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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151752

why did international space community think that shitskin have taken real sharpest image of moon from most filthy place and poophole of earth.
this look ai generated.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151604

We're reaching levels of tokenism that were never thought possible. How do Chuddies cope?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151554

I would take a bullet for this Chad, and if you wouldn't, you don't care about the genetic future of the human race.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151502

What's the Khan Academy of math books covering up to and including middle-school math? Khan Academy uses intuitive drawings to show why equivalent fractions work, why fraction multiplication works, etc. It also shows why standard algorithms like the long-division one work. But the books I've seen like Everything You Need to Ace Maths in One Big Fat Notebook just dump the rules showing why they work. I did find Understanding Numbers in Elementary School Mathematics, but this book goes too far in the opposite extreme with belabored rigor. Looking for a Khan-style book as in-between.

80 IQ btw.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151499

Was 102 IQ a year ago, declined to 92.

How did I become more retarded? Maybe I'm malnourished, I haven't been eating well lately.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151488

Will there ever be a cure for schizophrenia?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151427

as far as we know, no one has ever had sex in space yet.

Wouldn't it be a great marketing move from pornhub to produce the first porn in space? they should have enough money to do it, right?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151379

A server for rare individuals who possess both a psychopathic personality and high intelligence.

Are you one of us?


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151338

sleep is the default state of being
if it was not the default state of being, it would have been selected against long ago. Yet it remains.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151219

Are stairmasters and treadmills a meme?
If the centre of mass doesn't move, you're just moving your legs right?
I mean, ig it's better than nothing but to do actual work you have to move your body
And yes, I've made this thread like 2 years ago. Didn't get any answers then

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Anonymous No. 16151212

What are the long term consequences of tens of millions of people in the USA alone being reliant on prescription stimulants? AFAIK there haven't been any long term studies done on people who've been taking adderall or vyvanse for 20+ years. There may be some for ritalin but I believe adderall and vyvanse are the go-to drugs for ADHD these days. Adderall's been around since 1996 but you can't even do a long-term study for vyvanse yet because it's only been around since 2007.

What are the potential neurotoxic effects and adverse effects on the dopaminergic reward system over the long-term? Are we going to end up with tens of millions of people who end up reliant on this stuff for the rest of their lives because their brains are now too accustomed to outsourcing dopamine to a pill?

Has anyone had personal experience with being prescribed these drugs and then coming off them? A friend of mine told me about his experience with a pyschiatrist and it was frightfully unscientific considering the potency of these drugs. I assumed there would be neuroimaging involved but it pretty much amounted to her asking him very basic questions, things like "do you have trouble paying attention in class?" and "have you had problems with impulse control?" before sending him on his merry way with a prescription for pharmaceutical grade speed.

Has there been any progress made in the debate between environment vs genes when it comes to ADHD? It seems fairly obvious that it's not a coincidence that the rise of diagnoses has coincided with the rise of high-speed internet and smartphones, filled with websites and apps scientifically tailored to take advantage of the brain's reward circuity, so humans can be fed with more advertising and their online presence can be sold as marketing data.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151146

> Later that year, he attended advanced math classes at Cooper Union until he changed colleges in 1971.[27] From September 1971, he attended the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University studying mathematical physiology, but left without receiving a degree in June 1974.

What would have his math career looked like?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151136

how can i speed up my hair growth, scientifically? i already use a shampoo that has biotin (from OUAI)
left pic was september 2023 right pic was march 2024

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Screenshot from 2....png

🧵 Took LSD and Adderal and had a type of "mental break" and created this work of art

Anonymous No. 16151128

Took LSD and Adderal and had a type of "mental break" and created this work of art

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151108

Where are all the Aliens !?

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🧵 >AI getting a $20b investment

Anonymous No. 16151075

Damn! What advancements do you think we'll see?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16151013

What would have really happened if Superman spun the earth backwards like this?


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16150976

Is it possible for something like a vaccine program to cause mass psychological and behavioral changes in the population? If so, why would they want to do that?

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🧵 Genetics Question

Anonymous No. 16150960

Do phenotypes predict or indicate a mental or physical disorder?
Like Down's Syndrome but for Alzheimer's or Schizophrenia etc.

I saw this documentary called "Children of Darkness" and the first kid reminds me of somebody who has been in the news a few years back;

If you see it, let me know otherwise I'll say it in the thread later.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16150938

What was the verdict on the room temp superconductor news from last year? Do you all know what the lumps of metal actually were now? All I can find for news is the initial hype before anything got verified.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16150830

>10^26 planets in the universe
>Out of planets and moons in our solar system, we see water on 5+ of them
I'm thinking alien life is kinda probable

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16150794

How many researchers participate in the average research study?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16150694

A little quantity of bleach came into contact with my penis (and the head of my penis)
It hurt for two minutes then the pain disappeared. I put water on it.
Will I be right /sci/!?
(thanks in advance)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16150540

Is there any benefit at all in "losing your shit" or losing patience, or getting startled, or cursing, etc. For example if the fork you're using to eat slips off and falls to the ground, is there any benefit in saying or thinking "FUCK" instead of just staring at the situation without any reaction, just observing?

I don't think there is a benefit in losing your shit. It just makes you look like a retard and most importantly, it makes your focus worse, instead of cursing you could be seeing and thinking on what is happening or what to do next.