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Anonymous No. 16241965

Why is “dark matter” and “dark energy” so fake and fucking gay?

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🗑️ 🧵 Why vegans are so low IQ

Anonymous No. 16241921

Correlation between milk consumption and intelligence.

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Anonymous No. 16241832

What is 2 + 2?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241821

made a scientific discovery about tinitus - the higher frequencies of noise goes away if i change my posture

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241720

Is it possible to use blackholes as a lense like a telescope?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241648

Why do smart people (STEM) tend to be so cultureless? Nowadays at least.

You'd think your intellect would lead you to searching for beauty and having a more philosophically rich worldview.
But a lot of STEM people tend to be very cultureless and enjoy the dreg of pop culture like everyone else, no refined tastes whatsoever.
Their worldview is usually just the most basic materialistic worldview, held by everyone else. And they think all philosophy is bullshit, not worth indulging.

IQ? do you consider yourself cultured?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241642

In a lot of mangas and manhwas the spies will be black mailed with poison and have to go back to their handlers every week or the poison will start spreading through out their body

Im no scientist but could such a mechanism exist where you make a person take a pill and keep them on a leash by promising them the antidote on a weekly /monthly basis

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🗑️ 🧵 Why can't scientists figure out how to get laid?

Anonymous No. 16241635

Does the fact that scientists are too dumb to figure out how to get hot girlfriends and wives despite massive amounts of time and effort devoted to analyzing and experimenting with the issue prove conclusively that scientists are low IQ?
My hypothesis is that scientists invented the IQ concept and IQ tests as a coping mechanism and that their falsely self-assigned high IQ status is just a grandiose delusion that helps them deal with the failure of their sexual lives. If scientists were legitimately smart they would be able figure out how to get the attractive women they lust after instead of jacking off to cartoons or inventing electronic plastic techno-vaginas to have sex with.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241607

IQ Thread. Post any interesting IQ facts

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241572

How come there isn't a science history month?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241538

What type of anti-aliasing is used in real life?

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🧵 IQ science

Anonymous No. 16241503

What is the science behind IQ test?

This seems like an arbitrary set of parameters that someone created to claim someone is intelligent .

Who gets to decide intelligence?

Is the person that design the test intelligent?

How would we know? Do they take their own iq test?

What’s the science in this?wmh

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🗑️ 🧵 Why did he considered preventive nuclear war a good thing?

Anonymous No. 16241469

Wasn't he the smartest human ever?

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Anonymous No. 16241457 [Embed]
What do you think this guy is talking about? When i first watched it way back i thought it was by far the most pretentious thing ever but now i'm not so sure. I kinda get it but i don't,feels self-aware but also empty. Might as well post it at various boards to see what they think. Got deleted at /a/ even though thats where it came from but surely its /lit/ material.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241442

I've seen a lot of philosophy threads here. Philosophy fags pretend their field has a lot to do with math and science which is of course bullshit. Reminder that pic related is the most (and perhaps the only) respectable humanities field and it is worthy of the "honorable STEM field" title. History of math and science is the perfect addition to any scientist's education. Whereas stuff like philosophy deals with hundreds years old undecidable disputes that lead to nowhere, history (like STEM fields) deals with facts and objective data - factual people, events and dates. It also utilizes cutting edge technology to study historical artefacts teaming up with other useful sciences. Studying history also seems to be essential in progressing, both in science and in society in general. It also has the least amount of pandering to sjws, in contrast to other humanities.

>philosophy and other humanities suck
>except history which is based and on par with math, physics, chemistry etc

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Bill No. 16241432

You need meds, now

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241424

I've seen a lot of philosophy threads here. Philosophy fags pretend their field has a lot to do with math and science which is of course bullshit. Reminder that pic related is the most (and perhaps the only) respectable humanities field and it is worthy of the "honorable STEM field" title. History of math and science is the perfect addition to any scientist's education. Whereas stuff like philosophy deals with hundreds years old undecidable disputes that lead to nowhere, history (like STEM fields) deals with facts and objective data - factual people, events and dates. It also utilizes cutting edge technology to study historical artefacts teaming up with other useful sciences. Studying history also seems to be essential in progressing, both in science and in society in general. It also has the least amount of pandering to sjws, in contrast to other humanities.

>philosophy and other humanities suck
>except history which is based

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🗑️ 🧵 Matma Zombie

Arnold No. 16241417

> be me Arnold year 16
> try to beat Buckethead Zombie
> idk what is that
> i need to go to the hospital
> because I lose my game
> math

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🗑️ 🧵 Reminder

Anonymous No. 16241364

Evolution is a religion, not science, and you cowards need censorship and indoctrination for anyone to believe this retarded nonsense.

Not one (1) single evolutionist can prove their blind faith belief they falsely call science. You cowards should fucking kill yourselves.

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🧵 Wich one do you use for studying?

Anonymous No. 16241331

I wanted to buy an e-reader for university. I'd like one because screen light pisses me off and i would get less distracted by a digital book than by a pc. I would use it to read uni books, and take some notes over them. I would probably prefer writing full notes over my notebooks, so this feature is not that important to me. I've seen online many different products, like elipsa 2e, fujitsu quaderno a4, all the kobo ones and the onyx, but i really don't know wich one to pick because online rewiews aren't that good.

Overall i need a wide screen (like a4 size), good battery, the possibility to take notes over books and to download or tranfer libgen's books . 500 bucks budget limit.

Some of you may say stuff like ask on /adv/. I know i should ask there, but i wanted the opinion of people doing stuff similiar to mine. ty.

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🧵 here's why 20 year olds get heart attack!

Anonymous No. 16241263

Energy drink cause heart attack

Mayonaise-clinic researched onto the subject and found out a correlation inbetween energy drinks and heart attacks

In 144 investigated youth cases, 7 got a heart attack almost instantly after drinking a can of energy drink that contains combo of caffeine+taurine

Normally taurine is got from eating meat. While caffeine comes from coffee (coffee bean products)

Those 7 who received mild heart attack did not experience the same effects again becuase they stopped drinking

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🧵 Untitled Thread

New ways of storing energy No. 16241215

Hi frens <3, what are the latest research advancements in the field of energy storage alternatives to lithium batteries?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16241196

Mannaggia l'anima de li mortacci tua! Bill "Nye"

cunt. faggot global warming glowie. faccia di merda da stronzo

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Bill No. 16241135

How does it feel to be one of the stupidest people in existence? And don't go on about tech, your tech level is garbage. A raging criminal left and gang run your society and moderate people stupidly for profit off of your dumb minds. Go on, tell me - how does it feel?

You dumb - LAL