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🗑️ 🧵 Small Island Nations GROWING Despite Global Warming

Anonymous No. 16273219

What's happening? Why are small island nations, like Maldives, GROWING despite GLOBAL WARMING and RISING SEA LEVELS? Maldives should be entirely beneath the waves, as predicted by scientists decades ago.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16273217

Atoms aren't real.
Have you ever seen one?
Me neither.

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🧵 Nature confirms farmers are good for the environement

Anonymous No. 16273154

New article in Nature says that growing your own food in your own garden is bad for the environment.
This means that all of the massive amounts of criticism heaped on conventional agriculture and farmers by environmentalists is completely unfounded. Does anyone else find it to be no surprise at all that the lazy pseudointellectual urbanite know-it-alls who have ample free time to spend pontificating about agriculture on social media sites like this one have absolutely know idea what they're talking about? No only are they too lazy to have productive jobs like farmers do, the urbanites are also too lazy to do any proper research before shooting off their mouths on any and every topic

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16273150

>when we were told that Blackwell's ambitions were beyond the limits of Physics, the engineers say "so what?"

How the fuck does >>>/sci/ respond to that without sounding mad?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16273132

bros, Sabine needs our help

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Anonymous No. 16273128

Anyone have any experience with LiDAR?
Recommendations for relatively inexpensive hardware?
How difficult is it to run with CNN's as opposed to a normal image database?

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🧵 Magnetic Motor

Anonymous No. 16273059

Is this bs or is this possible?

Please explain to brainlet, can you make something like this for real? also are there some modern better alternatives to this magnet engine?

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🧵 The Cause Of Schizophrenia In Humans

Marvin S. Hummington No. 16273034

Schizophrenia is caused by an excessive amount of Dopamine which relies in the brain.

This is the cause of Schizophrenia.

It is a genetic syndrome, that can develop either passed from person to person within a family, or can result from the change of grey matter in the brain, when an underdeveloped brain comes into contact with different drug substances.

So it can either progress genetically or with environmental factors.

Much like many drugs give a person a dopamine boost, that same person may show erratic and unpredictable behaviour, which is similar to people with psychosis.

While the user has an excessive amount of dopamine within his brain, there are other factors within the brain that temporarily corrupt these dopamine receptors, causing something known as a "Brain Data Leak".

This occurs, when various signals from the brain are mixed with the excessive dopamine.
Think of your brain as a computer. It usually executes lines of code and causes you to operate normally. An individual with schizophrenia, executes these lines of code too. The difference however is that when executed, other commands get tangled up with the original line of code, which confuses the brain. It tries to find a resolution for this, and when it fails to find one correctly, it tries to resolve it, by improvising, thus causing errors.

This is where Schizophrenia comes into play. The victim here, thinks they are normal. They think they function correctly. The blur between reality and delusion is not understandable for them.

Their brain is wired in such a way that poses a hoax of a fictional reality that they think is real, while the rest of the world thinks different.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16273014

what are the pros and cons of mechanical and electrical engineering
I want to change job I'm a nurse

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16273001

This just seems like a psyop to get the masses to feel disgust at the notion of space exploration.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272987

>Achilles and the tortoise paradox
Wtf. I thought mathematicians were smart

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272985

What method of genocide will our children and grandchildren use to exterminate the nonpersons once their population reaches critical mass and the system can no longer function?
My bet is on a quasi-automated and painless method like euthanasia in a deceptive "vaccine" (no, I don't believe the covid vax was malicious).

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272949

The academic environment also accepts reincarnation, but this is not discussed here for some stupid reason.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272931

New IQ data has been revealed

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272920

Why isn't science trying to hide it anymore?

Is it true that all craters on the moon are the same depth?

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🧵 entomology/biology posters

Anonymous No. 16272905

how do I attract these things to my lawn? I DON'T want to kill them. I want them to swarm around my lawn and be all over the place. I read that soda and sugar left outside would do the trick. how do I make sure they are drawn in, but don't drown in the stuff?

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🧵 I swallowed a duck bone, what do science people?

Anonymous No. 16272881

It's one of those skinny asian ducks with one of those pieces with some skin and a bit of meat on a piece of bone. I felt like I swallowed the bone. Could be one of those rib part bones. I don't know if it's still there in the throat or I'm just feeling afterpain. Not extreme pain just mild discomfort to slight pain at certain positions. How do I know if it's still stuck in the throat? What do? Pic isn't it but related enough I guess, it was much skinnier duck.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272880

Should I take civil or mechanical engineering?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272802

Is the mind accessable? Or is it just a pointless object?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272792

What's a good field for an autiatic virgin retard?

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🧵 Why this correlation between MPB and heart disease?

Anonymous No. 16272786

What's your hypothesis?
It's time MPB should be taken seriously, not only as an inaesthetic superficial thing, we need to pour more money into research to defeat MPB (norwood 3 signing off)

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🧵 Energy production

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16272782

With all the theoretical sources of energy out there, what technology are we most likely to invent first that will make our energy needs a thing of the past? What's the ultimate source of energy? What could we do with infinite energy?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272716

How are they different? I just don't get it.
I failed thermodynamics 10 times already, twice per year. I passed now all of the courses in my physics degree but thermodynamics. This shit just makes no sense man

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16272699

>apply for a job with very specific experience requirements
>have 7 years worth of experience for the job and can cover all other requirements
>basically be the perfect candidate
>receive email asking to take an abstract reasoning test
>manage complete only ~26 out of 33 problems in 30 mins
>receive email: "...we've decided to proceed with candidates who are more aligned with the requirements for the role.:"

why do companies do this for non-entry level jobs?
how is solving arbitrary tests a good measure of your worth and skills?
my gf who is working on her PhD said she would have done way worse on the same test as she was sitting next to me.
I wonder if there's a study on this and whether it actually works for companies or is it just an HR gimmick to make a recruiter feel less of a loser