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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188201

What was the stupidest idea you ever had? Mine was in freshman year of highschool and I thought of trapezoid shaped vehicles that would drive over eachother instead of getting in an accident.

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🧵 Has using a bluelight filter helped your eyes?

Anonymous No. 16188134

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188073

How do you get good at mathematics if it's been long enough that I struggle with basic arithmetic now? The feeling of inadequacy is torturous now that I I'm taking computer science and remembered I only got through high school calculus by memorising

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🗑️ 🧵 I have an exam in 3 days and I can't study at all

Anonymous No. 16188038

I think it's still doable but there's so many things I have to cover that I just lose all motivation and procrastinate.
And the more I procrastinate, the more I lose motivation because it feels impossible to study the same things that overwhelmt me with even less time.

It's a vicious circle and I don't know how to break it and get back to studying. I can't afford to fail this exam. Please help. Thanks.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188035

Genius here. What do you want to know about biology... oh, you're a biology major? Impress me.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16188012

why is it that some people are just intellectually gifted?
why do they have some godling in their head that tells them all the solutions and answers to problems with little to no effort?

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🧵 GPT and AGI

Anonymous No. 16188011

Call me a retard if you want, but I don't get it:
On one hand I keep hearing that "a true artificial intelligence is perhaps a century away" or "it would require a Manhattan project times ten" and "Chat GPT is less smart than a rat" "it is to the human mind as a 1870s mechanical calculator is to a Iphone".
Yet, on the other hand, for decades I heard that passing the Turing test was to be the threshold where AIs would have reached the level of human intelligence and it seems that Chat GPT passes it with flying colours.
Sure, even the best versions tends to hallucinate sometimes, but otherwise it doesn't seem like there is much intellectual tasks it can't take or would plausibly be able to take in the near future.
If we put aside stuff like the Moravec paradox, what's the difference between a GPT and a human mind, or a true general AI, from the pure perspectives of its abilities?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187979

Can men get pregnant
I was just told they can

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🧵 Cute Math gf tries to prove a theorem

Anonymous No. 16187971

A brilliant mathematics student at France's top university the Ecole Normale Supérieure. On the day of her thesis presentation, a mistake shakes up all the certainty in her planned-out life, she decides to quit everything and start afresh.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187929

What's your take on the Holographic Principle and Entropic Gravity?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187843


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187765

Will the remaining Millennium Prize Problems be solved during this century?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16187755

10 days to launch - edition

previous >>16186005

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187744

I can't believe it's as simple as this but the reason why my life is going to shit is because I'm too retarded to pass my computer science exams

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187743


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🧵 IQ Test

Anonymous No. 16187718

Is Cyan the color of death?
Is Magneta the color of life?
Does God exist here?
Does God exist?
Is academias IQ, IQ, or AQ(academic quotient)?
Do academics have the right to represent intelligence?
Can evolution happen?
Has evolution happened?
Did we come from Monkeys or Lizards?
Does the Sun project a light prism?
Do all the black holes together create Hawking Radiation?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187704

Do Ashkenazi and Sephardic jews have a Semitic temperament and brain anatomy?

Recent scientific research by Davide Piffer and Richard Lynn suggests that Ashkenazim have the highest IQ of any ethnic group, and recent genetic studies have confirmed that Ashkenazim have the most high-IQ genes.

genes linked to higher educational attainment and intelligence are found to be higher in ashkenazim and east asians.

does this mean they simply evolved divergently in genetic isolation to have a higher IQ?

So, they are a Semitic people with a genetic temperament who simply evolved a very high IQ since the fall of Rome and migrations north into Germany.

complexion, stature, cephalic index, DNA, blood types, and Y chromosomes all suggest Ashkenazim are like 50% Palestinian/Levantine DNA.

I guess intelligence is just a genetic trait like height. There was strong environmental pressure to evolve a higher IQ.

ashkenazim have both a semetic/arab brain and a very high IQ?

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🧵 Wildberger solves the Riemann Hypothesis

Anonymous No. 16187655
Since as pure mathematicians, we can do such infinite computations (which we regularly do), the rest of the proof is trivial. QED

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187612

Is math invented or discovered?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187597

Mind is what the brain does, it is not a separate entity to the brain directly.

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🧵 One of the greatest scientific minds of the 21st century

Anonymous No. 16187587

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187556

It's afraid

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🧵 how does /sci/ calculate 243-87 in their head?

Anonymous No. 16187530

for me its: (43)+200-87-> (43)+120-7->(43)+113=156

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🧵 how to make a hydrogen bomb in your garage

Anonymous No. 16187527

how is it that a weapon developed nearly a century ago is still kept a secret?
i've spent the better part of today reading about modern 2-stage nuclear bombs which are fairly complex. so there's a lot of reading about older designs to try and learn the basic principles.
with the trinity and fat man implosion bombs, they used a polonium/beryllium "initiator" inside the plutonium sphere. beryllium captures an alpha particle from the polonium and releases a neutron, which is important for kickstarting fission.

there's like no fucking information about this thing. there are maybe two pictures of what it might look like and they're both different.
80 fucking years ago this thing was made. it's a 2 centimeter sphere of beryllium and polonium and there's a couple mockups based on what people think it might have looked like.

you can learn about basically anything online. even secret tech stuff, like old planes and tanks and stuff. or 'bad' things like how to make meth or explosives or nerve gas.
but the particulars of nuclear weapons are unknowable. the information about old nuclear weapons is vague enough, let alone modern ones.

how does that work? how are these things kept secret? how much of the information that exists is inaccurate or incomplete?
how have nations all over the planet either learned about these things or developed them independently and managed to keep it out of the public domain?