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🧵 /psg/ probability and statistics general

Anonymous No. 16187525

previous thread >>16174616

This is one of the boards newest generals. Fairly high activity due to edge lords trying to be funny but instead spreading facts about the absolute state of our world.

Intro stats is fairly easy, intermediate stats come the programming and we have already have several battles about what language is the best in the thread. Nobody uses SAS funnily enough, SPSS has had some people trying to joust the edgelords who are into R and C++, while the stata children are silent as usual.

Come one, come all. State your dumb questions, /pol/tardy or not. Some fairly useful and funny math is showcased in this thread.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187522

Determinist fags can’t stop winning

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🧵 Who out breeds who?

Anonymous No. 16187515

Given the concerns of european extinction, I had a question.

Assuming a group of people with european background and a group of people with African Background started having offspring, with niether group trying to spread their genes more than the other group, with relativly even distribution of gentics; who would the resulting generations resemble more earopeans or africans?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187496

>Cold water exists
>Therefore God good

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🧵 Wtf

Anonymous No. 16187466

Why do Americans use centimeters and millimeters but not meters and kilometers?

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🧵 Sundowning

Anonymous No. 16187456

As soon as the sun sets, with extremely regular and precise timing, my mood will drop heavily. My depression, anxiety, and loneliness are amplified by 3x. It happens with such regularity and correlation to the sun setting, that I swear it is biological and not just psychological. I looked into it, and it is a symptom of dementia, but I'm 99% sure I don't have that. Do any of you /sci/entists know anything about this? Any ways to prevent it or reverse it?

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🧵 Hey guys

Anonymous No. 16187453

Is this a rectangle or a polygon?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187443

Thoughts on the Santa Fe Institute? Underrated? Overrated? Give me your reasons.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187433

>windmills that self destruct in high winds

why is greenshit consistently always so cringe and lame?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187407

Do you think those gents what designed nuclear bombs ever got a stiffy from it? From their technical excellence and their immense power?

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🗑️ 🧵 /mg/ maths general

Anonymous No. 16187402

Agricultural analogy edition
Talk maths, formerly >>16160352

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187395

HPV vaccine causes encephalitis

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187376

You’ve gotten too involved the maladaptive behaviors, haven’t you

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🧵 are katz carnivora

Anonymous No. 16187349

what is exactly our proof of cats being related to dogs, wolves, coyotes, a bear?

>cat climbs trees
>cat uses its tail like primitive monkeys, its unlike a dogs tail
>cats resemble monkeys in many ways
>the difference between cats and monkeys is cat is completely carnivorous (this doesnt mean it should be in carnivora order of mammals though)
>cat has much smaller brain than monkeys but it has enhanced sight, hearing, smell and superior reflexes

what if a cat is part of monkey/ape lineage? the oldest monkey ancestor that still exist today

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🧵 DNA as a perfect quantum computer based on the quantum physics principles

Anonymous No. 16187318

this is huge

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🧵 Dawkins says transgenderism is a mental illness.

Anonymous No. 16187256

World famous biologist Richard Dawkins is now saying that transgenderism is a mental illness.
Is he correct?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187176

When I look at a magenta led from even relatively close it has a definite blue outline. Why is this, I am near sighted? This happens as soon as my eyes lose focus, around 1 foot but long before the light becomes a full spike blur.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187151

How were these made scientifically speaking?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187119

Do you think you're better than me because you're smarter than me?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187114

time and time again we encounter phenomenon and consider it to be something completely new only to discover that it is a different expression of something we already knew about.
soon it will be discovered that energy, matter, and force are one in the same.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

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🧵 Magneto and electromagnetic inductions

Anonymous No. 16186998

So something bugged me when I was watching X-Men: First Class.
When Magneto/Magnus was trying to manipulate the coin in front of Sebastian Shaw and his mother, he struggled because scientifically speaking, the 5 Reichsmark he tried to manipulate was made out of 90% silver, which meant it had a weak magnetic signature so he would not be able to move it since he doesn't have control over his powers. As in the manipulation of his magnetism, if you will
Given how we know that we can categorize metals into three groups to identify their magnetic material: ferromagnetic, diamagnetic, and paramagnetic, shouldn't it be duly noted on how Magneto is written as part of his strength to manipulate the magnetic fields surrounding the metals and not just the metal itself? Because if you take into account of ALL the metals he can manipulate (including possible metals such as nth from DC's Thanagarian maces and Uru from Thor's
Mjolnir), should Magneto's powers encompass the manipulation of those certain fields that are found MORE or LESS within the metals that are categorized by their magnetism or are his powers something that are all-encompassing to begin with? As in, non-discriminatory and regardless of magnetic strength? Because it doesn't make sense for him to manipulate silver with the same magnetic strength as iron or nickel, as gold and silver are not ferromagnetic.
I will also make a thread on /co/ explaining this basis of conjecture to better understand and identify the science behind Magneto's powers.
While we're on the subject, should we also take into account Faraday's Law when discussing the polarity of Earth's axis as we saw in the Ultimatum arc written by Jeph Loeb?

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🧵 What's the scariest theory you know?

Anonymous No. 16186981

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16186863

>"The mind has an effect on reality? What a bunch of woo-woo superstition"
>Wait? Did you just say that essential oils cured your illness? That's the heckin placebo-rino effect!"

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16186854

Would you support universities changing themselves to where the only undergraduate degrees are math, physics or chemistry? Then if you want to be an engineer you can go to a professional school like law or medicine? Seems like this change would help universities gain the respect theyve loss due to the humanities and soft sciences making college seem so easy.