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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189987

If you think about it it's fucked up how all the trigonometry is just a single little function being shifted over and transformed

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🧵 Kek

Anonymous No. 16189969

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189960

I am "le smart" according to random faggots throughout life who realized I was at least as smart as them...never applied myself. never really tried much. Honestly had an extremely fucked up life until this point alienated by normalnigs

where do I start? philosophy? math? I can't think of anything more fitting

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189929

What is the scientific evidence that cannabis acts a proper pain reliever?

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🧵 Why aren’t mice and voles stepping on my trackpads?

Anonymous No. 16189928

I’m doing an experiment right now where we set up trackpads made out of cup up gutters and put a ball of peanut butter and oats in the center on top of a piece of paper with two pieces of felt paper clipped on each side and covered in charcoal and mineral oil ink so that and mouse or vole who comes in will step on the ink and leave footprints on the paper to get to the food ball.

But I’m leaving them up for weeks and not getting any hits, just ants, slugs, and other insects with the balls seemingly untouched and no prints.

What could I be doing wrong?

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🧵 Statistics of eugenics fan banned by EU in restricted AI use should replace Asia jobs to beat Putin

Anonymous No. 16189912

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🗑️ 🧵 Favorite TV/film kills either sad shocking scary gory exciting glorious heroic iconic or spectacular

Anonymous No. 16189893

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189877

>White nations, before the 1950s, without any diversity: produced not only 97% of scientists, as Murray argues ----- BUT 95% of painters, architects, philosophers, historians, archeologists, explorers, anthropologists, cartographers, novelists, sculptures, music, and theatre plays.
Does this prove that diversity is bad for science?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16189874

Delayed Indefinitely Edition

Previous >>>16187755

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🧵 STEMcel resentment

Anonymous No. 16189871

>In Science, Good Looks Don't Pay, Study Finds
A study found that good looking scientists were seen as LESS COMPETENT that their ugly and average looking counterparts.

Why is this? In every other field, good looks pay. This is obviously especially true in sports, cinema and politics (apparently Trudeau keeps getting elected thanks to women lol).
Even in law this is the case
As well as in banking
And in executive positions

Research has shown that employers expect better looking workers to be more competent, but in STEM fields this is the opposite. Why?

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🧵 Crows can count

Anonymous No. 16189862

Crows “count” the number of self-generated vocalizations:

Is mathematical thinking widespread in the animal kingdom? What if even simple organisms are able to do some sort of math?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189856


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🧵 a 148 IQ take on mental illness (not autistic)

Chad Hominem No. 16189836

>be you
>"mentally ill"
>flunks school on purpose
>"im such a lazy fuck im literally autistic"
>is accomodated for willingly being lazy by getting accomodations to make you even more lazy
>"im not coddled im sigma"
>continues to believe you are a special snowflake despite everyone on here having the same world view
>"2/3rd of the population has learning impediments"
>how is this handicapped at that point if everyone has it?
if your parents could afford to get you into accomodations while everyone else who has it does not get accomodation it is coddling, bench 280 fuckin lazy snowflake faggots

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189829

Where are all the Aliens !?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189824

are math books useless? except as a formula dictionaries for stuff you already know

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189807

#micdrop on deniers. BOOM.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189806

If global warming is real then why did antarctic sea ice increase by 10% between the late 1970s & 2015?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189756

Escape velocity bypassing terraforming flexible tubes containing contracting gravitational drives Using gravitational orbital signal Stochastics placed around the hull of a spaceship

The hull is surrounded by tubes which suck in particles arround it, even particles from the ground using self cleaning gravitational drivers that contract and expand at various wavelengths frequencies and amplitudes to facilitate the spaceship generating a conglomeration of heavy particles thus quasi and effectively creating a microplanet capable of carrying the spaceship in its orbit surpassing its escape velocity. Albeit effective and theoretically possible to built, it is destructive and expensive, pro cons

The pros would furthermore be that it does not require dangerous rocket fuel but electricity most of all the cons would be the lower the gravity generated the slower it would take to get the spaceship into space

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189745

I bet it would be piss fucking easy for a sufficiently advanced alien to pretend to be God and convince the world He exists, even super-atheists like Richard Dawkins or Neil deGrasse.

Christianity could be “True” in point clear view, and still be an abject Lie objectively.

What do you have to say to that? It’s stage magic—smoke and mirrors and curtains—all the way up and down.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189717

Ugh... Mommy!!~
I wasn't ready for this...

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189701

Give it up for the heart everyone?(equal to the mind).

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🧵 How to cure an Internet addiction?

Anonymous No. 16189634

I'm 20 and I spend my entire days on the Internet, mostly on 4chan

I have exams coming up very soon and I haven't even started studying for them. I've been suffering from this addiction for years and it has seriously affected my grades, to the point of having to repeat a year.

I've tried all kinds of things but I always end up coming back to my old habits. I just don't know what to do at this point. I wish the Internet didn't exist.

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🧵 woman, 18, lost her hair after corona vaccinations

Anonymous No. 16189594

she never mentions the vaccines and doesnt seem to connect the dots

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189580

Has free will been proven yet by neuroscience or can I use this as a cope to keep ruining my life based on hormonal activity and other things?