnt make more sense as such to round down at 5 rather then round up?
5 is the same number of digits to 0 that it is to 10.
Couldn't there be some rather broad implications of just having this as an assumption in math that we accept without reason???