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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964948

Anyone know where this model was taken from?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964944

"Why" aren't his new 4.0 donut tutorials worth watching again? Is there something wrong with his premise that begs should just "make donuts"?

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🧵 Programs that won't fry my PC with only running it

Anonymous No. 964929

Hey, I've been interested in trying 3d modeling and animation. The problem is that my new PC, even if it has a decent processor, it has a shitty graphics card from like 2007

I mostly wanted to know if there's no problem trying to at least start using Blender or other programs to at least try them, or if a graphic card is 100% needed to use them.

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🗑️ 🧵 Open to commissions

Open to commissions No. 964873

Hello, I hope you are well, about me, my name is David Carrasquero, I am an architect, 3D modeler, digital sculptor, 2D/3D animator, renderer, rigger, you can see some of my projects in the attached link.

my youtube channel


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964857

I'm glad we've FINALLY solved the UV packing question.

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🗑️ 🧵 Free daz3d models?

Anonymous No. 964835

Help a brother out!Websites,torrents,telegram chanels would be appreciated.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964823

Why isn't Blender industry standard yet?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964820

>too fembrained for factory work
>not fembrained enough for care work
>too aspie for customer service work
>not aspie enough for tech work
how the fuck do i actually stay employed?

can i / should i gaslight myself into being more fembrained? or would i, as an estrogenated twink, simply be perceived as a pervert looking to get access to vulnerable people?

i dont wanna be a fucking NEET

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964792

Be brutally honest with me : Is it worth upgrading to yet? I feel like I'm in the stone age with 2022 when 2024 is out

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🧵 Shaders+Materials

Anonymous No. 964753

Anyone has a nice learning strategy for these. I'm learning gamedev and I'd like to tackle some lookdev subjects but I don't really have any materials in mind that I'd like to do.
Any tips pls

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import error.jpg

🧵 .mesh files

Anonymous No. 964742

due to 'tism shifting into overdrive I've decided to try learning 3d modeling to make a scale figure of a videogame character I like.
I have no experience whatsoever and I will probably drop and pick up the project at least five times before making some progress.
With that said I found a 3d model ripped from a game. I was planning to start fucking around with Blender but I'm having trouble importing the file.
It is a .mesh file along with some .png textures.
Reading up online, I found out that the file type is used by a program called XNALara but unfortunately it's only for Windows and I'm currently on Mac.
I also found out that there's a Blender add-on to import the .mesh files but it's not for the Blender release I have, so I've downloaded a supported Blender release but I get errors when importing the file after installing the add-on (pic related).
Apparently there's also a program called Nifskope that could use to convert the .mesh to .obj but I'm having trouble setting it up.
I've also tried installing the JoroDox extension for Chrome and it's still running.
Does anyone with experience with .mesh files has some tips on how to get started?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964733

Something feels a bit off with the head shape, but i can't put my finger on it, any advice?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964711
>16 yr old won Blender animator of the year
>1 year experience with Blender
it truly is over for us jeanlets

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🧵 retopologizing someone else's work

Anonymous No. 964685

How hard is it to get away with just retopologizing someone else's body or head mesh? Is this a common occurrence?

Pic related is some game mod body that I started retopology on. I'm going to change some proportions and put clothes over it, so hopefully nobody notices.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964679

Where can I get a well (re)topologized face fbx / obj ? Also a retopologized body? Need it for Wrap

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964677

How good is Houdini 20, my lads? Considering cutting the cord with maya. Learning vellum now, but it'll be weeks before I git gud

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IMPOSTOR hobbit h....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964650

/wip/ - Works In Progress - SOULLESS Edition Mk2
You know I'm getting tired of asking for the original hobbit hole pic and not getting it, so I'll keep putting in the OP the SOULLESS version until further notice.
Anyway post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>960791

List of free resources: (embed)
/3/ Discord:

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964645

AI won't replace actual humans for the next few decades because they lack the capacity for improvisation and problem solving that a person would have. You don't see anyone scrambling to replace lawyers because a soulless machine can't appeal to a judge and jury, same goes for most other professions that require a degree of flexibility for someone to make a creer out of them to begin with.

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🗑️ 🧵 Hi There

Anonymous No. 964619

Would you like to sign my petition?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964603

How are artists holding up finding a job these days? It feels like every one of these artists have to go around begging for money on patreon. Does that art have like a unique or special hidden trait to it that i don't get it so perhaps i should spend more time researching carefully into different artworks so i can start seeing this implicit deep meaning in it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964589

Beginner here, would you say this is a good base for me to start building a face off of? Any noticeable issues? Been struggling with these for a while, so I'm looking for pointers on what I should focus on improving. Any help is appreciated

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🧵 hiring artists is a genuine waste of fucking money.

Anonymous No. 964588

someone has great portfolio, you hire them and their art sucks and is nowhere near as good. apparently they didn't practice enough to be consistent and are only doing this for money instead of love for art, so they do the absolute bare minimum to get hired for a job. too busy playing video games instead of practicing art, only studying when they need to get 2 models on their portfolio. they are also anti-social as hell, they don't care about the project, have zero interest in the company and you can tell from their monotonous voice they are just desperate for a job and don't care about anything else.

None of you deserve a job, and I'm glad you're all struggling with how much money & time you waste from companies from doing bare minimum

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964556

>This show conditions a bunch of baby zoomers into thinking shitty 90's graphics look good
>Today they spend their time shitting up the board with threads about old programs that are unironically worse than Blender

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🗑️ 🧵 /3/ laptop thread

Anonymous No. 964464

>Buy a cheap laptop with a gpu, specifically to do 3D shit on the job or on the bus
>It dies while i try out cycles in blender 4.0 two years later
Well shit, isn't that Ironic.
What machines would you recommend to replace it in a ~1000-1500 bucks price range? I don't care if the fans are noisy or it gets very hot, i just need it to perform good when i'm away from home.
Bonus thanks if its design isn't glowing gaymer jet engine shit.