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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189558

Is space interesting to you? I just realized how boring most of the topics are.

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🧵 Now that the dust has settled, how bad exactly are covid vaccines?

Anonymous No. 16189546

They are definitely not effective and therefore the risks outweighs the benefit but after 4 years it does not seem nearly as bad as /pol/ claims.
If it permanently integrates into dna like HIV, wouldn't there be a way to see and measure or how much spike protein is in the blood? The body would keep producing the spikes until the victim dies, but if no spike protein can be found in the blood after couple months, even in max vaxxed patients, wouldn't that show that it doesn't integrate? Would dna integration even be possible without the needed enzymes? I also doubt that every single doctor in the world would keep their mouth shut just because they are afraid to risk losing their job for a crime this massive, except for few thousand. If they would notice something very wrong in covid vaccinated patients, I doubt by now that there would be no bombshell hardcore evidence that would cause a shitstorm if it really is that bad.
If I am not wrong, immune system is a good indication of how much a person is at risk of getting cancer, everyone I know who got the vax are not unhealtier and their immune systems are as good as before.
Trump, Fauci and all the other pepetrators should still be prosecuted.

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Anonymous No. 16189545

okay lets say you are the system administrator of the central bank of your country, how easy it is to rob that bank and what are your steps to rob it withut any evidence and not getting caught. You are system administrator/information security guy

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189477

The universe is kinda flat, so what happens if we move vertically in space, instead of horizontally? Is there just nothing?

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🗑️ 🧵 bodypart evolution

Anonymous No. 16189476

why cant evolution make more eyes?

1. spider: 6-8 eyes (pigment cup type which is fully evolved to form image)
2. any insect: 2 big compound eyes for images, + 0-3 pigment cup eyes that do not form image but only inform the brains about level of lightning
3. rag sea worm (4 binocular camera type)
4. octopus or cone-sea-snail (2 binocular camera type eyes for well formed hunting vision) and land snails have 2 pigment cup type which barely see, there are no land octopus at all
5. box jelly fish (16 binocular camera eyes, no brains, but yet good vision.. a real mystery)
6. descendants of fish that lived 500 million years ago:
-frogs, two binocular camera eyes
-lizards, two binocular camera eyes
-mammals incljuding human, two binocular camera eyes

seems like it just not possible for more eyes to appear on fish lineage?

>first fish separates from all other life forms on Earth, never mixing with them again, roughly 700 million years ago

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🧵 The Restoration of the Woolly Mammoth

Anonymous No. 16189465

There is a program to try to bring back the woolly mammoth and reintroduce it to taiga and tundra biomes. Apparently before the disappearance of the mammoth these were more steppe-like and supported much greater biodiversity.
What do you guys think about this? I think it is kind of neat and maybe will be one last great scientific accomplishment by the present society before the senescence which we are seemingly destined to endure.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189384


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189350

>Earth has existed for billions and billions of years and didn't produce a technological civilization until 200 years ago
>Of the millions of lifeforms that exist on Earth right now, only a single one of them is intelligent, a pure fluke of evolution
>And the furthest they got was their own moon
>And people still think intelligent spacefaring alien civilizations exist and are common throughout the universe
Is extraterrestrialism a form of cult?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189331

Are time machines possible?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189239

Is the future anti, or just a different place on a 3D map?

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Anonymous No. 16189213

Post god-tier books

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🧵 On adderal Vyvanse and other stimulants.

Anonymous No. 16189211

Drugs are cool

Normies be like
>I drink 6 cups of coffe before 9AM im so quirky lelel
if you need 6 of anything when talking about substances, its clear the formula has failed and can only get you so far
Caffeine is said to be responsible for the Renaissance, you know how much time has passed since then and how complex the world has gotten?
There's a great filter in human cognition (we can not advance forever) that hard substances might overcome. Harder substances need to be legalized. Whole industries are already dependent on them under the table. Just ask a finance bro or a lawyer or a college student in engineering.
When they get legalized and after prolonged use, new neural pathways in front lobe (and the rest of the brain) might be created that will seriously change our abilities and would otherwise never grow.
Cell memory and natural selection will remember these changes.
It will be a new era for humanity

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189184

Do they have any actual scientific merits or what is their end game?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189120

>73% of US citizens are overweight or obese
How do we stop the obesity epidemic, anons?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189104

Why does this happen?

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🗑️ 🧵 dear redditors

Anonymous No. 16189081

dear redditors:

why do femboys have the tightest boypussies? do women just grow loose? I always barely fit my small meat into that tight tight ass but women seem to be practically like a hotdog in a cave

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189058

>tfw geocentrism is correct

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189011

>Poisions the well of what could've been a potentially interesting branch of science
Why are schizophrenics like this?

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🧵 Scientific computing

Anonymous No. 16189010

Are you doing simulations, modeling, ML or deep learning for your project? Tell what you are working on

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🧵 When did they discover that the Sun will explode?

Anonymous No. 16188988

So I've read that the Sun is going to explode in about 7-8 billion years from now, but when, exactly, is this "now" that the 7-8 billion-year timer counts down from? It's probably been a few centuries since that scientific discovery was first made, so shouldn't we update the books to say that the Sun will explode 6,999,999,408 years from now?

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🧵 Terrence Howard PSYOP

Anonymous No. 16188962

Glowfags behind the green door are trying to soil the reputation of legitimate pathways to breakthroughs in physics by false asssociation with this retard in the the public's eye.

I'm talking about things like Conformal Field Theory, and specifically Topological Conformal Field Theory, areas that are critically understudied despite being extremely promising. It's the same psyop as the UAP/NHI garbage which is just cover for advanced black project magnetohydrodynamic propulsion tech, which is entirely mathematically conventional and has dramatically overstated flight characteristics (not FTL and not ayylmaos)

You can be Ed Witten and come out tomorrow with a complete unified (conformal) quantum-gravitational field theory developed via rigorous topological arguments and get immediately dismissed because the low IQ masses will go "DAS RITE" and see it as a vindication of uncle terry's terryology, while in response the mediocre sub <150 IQ tenured physicist (who doesn't stand a chance of understanding the new results either) will have his normgroid instincts kick in to defend the institution of the managerial midwit expert class while not even considering the possibility that there are new physicial insights warranting further investigation, seeing it merely as a threat to "muh scientific establishment".

In fact, if you want to get REALLY conspiratorial: the reason we don't have a theory of everything is because Andreas Floer didn't kill himself (he got Epsteined) and Maryam Mizrakhani was assassinated (CIA cancer weapon) because glowniggers/kikes/chinks/wops/whatever, above all else, want to STOP YOU from taking up your rightful place among the stars.

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🗑️ 🧵 The Kingdom of Heaven

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16188943

Why can't we create it? Besides immortality and resurrection what challenges do we face? What are the main obstacles to immortality and resurrection?

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🧵 dark energy solved

Anonymous No. 16188938

Alright, /sci/, let’s dive into some mind-bending speculation about the universe using a bucket analogy.

Imagine the universe’s spacetime as 100 points split between a "space bucket" and a "time bucket". At the Big Bang, all 100 points were in the time bucket. As the universe expanded, points started flowing into the space bucket, meaning we’re literally trading time for space!
Big Bang to Inflation:
>All points start in the time bucket.
>Rapid inflation shifts points into the space bucket, creating space.
Current Universe:
>Many points are now in the space bucket.
>Some points remain in the time bucket, allowing time to pass.
Accelerating Expansion:
>Dark energy accelerates the shift of points to the space bucket.
>Fewer points left for time.
Big Freeze:
>Almost all points in the space bucket, few in the time bucket.
>Universe reaches maximum entropy, and time effectively "runs out".
What if the accelerating expansion of the universe means time is running out? More space points mean fewer time points, leading to a Big Freeze.

Let’s hear your thoughts, /sci/. Is the universe trading time for space? Are we just points in an expanding bucket, heading towards a cold, dark end?


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🧵 Is Blue Eisenhower November scientifically possible?

Anonymous No. 16188918

I feel like we might already have the technology for it