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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188905

We are Psychopathic Geniuses.

Only 1/31,560 people have a 160+ IQ, and only 1% of the population has psychopathy. Assuming probabilistic independence, about 1/3,156,000 of the population satisfy both criteria, meaning there are only around 2,535 of us in the world. Are you one of us?

Every human interaction induces a game. The player who wants to win the most sets the rules. Affective empathy and other forms of neuroticism set the bar for your capacity to take action. This bar is concerningly low for most people, bordering on the self-sacrificial if not outright masochistic. In effect, when faced with a purely rational opponent, such a person can never win. No intelligence makes one impotent; no lack of affective empathy and other irrational biases makes one incapable of competing at the extremes. In this sense, psychopathic geniuses are the ideal people, a superior people.

We labor to create an engaging environment for such extraordinarily esoteric individuals—a place free from the impotence of the ordinary, a place free from the irrationality of neurotypicals. We may look friendly on the surface, but make no mistake—there are no lengths we won't go to if you piss us off.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188861

Is he the next biggest scientist

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🧵 Which way, math man?

Anonymous No. 16188757

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188755

You are in charge of an eugenics program
Would you put IQ above beauty, or viceversa?

I have this theory that having an IQ above 120 is meaningless

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188738

Governing Dynamics, /sci/entists.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188673

How come scientists' predictions about global warming are always wrong?

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🧵 Abiogenesis and Panspermia

Anonymous No. 16188653

If meteorites from Mars impact the Earth all the time, could meteorites from Earth impact other worlds?

Could extremophilic life from Earth have arrived in other worlds in meteorites and evolved these past several billion years?

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🗑️ 🧵 I feel subhuman

Anonymous No. 16188608

>did well in school but mindlessly put no thought into my future
>did a mechanical engineering degree I had less than zero interest in
>do the bare minimum to pass
>have a paper pushing job
>feel bad about not having done a math or physics degree
>feel bad about not doing hard technical stuff every day during 9 to 5, rather than horrifically boring paperwork

Feels so bad. I squandered any intelligence that I had. If you're young, don't make my mistake. The only worthwhile path is as much math, physics, and computer science at university as possible, with the aim of being a software developer / PhD student / some other quantitative job.

I have three siblings that did engineering (not software) degrees and who are now doing engineering work. I get paid more than them. But they are contributing towards society and their jobs take some thought.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188554

How come doctors don't consider hygiene to be important anymore?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188541

Mankind if pi=3

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188480

looks real to me

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188429

what the...

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188409

>This bum splitting turd (coprolite) was found in 1972 beneath the site of what was to become the York branch of Lloyds Bank and may be the largest example of fossilised human faeces ever found, measuring a whopping 20cm (8 in) long and 5cm (2 in) wide! Analysis of the stool has indicated that its producer subsisted largely on meat and bread whilst the presence of several hundred parasitic eggs suggests they were riddled with intestinal worms. In 1991, York Archaeological Trust employee and paleoscatologist, Dr Andrew Jones, made international news with his appraisal of the item for insurance purposes: "This is the most exciting piece of excrement I've ever seen... In its own way, it's as irreplaceable as the Crown Jewels". The layers that covered the coprolite were moist and peaty. They preserved not only the coprolite but also timber, textiles and leather. Put simply, this is a fossilized human turd. Possibly the largest and – bizarrely – most valuable poo on record. It dates back to approximately the 9th century and the person responsible is believed to be a Viking

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🧵 New Nature commentary

Anonymous No. 16188388

Bizarre bacteria defy textbooks by writing new genes

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🧵 Redpill me on the Dyson Spheres

Anonymous No. 16188379

and even if they are found (nothing ever happens) isn't there a high chance those civs are already long gone given the massive distances

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188326

Smiles and birds wings work similarly, because there is tension-points A, B, C and D, and 4 jousts of inner movement that cause the smile or wings to flutter strangely and take off. That's how birds take off so well.

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🧵 Lightning question

Tk !IWmAMArV1w No. 16188321

While i was studying a thunderstorm started near my house. I took a video and stopped each frame where a lightning struck.

I noticed that only the tip of a lightning advances forward, while the part before it remains still until the lightning disappears.

I have two questions:
Why does the base remain completely still?
Why some lightnings hit the ground while others just cross clouds?

Gonna post a response to this thread with the second frame of the vid.
ps i'm trying a tripcode to see how it works

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188293

>mfw i used chatgpt to write the bulk of my thesis

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188281

Thoughts on “The Fast Track” - The optimal path to mathematical mastery? Some anon has been shilling it recently, and as a lowly rising sophomore in Physics, I dunno if it’s a meme.

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🧵 Linguistics

Anonymous No. 16188268

>linguistics and the study of language is undervalued in society
>iconography and the use of symbolism to structure thoughts and opinions
>opioid receptors that dictate creative thought stifled after myelin sheaths grow into adulthood

Why does every emotion and thought need an external stimuli, it feels like society tries to turn us into controlled cyborgs through iconography.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188267

What do you think about Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study? White parrents can raise your iq much more likely..

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188265

can you explain the physics of this Space Floppa? like what are the calculation here to get this thing into Moon orbit? mass of the thing, speed reached, height of orbit, fuel type and quantity used, time of acceleration, top-Gs experienced? anybody has the data?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188211

I will never look for something on an american website again

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Destroyer No. 16188206

1) A real number can be represented by a finite string of characters that uniquely defines that number. For example, there are numerous formulas for pi.

2) It follows that the real numbers can be arranged in order of their smallest possible definitions, from smallest to largest

3) If the real numbers can be arranged in the order of the lengths of their definitions, then Cantor’s diagonal proof is a faulty construction, since the diagonal number’s definition MUST be in the list and both out of the list at the same time.

4) Therefore, Cantor’s proof merely proves that one cannot define a number to be different than all other real numbers, and that this is the real cause of the contradiction.
