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🧵 Is Walmart trying to make people smart?

Anonymous No. 16623327

Walmart is posting IQ test questions on the back of their cereal. Thoughts? Please give skitzo answers only.

I'll post answer key in a moment

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16623321

How does the balding know where to stop? Why doesn't the baldness keep going until it connects to your back?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16623311

Are all the problems on FrontierMath memes? They seem like undergrad homework problems that are hard solely due to the compute resources needed to perform the calculations. Yet the AI crowd climaxes as soon as they see set notation.

Can we admit that FrontierMath just paid off math celebrities to advertise for their homepage and aggregated a ton of low effort problems.

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🧵 Question about universe

Anonymous No. 16623247

Hi smart people. I have a question for you...

If the universe is infinite couldn't we follow stars back to the origin/point of the big bang? For example if our star is 13 billion years old, but a distant star is 12 billion years old wouldn't that indicate the direction the big bang came from?

And if we were to survive for billions of years wouldn't we eventually need to follow the "wave" finding younger and younger stars so we're not in complete darkness?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16623154

Why is there so much variation between vulvas?
Most other body parts don't differ so much between individuals.
It's like evolution has yet to make up its mind on what makes a good vulva.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16623097

Where can I find his doctoral thesis?

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🧵 Pain Is A Transduction And Can Be Changed

Anonymous No. 16623074

I've outlined practice techniques to control all your transductions. In the end everything has to be interpreted by your mind, and that's where you have control. Just trust me, I'm not only mad I am also very smart. Those who lack imagination may be unable to do these techniques, but for others it will be the greatest gift.

I could change the world if you would only allow it. Plan B is to work these into some kind of spiritual practice.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16623052

time isn't real

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16623046

Imagine having giga brain I.Q and wasting it unraveling some obscure math bullshit instead of focusing on the stuff that really matters like the arts and philosophy.
Don't get me wrong, math is great but only as a means to sharpen your mind. The end has always been beauty and wisdom.
Confusing the end for the means is a classic rookie mistake.

I mean the old scientists at least were well educated. But it's really sad nowadays when you see someone acing the I.M.O
And you wonder, what else do they do with their amazing gift? and they're watching anime and buying Funko Pops. no taste for the higher things in life.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622991

does anyone still remember these incredible encyclopedias as a kid?
they basically unlock your consciousness if read at a critical point in your development

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🧵 Why Plotum Is So Important

Anonymous No. 16622892

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🗑️ 🧵 Population

Anonymous No. 16622599

Reverse search image for article.

Gist is that rural non Western areas probably have significantly more people than is said.

Subject was mostly China. Reason this makes some sense to suspect is that one child policy and the history of central planning caused famines means Chinese people don't give half a god damn about modern services economy or even disaster relief and planning.

Probably are hundreds of millions whose peasant lives are little different resources wise than the requirements of free range livestock.

They're not bothering anyone. They're not consuming anything. They're not beholden to any deluded needs and demands of a modern bureaucracy or oligarchy.

Exposing any such people would just lead to the suffocation of the most mature form of culture on earth.

The I don't give a fuck peasant.

I say this would be great and leave them alone or I'll sick batman on you.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622566

Any solution to the gamma ray burst events that may hit earth soon?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622515

>Develop an innovative new bomb design that allows for the use of Plutonium in nuclear weapons
>They build one and call it "Fat Man"

Why did they troll him so hard lol

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

🧵 Statistics Algorithm

Anonymous No. 16622510

We have 1000 kids with different clothing (shirt, pants, hat).
We have made three lists counting how many kids had a clothing piece of that color.

We now need to make the best assumption on all clothing combinations. We assume the clothing colors are completely independent of each other.
But there are two requirements:
1. We cannot guess the wrong total number of kids. It needs to be exactly 1000.
2. For each clothing catgory, the total number must also match. (E.g. we KNOW there are 50 kids with yellow pants, so we CANNOT guess 53).

Normal rounding doesn't do it. In the screenshot you can see that we get both wrong.
What is the right algorithm here?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622451


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622421

scientists are eating each other alive in Antarctica, reminds you of something? how low has science fallen...

A group of South African scientists has pleaded for help, saying they are trapped in an isolated base on a cliff edge in Antarctica with a team member who has become violent.

One of the team has been accused of assault and threatening violence against his colleagues. South Africa's environment minister confirmed that an assault had taken place.

Why It Matters
The overwintering team, a group that remains in a remote and extreme environment during winter months, knew that 10 of their 15 months at the base would be spent in isolation but may now be in danger from one of their own members, who has been accused of being mentally unstable.

Members will have undergone psychometric tests to ensure they could withstand the stress of this isolation but the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), which manages the South African National Antarctic Programme, now plans to retest them.

What To Know
South Africa's isolated Sanae IV Antarctic base is cut off from the world for the next 10 months because of the winter weather.

A member of the overwintering team has reportedly sent an email to the South African government accusing another team member of physical and sexual assault.

"His behavior has become increasingly egregious, and I am experiencing significant difficulty in feeling secure in his presence," the email said, according to The Sunday Times. "It is imperative that immediate action is taken to ensure my safety and the safety of all employees."

The writer called the man's behavior "deeply disturbing" and said he had created an "environment of fear and intimidation."

"I remain deeply concerned about my own safety, constantly wondering if I might become the next victim," they said.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622407

How many distinct human subspecies are there? For africa, i've been able to pinpoint four. The bantu, bushmen, pygmies and nilotes. In asia, south asians are obviously a distinct subspecies. Australia has aboriginals. But beyond that i am stuck on how to classify other populations as single biological units

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🧵 Why did we lose our fur?

Anonymous No. 16622391

Virtually every mammal (excluding aquatic) has fur/hair covering their entire body. At what point in evolution did this happen to us and why? All the other apes are still hairy.

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16622388

Concrete edition

previous >>16619836

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🧵 Science on Tattoos?

Anonymous No. 16622346

i have a friend who wants to get a tattoo to cover up his tummy tuck scar. the scar doesnt even look bad, but hes like he needs to hide it cause its disgusting blabla. how can i let him know in a scientific way, that its dumb and harmful to his health?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622342

>best mathfag alive
>name is "Tau"
He doesn't exist, does he? It's just another Jewish propaganda.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622301

>skull diminution surgery

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16622234

does giving 5 year olds 10 pages of math homework every day actually do anything to IQ?