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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16142257

at what point does budget home lab equipment become non-viable?

i want a sonicator / sonic cell disruptor for some things but while aliexpress is full of them there are 0 positive reviews. i could step down and buy a high shear mixer which have far better reviews but its obviously not going to produce as fine an emulsion as a sonicator.

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🗑️ 🧵 What are some good books to learn college level bio?

Anonymous No. 16142242

>pic related, a biological woman

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16142173

Is science an art?

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🧵 Is IQ even real?

Anonymous No. 16142138

It seems sort of subjective...

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🧵 Hey

Anonymous No. 16142122

Is there any way to use machine learning to build a bot that can get better returns than the s&p 500?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16142102

What's next for science?

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🧵 Mfw

Anonymous No. 16142073

All I want to do is study math and programming and not work but also not go to school. How can I accomplish this?

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🧵 helio or geocentrism?

Anonymous No. 16142004

“So which is real, the Ptolemaic or
Copernican system? Although it is not uncommon for people
to say that Copernicus proved Ptolemy wrong, that is not
true….one can use either picture as a model of the universe,
for our observations of the heavens can be explained by
assuming either the earth or the sun to be at rest." - Stephen Hawking

1. all motion is relative
2. all dynamics is relative
3. all kinematics is relative

how do we prove (re: what are the experiments that have been/ can be done to prove) that the earth moves
1. at all
2. in relation to and around the sun
3. in relation to the universe, whether it spins

if you go against the 3 postulates then explain it to me please thank you

picrel is the CMB anisotropy seemingly related to the ecliptic as seen from earth

captcha GSJN

note: sun is the center because bigger and more gravity is not the right answer, because the solar system is not limited only to the earth and sun, there are innumerable factors involved

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141978

What is the most skibidipilled and rizzmaxxed field of math?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141973



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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141971

Brainlets begging for mercy everywhere

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🧵 Mathematicians lies

Anonymous No. 16141942

ITT we expose lies of math
>Gabriel's horn has infinite surface area but finite volume
>Unit hypercube has volume = 1 in all dimensions but infinite surface area for higher dimensions
Clear violations of Stokes theorem, not that they give a shit.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141923


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141905

I’m studying a simulation of schizophrenia. How do you most often detect simulants? Why it is often written that it is difficult for people to portray the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, if it is mostly close to depressive, requires a lack of activity. It’s easy, just lie in bed all day, isn’t it?
No one for The Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms [SIRS; Rogers et al., 1992] or M test?
It’s all in the scientific interest.

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🧵 Hello

Anonymous No. 16141844

I'm 30 and just started learning multiplication because I failed elementary school. What are the chances that I can get to calculus in one year if I study everyday for one hour?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141820

You ever see these fucking science people?
just look at them?
they're fucking ugly and dysgenic.
what happened?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141795

Why do some say Eddington's results were a hoax?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141793

ITT: /sci/ getting btfo

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🧵 How do I get my hands on a cadaver?

Anonymous No. 16141782

I want to study anatomy, there aren't any good enough models are there?

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I am a drooling r....png

🧵 is it over for me?

Anonymous No. 16141765

I've had chronic depression for over 15 years now and have been taking meds for 10 years and sometimes I mess up single-digit multiplication
Just a few weeks ago I messed up this simple equation 0.5x = 4
Should I stop pursuing science and go for something else now?

Chronic depression can significantly impair cognitive function and daily functioning in several ways:

Difficulty Concentrating: Depression can make it challenging to concentrate on tasks, leading to distractibility and decreased productivity in daily activities.
Impaired Memory: Individuals with depression may experience difficulties with both short-term and long-term memory. This can manifest as forgetfulness, difficulty recalling information, and problems with learning new things.
Cognitive Slowing: Depression can slow down cognitive processes, making it harder to think quickly, process information efficiently, and make decisions. This cognitive slowing can impact performance at work, school, and in social situations.
Executive Dysfunction: Depression often affects executive functions such as planning, organization, problem-solving, and decision-making. This can result in difficulties managing responsibilities, setting goals, and completing tasks effectively.
Emotional Dysregulation: Depression can lead to heightened emotional reactivity and difficulty regulating emotions. This may result in mood swings, irritability, and difficulties coping with stressors, further impacting daily functioning.

>inb4 depression isn't real

Well then I hope you too get this not-real thing for the rest of your life

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rice enjoyers.jpg

🗑️ 🧵 CO2 makes plants healthier

Anonymous No. 16141752

Good news everyone, rice, which is possibly the world's most important agricultural crop, not only grows better under CO2 enhanced atmospheric conditions, it also becomes more disease resistant when atmospheric CO2 is increased.

>Effects of elevated CO2 on resistant and susceptible rice cultivar and its primary host, brown planthopper

>The elevated CO2 (eCO2) has positive response on plant growth and negative response on insect pests. As a contemplation, the feeding pattern of the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål on susceptible and resistant rice cultivars and their growth rates exposed to eCO2 conditions were analyzed. The eCO2 treatment showed significant differences in percentage of emergence and rice biomass that were consistent across the rice cultivars, when compared to the ambient conditions. Similarly, increase in carbon and decrese in nitrogen ratio of leaves and alterations in defensive peroxidase enzyme levels were observed, but was non‐linear among the cultivars tested. Lower survivorship and nutritional indices of N. lugens were observed in conditions of eCO2 levels over ambient conditions. Results were nonlinear in manner. We conclude that the plant carbon accumulation increased due to eCO2, causing physiological changes that decreased nitrogen content. Similarly, eCO2 increased insect feeding, and did alter other variables such as their biology or reproduction.

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🧵 How to deal with anxiety in labs?

Anonymous No. 16141708

I've always had extreme social anxiety in group projects growing up and now that I'm in Uni, labs give me that same feeling. I say "hello" or "good morning" to my peers and smile but they just frown. This makes me feel very insecure and my work suffers and I often make silly mistakes like breaking glass on the floor where my peers will either snicker or tell their friends how much they hate me. Anyone else here deal with that? I'm a very promising student and I hope to stay in the sciences for a long time.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141677

China is collapsing

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16141656

Could someone explain to me how the second choice isn't the correct one?