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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 952760

if i'm just starting my 3d journey should i orient myself with blender just go balls deep and pirate maya?

Anonymous No. 952761

Can you go away instead?

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Anonymous No. 952762

okay anon...

Anonymous No. 952763

But can you go away? You're not even a good troll. You're just mildly annoying in a place that has maybe ten active users.

Anonymous No. 952766

yes i can go away…. im sorry im so sorry ;-;

Anonymous No. 952774

Use whatever you like, OP. The most important thing is that you get started and keep going. You can learn other software whenever you like when you have the basic skills down.

Anonymous No. 953394

Interest in 3d has gone down 70% after post-covid. Why the fuck did you decide to learn now? Kek, there are better hobbies worth your time such as lifting weights to pickup women.

Anonymous No. 953407

Why is the demand for 3d not equivalent to, say, front-end?
You'd think there would be a constant, growing need for 3D images and animations

Anonymous No. 953437

Maya is baby mode compared to Blender. Make of that what you will.

Anonymous No. 953439

Nobody wants capeshit anymore. Everyone is going back to traditional movie effects. Vfx is dead. Even triple AAA gayming is dead because mobile gacha makes more money these days. Webshit can be easily taken over by AI lmao. 3d is all about anime now. Coom figurines sell for more than your capeshit funkopop toy from your local gamestop retailer. Times are changing anon and you just missed the current wave.

Anonymous No. 953447

Ok but I mean in reality, not in your fantasies

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Anonymous No. 953453

>"why do you want to learn something new? you can't make money off of it anymore!!"
Because not everything needs to have a financial angle to it, you fucking nigger, shut the fuck up.

Use whatever you're comfortable with OP, Blender is a good start because it's free and you will learn general 3D shit in the long run, You can also use Maya if you want but if you are thinking of transitioning from blender to other software you have to think about exactly why you would ever do that, in most cases you would only do that for a 3D job, in any other case maybe you want to render your work in a different rendering software that's not EEVEE or Cycles.

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Anonymous No. 953455

>another thread archived because of that fucking retard
Can't you /3/ do something about this? He's been literally shitting up the entire catalog.
>>950798, >>951967, >>952898, >>951741, >>948876, >>949325
I am also suspecting 10 other threads but I'm unsure so I won't post them. Don't you guys have moderators on this board?

Anonymous No. 953496

Same problem in /fa/, sometimes i wonder if 4chan has any moderators left at all. Used to be you’d see evidence of jannies doing stuff back then but now you can post cuckold porn in replies and they wont be removed at all. To be fair who the fuck would want to moderate on 4chan for free anyway