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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180107

So if you are standing near a huge tree as it falls over, and as it crashes down a single leaf attached to the branch hits you. How much damage could it do? What instead of a leaf it was a twig or a tiny branch?

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🧵 Why do so many mice brain studies never translate to humans?

Anonymous No. 16180106

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180104

Is this what male Neanderthals did to female Homo sapiens?

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🧵 This isn't a "proton"

Anonymous No. 16180072

>Chemists actually call this [math]H^+[/math]

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🧵 Ozone layer

Anonymous No. 16180059

Back in the late 80s and 90s, did we stop the ozone layer damage by banning chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), or the damage never began in the first place?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180035

Climate change is real, you're just too pussy and scared to admit it because accepting climate change means democracy is a farce, 'peacetime' is evil, and that billions must die. You're no different from the liberals who think they can save the world by insane self-sacrifice (eating the bugs and living in a pod) instead of attacking and eliminating cultures that do not meet climate goals. You're just a coward.

The great men of the early 1900s would have acted differently and fought the problem with passion, even if it meant being the bad guy. The west has fallen. We were meant to be the praetorians of mother nature, and instead we chose plastic slop and oil (the devil's cum) instead of based nuclear energy and wood, steel, and glass (god's natural gifts to the world0.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16180007

>Turing Award
>Abel Prize.
Avi Wigderson mogs Ed Witten. Change the sticky.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179795

Are we witnessing the first internet transmitted mental illness?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179779

What's /sci/'s take on the least niche of science that is going to be invaded by AI?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179667

Where does the initial movement in animal bodies happen? In simple terms.

By movement I mean, when you decide to move your eye, your hand, any part of you, where does the initial movement happen involved in the thought to do that? in your brain? is it some kind of chemical signal? what is the first thing that happens to trigger me to do something, physically.

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🧵 Norman J. Wildberger

Anonymous No. 16179503

How can it possible to do math without reals /sci/?

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🧵 What explains attraction between apes?

Anonymous No. 16179500

Apparently even female chimps get wet for Chad.
Not only that, but male orangutans find gingers attractive, and in Japan women would go to a zoo exclusively to see a silverback they found "handsome". I even remember a r*dditor confesing that his gf once had a crush on a zoo gorilla.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179485

What was your favorite course that you took in undergrad /sci/?

For me it was thermodynamics, I was finally glad to do something other than Mech and Electromagnetism.

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Anonymous No. 16179463

DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeded 500 Times Allowable Levels, Study Finds

A new peer-reviewed study raises concerns over inadequate testing
methods for measuring DNA impurities in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179351

>d-dcotors aren't smart
Smarter than retarded mathfags who scraped by with their 2.4 GPA and now earn peanuts
>b-but my program was le harder
Nobody cares.

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🗑️ 🧵 channeling of million spirits into a new God

Anonymous No. 16179339

could it be possible that collective consciousness of human race manifests as a God?

could it be possible that collective consciousness of lesser animals (mentally) manifested as an primordial God?

>dinosaurs: primitive God (100 million years ago)
>mammals: more advanced beast God (30 million years ago)
>humans: a God achieves selfawereness (6000 years ago)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179320

Imagine this but with a can of instant noodle soup

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🗑️ 🧵 666 math

Anonymous No. 16179287

2 x 3
2 3s = 33

3 3s = 333
3 3s = 333

6 6s = 36
6 6s...
36 x 6 = 216
216 / 2 = 108
216 x 2 = 432
2 16s = 32
21 6s = 126
126 / 2 = 63
126 / 3 = 42

666 / 216 = 3.083333... (8 .333s = 2)
666 / 74 = 9
666 / 66 = 10.09090909...

666 / 42 = 15.857142857142... (15 x 857142 = 12,857,130 or 8571(12+30))
666 / 432 = 1.5416666... (15 x 41 = 615 _ 615 + 41 = 666)
666 / 108 = 6.16666.... (6 x 1 lol, also 6 x 16 = 96, 96 / 3 = 32)
666 / 126 = 5.285714285714... (5 x 285714 = 1,428,570 (every number except 3, 6, or 9!)
666 / 63 = 10.571428571428... (10 x 571428 = 5714280 (every number except 3, 6, or 9!)

666 / 36 = 18.5
18.5 x 2 = 37
37 x 18 = 666
18 x 2 = 36

666 / 32 = 20.8125 (8 x .125 = 1, 20 x 8125 = 162500, 162500 / 666 = 243.993993993993...)
666 / 243 = 2.740740740740... (2 x 740 = 1480, 1480 / 666 = 2.2222....)

666 / 8 = 83.25 (83 x 25 = 2075, 2075 / 666 = 3.11561561561561561..., 832.25 x 2 = 166.5 or (1(66)+5) == 666), 1665 / 2.5 = 666, 166.5 x 2 = 333)
666 / 25 = 26.64 (26 x 64 = 1664, 1664 / 666 = 2.498498498498...)
666 / 33 = 20.18181818... (20 x 18 = 360, 666 / 360 = 1.85, 666 x 85 = 56610 or (5(66)+1(0) == 6660)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179284

Why do shitjeets think they have a profound affinity for STEM when most of them are incompetent and only in their respective programs to meet the department's diversity quotas?
Go into the trades and stop shitting up academia.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179277

Am I on the right path?

So im a computer science graduate and I words from differential equations professor wont stop ringing in my head: "Most of the engineers in my class have problems cause they dont really understand math" and he is absolutely right.

So, I want to actually "know" math, to look at a problem and actually understand it on an intuitive level.

I was recommended here a while back to start with real analysis (taking the online MIT course on youtube), is this okay? And what should I take after? Im about 5-6 lectures in

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🗑️ 🧵 Psychopathic Geniuses

Anonymous No. 16179271

A server for rare individuals who possess both a psychopathic personality and high intelligence.

Are you one of us?


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🧵 identifying a gram positive bacillus?

Anonymous No. 16179216

hi this is my first time using 4chan so I have absolutely no clue if i’m doing this right… can anyone help me identify this bacteria? ive done a multitude of tests with it and narrowed it down to either b. badius, b. cereus, or b. megatarium. (there is confirmation from my professor that it is in fact one of these.)

occurs in chains and singly
gram stain: positive
catalase: positive
starch hydrolysis: positive
grows yellow colonies on MSA agar, no pH change/acid production
positive reaction to spirit blue agar (aka lipase)
casein positive
also its about 1x4 :3

if you need any other info please let me know! the colonies are cream colored and quite dense, not really any particular shape however

my best guess is megatarium cuz of the tests thus far and i also had an old colony turn yellow and apparently that’s a unique trait!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179208

What if God decided, "let humans have feathers". How would becoming birdies change humanity?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16179175

If I fail to do math for 10 hours tomorrow, I’m going to kill myself