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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190721

How the fuck does light work??? This shit is somehow a sphere? Sphering in all spherical directions spherically? What?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190623

Always for each there was a regular size anumal and then a gignatic one, so we assume we are gigant ic human, where is exponentially smol human? Liek when you see a full size fly, and then you look down and ther is ridiculously smol fly, like not even the size of a hangnail, where is the human like this?

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190610

I didn't go to college. I'm an autodidact.

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šŸ§µ How many people are John Paul?

Anonymous No. 16190587

It's a simple question, /sci/. How many people are John Paul?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190563

>Indeed, by applying theorem 2.13 to...

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Are our brain evolved enough for constant consumption and stimulation?

Anonymous No. 16190557

>rapid information, popups, notification, trending
>fast internet, faster web/app, faster access to seeing 1000s of naked women in a minute
>feeds impulsivity and reduces attention span
>consume twitter, instagram, netflix, tiktok
>brain constantly gets bombarded with information, most of it is junk
>don't like reading a book? watch lecture. don't like watching a lecture? watch tutorial series don't like tutorial series? watch "learn X in 10 minutes" videos. don't like that also? watch 60 seconds Shorts. don't like that also? see this dumb meme
Evolution happens in 1000s if not 10s of thousands of years. I don't think our brain is evolved to handle this exponential boom in "stimulation". Our brains are evolved to gravitate towards instant gratification and only those with descent prefrontal cortex is even remotely capable of higher order thinking and putting off immediate gratification.

My attention has been deteriorated over the years, and anxiety & impulsivity has been significantly increased. Tech companies are working so hard to take advantage of these maladaptive traits and make money; sometimes even turning our own psychology against us (be it click bait "viral content" taking advantage of negativity bias, internet whores engaging in thirst traps, etc.). How can an individual improve their attention span and get their shit together? Especially if they're predisposed to impulsivity, anxiety, and high neuroticism. One is to just uninstall them and don't use it at all (allowing our brain engage in "active leisure" like they did 50-100 years ago).

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190551

So is it possible to create life from a bunch of chemicals?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190546

There was a Bruce Willis movie where he knocks the bad guy into the spinning blades of a helicopter and liquefies the shit out of him. I submitted it to Mythbusters repeatedly, no dice

So, will it blend?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190520

Can u disprove it ?

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šŸ§µ Modern ordinary differential equations

Anonymous No. 16190490

I was reading an illuminating opinion piece by Giancarlo Rota on the topic of ODEs. What are your thoughts?

Are there any introductory books that follow his philosophy?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190410

[chuckles in Mandelbrot]

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190365

>Professor here

why are they like this?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190277

What would be the physical implications if mass could be negative and/or complex-valued?

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šŸ§µ man finds "second Earth"

Anonymous No. 16190265

Gliese is similar to Earth in some way

Newly found Gliese 12b is Earth sized and its surface temperature is roughly 42 degrees C on average.

This is a new find, Gliese 12a was found earlier and is not habitable.

However the trouble is, it is 40 light years away.
Even with a spaceship reaching speeds of 1% of lightspeed it would take 4000 years to go there.

Humans are capable of creating a ship that goes 1% of lightspeed but we gotta go faster if we want to reach Glieses.

50% of speed of light would ensure getting to the planet in 80 years which would mean a generational human ship where children born in the first 5 years journey would likely live long enough to see their destination planet as an old person.

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Screenshot from 2....png

šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190254

Dr. Daniel Nagase on graphene structures in Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.


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šŸ§µ Hurricane Season

Anonymous No. 16190139

>NOAA's updated outlook for the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season indicates that an above-normal season is most likely,
>with low possibilities the season could be near-normal and even lower odds for a below-normal season.

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190112

Post your favourite Penrose Diagrams

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190069

What is the consensus on the periodic table being wrong? And a new one being right?

I know Terrance Howard is a mad man. However he is talking about Walter Russels work.

From what I can gather this new table works on octaves, and everything relates to one another and can turn into the next element.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonynous No. 16190049

If you can't represent your mathematical formulae on this device, you are dealing with fake math, and should be downsized by the end of this quarter.

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šŸ§µ Do the social sciences properly follow the scientific method?

Anonymous No. 16190045

This man didnā€™t think so.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190043

Why aren't we forming alliances with gorillas and orangutans to prevent a potential chimpanzee uprising?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190039

I was never taught this in school.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190015

I'm fucking fed up with the state of scientific research and politics. I thought that by now we'd be able to use stem cells to regrow body parts, but the eggheads and the politicians think we have better things to do. So I'll do it myself. Give me a fucking roadmap of books I have to read to go from 0 to regrowing my foreskin with stem cells.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190012

aging is still a thing, nothing to slow it down let alone reverse it

This is grim