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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164772

Pfizer murdering more children again

All because they're not allowed to experiment on chimps to figure out if their drugs are safe or not before giving them to humans.
Why do the PETA faggots value the life of a dumb chimpanzee more than they do the lives of humans?

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🧵 Help me solve my mental illness

Anonymous No. 16164735

For 10 years I've gone to doctors, psychiatrists, and therapy, and none of them have managed to make any progress on my mental illness -- I've been on 12+ pills and none did a thing. So I'm left to solve this myself. Don't tell me to see another doctor because that's not going to work. Fortunately, I've collected a number of probable hints toward a solution.

What I discover is that if I do some intense cardio and then drink coffee + eat while in front of a fan, my symptoms reduce. Most people have told me it's simply the cardio producing the beneficial effect. But if I remove *any* of these 4 elements from the equation, the reduction in symptoms is vastly weaker. So in practice, I need to do very intense cardio, drink a bunch of coffee, eat a bunch (esp carbs), and stick my face close into the fan. Only then will I notice major reduction in symptoms. The positive effects disappear by the next day, but maybe it's because I jerk off before bed.

You may say this is hypoxia, and that I'm simply getting high. That's a natural conclusion. But I've accidentally triggered hypoxia in myself while doing this and the symptoms are completely different. During hypoxia I get tingles in my face and groin & feel light-headed/dizzy, but none of that occurs when things go correctly, I simply get a reduction in my illness symptoms with no side effects.

Drinking a ton of coffee + eating a lot of carbs is unhealthy. It's also expensive and tiring. I'm hoping to find the mechanism behind this improvement so I can actually do it everyday. If you have any ideas, I would really appreciate your suggestions.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164731

Whats the science behind how cordyceps fungus works, how to they zombify and control their insect slaves?

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🧵 MIT eliminated DEI

Anonymous No. 16164696

>Elite university eliminates DEI hiring requirement: 'They don't work'
>MIT scraps diversity statement from faculty hiring process

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164682

Any way to decalcify the brain from fluorine/fluoride? I have been injected with APs which are basically fluorine, any tip? They stopped my paranormal activity

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164665

How come soientists love poisoning healthy children so much? Whats causes them to be like that?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164598

so... how many different compounds actually exist? Just in the blood, there's like... a lot.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164594

Scientifically speaking, which would be better for an eugenics program?

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🗑️ 🧵 Covid is not infectious in humans

Anonymous No. 16164491

>Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed

>Researchers deliberately infect participants with SARS-CoV-2 in ‘challenge’ trials — but high levels of immunity complicate efforts to test vaccines and treatments.

How do you feel about the fact that you took a dangerous, untested experimental medication in order to prevent a nonexistent viral epidemic?
Do you feel foolish, gullible & low IQ?

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🧵 witten thread

Anonymous No. 16164485
witten now believes that the project to teach mathematicians about quantum field and string theory was only a moderate success. he's come to believe that even though QFT and string theory knows lots of mathematics to be able to apply it in math the way witten did you need to learn the physics of it first.

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🧵 Theoretically

Anonymous No. 16164406

How would the contact beam from dead space work irl? Could it be fabricated with current century's materials and tech?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164396

The lungs and stomach should just be the same organ, that way you only need one pipe going to it

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🧵 Space race 2: Electric Boogaloo

Anonymous No. 16164364

Now that the space race is back, when will the USA get their shit together and stop being cucked to death by the Chinese? Will we get a third actor this time like Europe or Japan or India this time?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164341

Can you grind through Math at the age of 30, while being a retard?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Barkon No. 16164310

You little mugged off cunt, you mugging me off you little mug. Mugged off mug, you mugging me? I'll mug you. Muggy little cunt

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164308

My cosmology teacher is making me study dark matter and dark energy for the exam (it's a mandatory subject so I need to pass if I want my degree)
Why must I waste time learning about unproven fairytales in order to be a physicist? I thought I was only going to learn about proven science when I enrolled in my university

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🧵 Quantum Field Theory prerequisites

Anonymous No. 16164286

Do I seriously need to know all of the stuff mentioned in pic related in order to understand quantum field theory? Wtf that’s crazy if true…

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164274

Phenomenology of the experiences of women who have had an abortion/Research

Hello! My name is Elvir :)

I am writing here asking for help in my psychoanalytical research, collecting a sample.
I have always been concerned about the topic of abortion precisely from the subjective female position: how such an experience is recorded, the features of the presentation of such an event that accompanies speech (associations, metaphors, images...).

The discourse is socially and politically sensitive, there are already sociological and journalistic works, medical ones and even more so. Combining psychoanalytic and feminist optics in my work (this is required by special attention to women’s existence), I want to reveal the diversity of experiences and experiences of abortion, the priority is individuality and singularity.

This is a purely qualitative study, where each case will not be translated into impersonal scores or scales. On the contrary, each participant in the study will contribute with her voice to the discovery of a psychic phenomenon.

There are no restrictions in the sample: age, when the procedure was performed and what type, gestational age, attitude towards what happened... Absolutely everything is important, participation is precious!

You can share your experience with me in my telegram: @xen_larva.
In a format convenient for you, ensuring complete confidentiality, under the auspices of the ethics of care :)
If desired, I am ready to share information and literature: regarding both the fate of the research and something else in the area of my competencies. I would be glad if you spread it among your friends where you think it is important, it will incredibly support the work.
Thank you!

(if one-on-one communication is not comfortable, then comments here are also welcome)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164243

How do we optimize teaching/instruction? I am getting more and more interested in the scientific aspects of learning and teaching.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164233

Newton is a hero to us all! How many here are on the Newtonian arc? Sure, you might not make a huge discovery like gravity but you can still walk in the footsteps of greatness.

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🧵 newbie here

Anonymous No. 16164230

I need a little push to start, I want to dedicate my time in life to the research and development of technology that allows us to become cyborgs, I am 18, but I don't know where to start, I could study medicine, computer science, chemistry, or robotics, at some point I will have to specialize in all of these areas, but to make better use of my time, I would like to know, which do you think would be the best to study first?

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🧵 Physics playing fast and loose with math again?

Anonymous No. 16164224

So we've obtained an expression for E for a charged particle on the axis of symmetry of a charged circle that's producing the field.

Now they go "hey but let's make this totally finite E and q differentials and then go from there" - WTF?

Does that have something to do with the fact that going from a point to a circle (0-D to 1-D) is like integrating a differential and going from a circle to a disk (1-D to 2-D) is analogous so a finite quantity (q and E) in 1-D becomes infinitesimal in 2-D? Is that what it is?

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🧵 Origin of life

Anonymous No. 16164211

Is origin of life research a scan?
Why can't we recreate life in a laboratory?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16164194

My doctor just told me there's nothing wrong with taking Zoloft (sertraline) while drinking heavily.

Is that true?