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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007952

I have just finished The Donut, amazing.
Thank you for this gift, Andrew Price.
I owe everything to you.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007936

Is it possible to sculpt a character like this without motion capture?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007910

What 3D software were used for picrel?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007909

What 3D modelling program were used for picrel?

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🗑️ 🧵 Boo

Anonymous No. 1007886

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🧵 /DailySculpting/

Anonymous No. 1007862

a thread to post your daily sculpts and sculpting in general
previous thread >>1003156

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🧵 Threat Interactive

Anonymous No. 1007846

Is he right?
Is he wrong?
...or is he a schizo?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007834

What's the workflow to model an artificial/interior environment and texture it?
>le modular assets
Too restrictive.
>tileset with things like Sprytile on Blender or Crocotile 3D
I can't draw tilesets.
>just friggin model it, Lois
Can do, but then how the fuck do I texture it?

Please help. All tutorials online are for fucking forests or how to make a city with 5 house models copy-pasted all over the place. I need help for INTERIORS

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🧵 what the fuck is this

Anonymous No. 1007816

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007681

How do I make and animate 3D models for a game? Preferrably with an anime-ish art style and that whole "stepped animation" shindig (i.e, what ASW does with dragon ball fighterz)
I'd look in the pinned FAQ, but half of the links are missing and half of the images won't load.

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🗑️ 🧵 zbrush crack

Anonymous No. 1007677

anyone know a working zbrush crack? tried one a couple months back and gave up after a classic resetting all my emails and not even getting the app situation, now i will try again (and cope with the inevitable virus)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007634

Are you supposed to sculpt or box model organic things like human characters and monsters?

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🧵 Low poly UV unwrapping

Anonymous No. 1007603

I've been shittily 3d modeling for a while now but UV unwrapping has always fucked with me. How in the hell is the MG model nice and flat, but blender outputs my UV all fucked up? Do I literally have to go in manually and pin each vertex into the pixel perfect position? Am I just retarded and just not doing it right> Most tutorials that cover low poly modeling in blender just use minecraft square-esque models and shit so it doesn't help me out since mine are more triangular.

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🧵 How do japs make this?

Anonymous No. 1007602

Can anyone explain what's the secret of this picture texturing and modelling?

I understand the modeling is just basic low poly with a subsurf modifier.

What I don't get 100% is the texturing and I wonder if is just albedo texturing in photoshop or Krita.

The other thing is the shading.
Prety sure this is not a complex shader and would be funny if it's just a basic 1 tone shadow toon shader.

The funny thing is that It would be hilarious if this guy is just using PS2 tricks but on 2025.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007586


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007551

For those of you who made it to employment,
how the piss do you get used to switching between different programs and software suites that use different camera/viewport controls?

I'm having to switch between blender, maya, and marvelous designer.
Unfortunately, I started and spent most of my time on blender. The Maya control set, is that more of an industry standard majority? I _think_ substance painter uses it for simple things like camera controls.

For those of you who do have to switch between environments, have you found a certain program's viewing controls are able to be adopted in all the competitors? I tried once to get Substance Painter to use Blenders, but it was something like everything but one set of key commands were unable to be switched which caused an insanity spiral of moving other actions around. This was 2018 or something though, maybe do-able nowadays.

Ahhghhhhhh I hate the shit outta everything.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007510

i have a scan of my teeth, upper and lower.
the initial purpose was to print a copy of them and vacuum form a mold over them as a retainer, because i grind my teeth and tear up my retainers really fast, and they're 200$ to get replaced.

a secondary goal is to slightly pivot my teeth to undo the shifting they've experienced since i got my braces off. DIY invisalign.
the same idea as what this guy did:

my question is, what program should i work in to manipulate these scans? i've got .obj files. i know fusion360 but it's not really built for stuff like this. i've done the blender donut but that's about all of my blender experience. can i do this sort of parametric work in blender? like, sectioning off a tooth and rotating it, or setting a distance to keep between certain features?

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🧵 Do I have even a remote chance at texturing a CAD model?

Anonymous No. 1007480

Of course after conversion to either Ngons or Tris?
I tried everything to make it work in Substance Painter, but I guess I either need to UV manually, which would me masochistic, or remodel completely. The shading artefacts and fucket up auto UV in Substance is just horrendous

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007460

how much does it cost to have 4 characters like this made?

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🗑️ 🧵 Is one "jiggle bone" per butt cheek enough?

Anonymous No. 1007436

Pic related.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007382

Can anyone download it? i get some redirection error.

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🧵 How much to make a resin printable super accurate model of this character?

Anonymous No. 1007369

How much money would I need to realistically pay someone to make a resin printable 3d model of this character in this pose?

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🗑️ 🧵 Ask me questions about AI

Anonymous No. 1007362

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007317

I've completed my donuts. So what now?