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🧵 Why this correlation between MPB and heart disease?

Anonymous No. 16272786

What's your hypothesis?
It's time MPB should be taken seriously, not only as an inaesthetic superficial thing, we need to pour more money into research to defeat MPB (norwood 3 signing off)

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🧵 Energy production

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16272782

With all the theoretical sources of energy out there, what technology are we most likely to invent first that will make our energy needs a thing of the past? What's the ultimate source of energy? What could we do with infinite energy?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272716

How are they different? I just don't get it.
I failed thermodynamics 10 times already, twice per year. I passed now all of the courses in my physics degree but thermodynamics. This shit just makes no sense man

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272699

>apply for a job with very specific experience requirements
>have 7 years worth of experience for the job and can cover all other requirements
>basically be the perfect candidate
>receive email asking to take an abstract reasoning test
>manage complete only ~26 out of 33 problems in 30 mins
>receive email: "...we've decided to proceed with candidates who are more aligned with the requirements for the role.:"

why do companies do this for non-entry level jobs?
how is solving arbitrary tests a good measure of your worth and skills?
my gf who is working on her PhD said she would have done way worse on the same test as she was sitting next to me.
I wonder if there's a study on this and whether it actually works for companies or is it just an HR gimmick to make a recruiter feel less of a loser

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🧵 Is he right about physics?

Anonymous No. 16272611

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272547

Why is nuclear more expensive than renewables? Is it the lack of investment in nuclear increasing the cost of scalability? Or is it that the cost is a trade-off for increased output capacity, something that may be worthwhile in some ways?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272497

is this trivial or not

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🧵 automated construction

Anonymous No. 16272484

what's the latest study about this topic like?
automation of the constructing processes will be one of the core prerequisites of the future in our dream, since manpower would never achieve most of hypothetical large-scale structures : cylindrical space settlements, orbital rings, and dyson sphere.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272481

Just a single pixel jpeg.
Carry on.

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🧵 Itt: Shit groups

Anonymous No. 16272446

>forced to be in a group project
>one cunt is blatantly submitting shit he got off chat gpt
>about to write instructors tomorrow to get him removed and distance myself as far as I can professionally from this cunt

Let's hear your stories.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272431

>people who can't form images in their mind cannot instantly tell whether these shapes are the same or not

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🧵 Another Nobel Prize in Medicine at Stanford get caught committing scientific fraud

Anonymous No. 16272426
Yes, another one, because there was another Nobel Prize in Medicine, also at Stanford, was caught committing scientific fraud a few months ago. At this point, should we audit all research papers from the people who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine? To make an example. my guess is could be around 10-20% of all their published crap are fraudulent bullshit.
Remember that all the fraud that ever get caught are braindead copypasted stuffs so if those frauds literally just spend one or two hours tweaking stuffs a bit it would be impossible to get caught. the percentage of fraud in reality is actually higher.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272409

What would an island at this latitude in the middle of the Atlantic be like ecologically, climactically, and geologically? Also, would it have any big effects on Western European climate?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272373

>5 billion years left until the sun explodes
>after the anthropozoic mass extinction all there will be left on land is rats
>took 60 million years to go from rats to people
>took 4 billion years to start life from zero
Is there still any chance for life to go on?

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🧵 Why are all the vaccinated people losing their limbs?

Anonymous No. 16272241

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🧵 Are Rhinos horse pilled?

Anonymous No. 16272222

Or are they deer pilled?

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🗑️ 🧵 scientific proof that fags are not natural

Anonymous No. 16272203

1. Gay sex directly causes lower fitness via STDs, anal tearing, etc.
2. Therefore, if gay sex was natural, there would be evolutionary pressure to make it less physically harmful to human men.
3. There are no adaptations in the human penis or human male anus that make anal sex safer.
4. Therefore, homosexuality is not natural.

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🧵 science is dead

Anonymous No. 16272185

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272140

You could make really cool video game simulations with this. No other tech has the same fun potential as this one.

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🧵 Having Trouble Explaining an Idea

Anonymous No. 16272106

I was trying to explain how a vaccine that is 70, 80, or even 90% effective will hardly effect contagion rates at all, and that for a vaccine to be effective at preventing the spread of disease it needs to be at least 98% effective.

I am fairly certain of this, but am having difficulty explaining my reasoning, from a logical or mathematical standpoint. Are any anons here who agree with me able to explain it better?

I am sure there are people who disagree and your free to express your opinions on the matter, unsolicited as they may be, just please be polite and rational, I'm not looking for a debate.

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🧵 Is biological the highest level of technology?

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16272089

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Anonymous No. 16272004

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16271958

Have you ever noticed how high IQ individuals almost spend zero time listening to music every day, whilst midwits and low IQs tend to always put something on? Now peer-reviewed science has proven that there's a heavy link between listening to music for "sensation seeking" and being retarded.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16271942

ITT: times when movies got simple math wrong.
I'll start:
The monty hall is a simple problem yet the writers completely misunderstand it and give the wrong answer.
It would be largely correct in the usual formulation of the Monty hall problem, but it's wrong in this situation given that the lecturer admits the possibility that the presenter tries to deceive the player by opening the door because they want them to switch.