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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16550192

finally vindicated, all of Elon Musk's companies are a fraud (at gaming)

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🗑️ 🧵 The Paradox of Human Evolution

Anonymous No. 16550185

Still no valid evidence why or how humans evolved intelligence. No other species has even come close to trying. Evolution is fake, fake and gay.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16550112

I had an argument with a Pakistani chemistry teacher recently about atomic theory. I explained to him my belief that atomic structure as typically described in chemistry books is not an accurate representation of reality, but rather a heuristic device that allows us to more easily visualise chemical reactions and predict their outcomes.
We are taught that an atom is a configuration of protons and neutrons orbited by electrons in an equal number and of opposite charge to the proton number, and that reactions will occur to produce molecules that have a complete "outer shell" of electrons which are therefore stable and unreactive. But how close is this to what's actually going on?
I'm not a /sci/ guy, just a deluded dropout arguing about stuff I don't understand to while away the hours of a long shift by freaking out my colleague. I'd be interested to hear if any of my ramblings have merit and where I can learn more about a more realistic model of atomic anatomy.

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🧵 Science is bullshit

Anonymous No. 16550090

How long before everyoen realizes that theorethical physicist translates to:
>Guy who makes shit up

>Plasma is the most abandoned form of mater in the universe, look the sun is made out of plasma!

Literally identical to
>Ghosts are the most abundant life form in the universe, look the sun is made out of ghosts!

It is beyond comical!

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🧵 Verbal intelligence vs Spatial intelligence

Anonymous No. 16550072

If you were able to customize your intelligence while you were being conceived, which intelligence would you have invested into and why?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16549707


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🧵 /sfg/ - spaceflight general

Anonymous No. 16549102

Really just a Blorg launch thread edition

Previous: >>16545695


Launch window: 1 a.m. - 4 a.m EST (0600-1000 UTC).
Launch site: LC-36, Florida, USA
First stage booster landing location: Landing Platform Vessel 1 “Jacklyn”
Orbit: 19300 x 2400 km @ 30°

This is the first orbital launch of Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket.

Other streams: NSF EDA TLP SFN

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16549023

So this is clearly an interference pattern

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🧵 Writing a dissertation

Anonymous No. 16549005

>be me, math PhD student
>need to write dissertation
>remember Grothendieck's quote "Fuck everyone, do your own shit. We don't read books. We write them."
>spend 8 months inventing mathematics barely reading any papers or books. Just here and there when I need to refresh something."
>Invent 110 pages of elementary mathematics.
>Hit a roadblock and can't make any new theorems
>Too bad at problem solving to solve popular unsolved problems.
>Mathematical career is over now, because I can't do research anymore. I just got lucky finding a small elementary niche other people hadn't explored before.
Thanks Grothendieck. :')

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548964

I'm learning logic. I had a discussion on another board. Can someone who knows a lot about logic comment on this discussion? Specifically how I (the OP), the Moldovan anon, and another Swede discussed how the fallacy can be either denying the antecedent or affirming the consequent. Yesterday I felt like I understood it but looking at it again today I'm confused.


It seemed to make sense that it could be either denying the antecedent or affirming the consequent. This made me wonder if denying the antecedent can always be rephrased as affirming the consequent and vice versa. But when I was going over the reasoning again to figure out if that's the case I got confused.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548937


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🧵 Natural Numbers

Evine49 No. 16548902

What do you mean zero is a natural number? If I was a caveman I would stone you.

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Bell's Theorem.png

🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548872

>Casually implies faster-than-light communication and the existence of God

heh, nothing personal

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548780

If biological evolution is real, then how did the eye evolve?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548765

Of sex is for the propagation of the species, then why does sex with animals feel just as good?

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🧵 Re-evaluating the idea that red meat reduces life span

Anonymous No. 16548745

What causes red meat to lower lifespans ? Surely theres something else we're missing, like people who eat red meat are more prone to exert more physical exercise throughout the day and that reduces longevity variably; compared to people who don't eat meat and aren't as "performant"? It just doesnt make any sense foods we grew up eating and evolving alongside with; is bad for us. Correlation doesnt equal causation.


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548651

if some of the greatest scientists of all time (Tesla, Newton, Ramanujan, Poincare, Maxwell) would be born today, would they use or lurk 4chan? Would they create/invent something similiar and revolutionalize modern world with new ideas and concepts (while also taking advantage of newer tech) or they would be rotting their ass on social media, jerking off to porn and doomscrolling all day?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548631

>literally pseudoscience

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🗑️ 🧵 the education system is broken

Anonymous No. 16548623

the average american knows more about long dead dinosaurs than the birds that are currently in their backyard

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548584

Why don't we have Thorium power in current year?

Meme. I read the Weinberg report and it said that corrosion was present but practically insignificant (if I remember correctly).

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548579

Is bird flu worse than covid? Will they just burn the hospitals down if bird flu breaks out so no one can spread it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548515

>median verbal IQ (which includes verbal reasoning, comprehension, working memory, and mathematical computation) of 126
How can this be replicated?

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🗑️ 🧵 How do researchers come up with a problem and solve it?

Anonymous No. 16548468

I was thinking about how everybody, who wants an diploma/Bachelor/Master/PhD, needs to come up with some new problem and solve it. I wouldn't know, but I feel like I were to do something like that, I would have great difficulties finding a problem suitable for me and even more so solving it? Either those people's brains operate at some incomprehensible level different to mine or they just solve bs problems, that don't bring anyone anything beneficial. It's probably both, but with a strong tendency to the the former. So, how does it work, /sci/?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16548463

>[...] and despite his gargantuan intellect, John von Neumann was constantly bullied by other scientists in the Manhattan Project for his failure to win a Nobel prize. Hans Bethe, who won a Nobel prize for discovering the fusion reaction that powered stars, would refer to him as "No Nobel Neumann" behind his back. This nickname would stick throughout the duration of World War Two. Enrico Fermi, who won a Nobel prize for discovering nuclear fission, would frequently wear his prize around his neck in the presence of von Neumann.

>But perhaps the grandest prank on von Neumann was played by Richard Feynman. One day Feynman called von Neumann in his office. Imitating a Swedish accent, he identified himself as a representative of the Nobel Prize committee. He told von Neumann that he had won a Nobel prize in physics, and later that afternoon a delegation would arrive in the auditorium to personally present it to him. Ecstatic, von Neumann rushed to the auditorium during lunchtime, where he found a full audience of his colleagues waiting. Feynman, in a bushy fake moustache and lederhosen, waddled onto stage. He passed a certificate for a "Theoretical Nobel Prize in Physics", and declared that only certainty in quantum mechanics was that von Neumann would contribute anything significant to it.