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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167114

What if a mad scientist did an experiment where he put a 1-second baby into a bed covered his eyes and ears and gave him food through his blood with anti-psychotics so that he wouldn't hallucinate...
What will happen to that person when he becomes an adult?

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🧵 How long does it take you to read a handbook?

Anonymous No. 16167107

I am an about-to-graduate cs student. I feel really interested into programming language theory related stuff like compilers construction, type theory or formal semantics but the more I get into it the more I realize the lack of prerequisites from my classical cs curriculum in mathematical logic.

while I have already cover some materials like the 2005's Type summer school or experiencing type systems properties proofs using Coq, I am actually seeking for some classics in those domain to get myself confortable with my academic aspirations. Luckily, the domain doesn't looks that wide since some books clearly emerge as must-have lectures. And thanks to Zlibrary I am planning for this summer to go throught Girard's Proof and types, Thompson's type theory and functionnal programming, sethi and ullman's compiler dragon book plus intro to automata theory and for further times readings Winskel's Formal semantics of programming languages etc.

But while these books always almost starts with the basic introduction to first order logic, natural deduction and lambda calculus, they sometimes mainly discuss some concepts that are beyond my undergraduate knowledge like domain and model theory or denotationnal semantic. My goal is to fill once and for all those prerequisites with pic related handbooks (especially the first and the third one) that are written and reviewed by the greatest like Barendregt, Milner or Hindley.
They review Recursion theory, Universal algebra, category theory, model theory, term rewriting systems, modal and temporal logic, domain theory, denotational or algebraic semantics, etc.

My question is how many time can i expect to cover the core concepts if not just the minimal required from these rawly 2000 pages? Is it worth it or should I focus directly on the previous book i cited with their light introduction to those fields before treating them, or just on the effective graduate courses hopping to be further introduced to those fields?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167051

What is sustaining the Universe? Why doesn't it just blink out of existence?

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🧵 Moving's block efficiency and perpetuum mobile

Anonymous No. 16167039

Google translate because i dont wanna rewrite so much.

In Vidril[EXPAND] [Remove] you can watch how, with the help of a moving block, a load weighing 1.5 times less lifts a larger load under the influence of gravity.

Why are they telling me and all of us at school that there is no efficiency higher than 100%, although there is evidence (and they talk about it at school in the topic about blocks) that 1 moving block can give a gain in work (we lift a small load to a height, and then he lifts a large load himself)?

Since the video is not fake and they even talk about it in school, I conclude that there is a mechanism with an efficiency of up to 200%.

Since there is a mechanism with an efficiency above 100%, they can be used to assemble a mechanism with as much efficiency as you like. The mechanism is presented on picril1.
Load m1, using a movable block, lifts load m2, which is more massive; load m2 is attached to the new block system and lifts load m3, which is even heavier; You can continue as long as you like, accelerating the efficiency, no matter how heavy the load n is, it can be lifted by a light load using movable blocks.

Since we have enormous efficiency, the picryl structure can be “closed”, and the energy from the fall of the last load (to do this you just need to unhook the n-1st load, returning the system to its original state) can be used to lift the first load + there will be excess. That is, it turns out to be a perpetual motion machine based on gravity and moving blocks.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167029

The two sentences that destroyed "Humans are vegans by nature" theory.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167028

>we descend from monkeys
>we come from Africa
What did they mean by this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166999

Dr. Birx now says that covid vaccines are dangerous and can kill you, she also says that they were never recommended except for people in high risk groups such as the very old and ppl with AIDS.
Do any of the vaxxxies of /sci/ regret their choice to get vax'd for no good reason against the recommendation of the government officials?

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22 Feb 2024 R3 ev....jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166961

I can beat a solar flare.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166952

say something nice about my wife

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166945

Is it possible to become a foot doctor but exclusively for children?
I am thinking a pediatrician but for children's feet.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166864

1 x 1 = 2

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🧵 Comprehensive refutation of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis (YDIH)

Anonymous No. 16166847


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166841

Where are all the Aliens !?

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🗑️ 🧵 I got banned for racism

Anonymous No. 16166799

... and yet I'm still here. Kek, the lengths you fags will go to protect the feelings of the sub 80 IQ crowd. All I have to say is that the tranny janny is a double nigger, and I'll never change my ways.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166775

>All the splendors of modern medicine and yet no one has ever found a cure for this

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🧵 Inbreeding

Anonymous No. 16166752

At what point is it genetically “safe” for related people to have offspring? Obviously it’s unsafe for a brother and sister or first cousins to have children. But what about second, third, or fourth cousins, etc.? At what point will the shared dna be minuscule enough to not cause issues?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166738

Why are there no magnetic monopoles? is there. Is there a physical explanation or is it just a fundamental property?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166697

How do u guys find math fun?

What about it makes u love it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166675

Excuse me, but why are math textbooks so expensive!?!? It's like 50$ a piece for these things. Jfc bros. And before you say "pirate them online", what if I want a hard copy to read? It's so much money.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166631

"Time" does not exist. There is no tangible "past" or "future". "Time" is just a concept to verbalize what was and what could be. Everything is always in the hard present. No such thing as "time: the 4th dimension".
Space is not really real either. It's not a material you can bend or distort. It has no shape nor properties as "it" is just the amalgamation of nothingness. There is no end to it; our universe is infinite and has no boundaries.
I am objectively right. Yes, you are fucking stupid.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166591

What can be done to counter the obesity pandemic in the US?

I have been pondering about this and have been considering that maybe enforcing a maximum fat and sugar per x grams would work on most commercial products, but this would need to be gradual.

Maybe by making physical education a daily thing in schools? Perhaps demanding a physical aptitude test for college degrees?

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🗑️ 🧵 Scientific Method

Anonymous No. 16166508

How much do you trust the scientific method?
If 99.99% of society believe in something that is not science based like God (just an example, pick your own), would you follow them or prefer a scientific reasoning ?

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🧵 Geniuses aren't inpressive

Anonymous No. 16166448

I have never met someone genuinely impressive. All the so called "geniuses" just seemed like tryhards or people who just spent alot of time focusing on one thing. Even once ina lifetime prodigies like Terrence Tao, supposedly the biggest intellectual talent ever did nothing at all. He didn't even solve a millenium prize problems which are worthless and banal and the only allure is the only and being pat on the head for being such a heckin' smart boy

Even throughout history there has never been a genius that commanded the respect that people imagine. "Geniuses" are below average looking, grew up sheltered and have a specific skillset that anyone could have if they bothered to put in the hours. Even Howard Hughes. The image of the handsome industrialist sternly looking over his inventions was not impressive at all. He was average looking at best, saved only by his height and created a couple or boring movies and one shitty plane that flew once and was thrown away in the dustbin of history. He grew up rich and threw his wealth at a bunch of worthless passion projects that amounted to nothing. And he is the face of the American inventor. Ayn Rand and pop culture always use the image of the mustachioed titan of I industry genius yet the real thing was lame as fuck.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166419

How come the people who didn't get the vax didn't all die?