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🗑️ 🧵 convince me that OCD isn't real

Anonymous No. 16469178

Can you try and really convince me about the fakeness of OCD? I'm trying to find some divergent thoughts on the internet, but NPC central (reddit) has taken it all over so now everyone acts like the ministry of truth told them, so they firmly believe in OCD and if you think otherwise you're banned

I ask this psycology question here because 4chan has real freedom of speech, and because psycology is arguably a science too

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16469163

italians are worthless muslims

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🧵 /icg/ - incelcore general

Anonymous No. 16469160

How can someone like me utilize science to be able to do simple things such as getting a job and talking to people?

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Anonymous No. 16469144

Trump made a campaign promise to use some locked up federal land to build several new "cities of the future", do any of you brains have any suggestions as to where, what, how etc? Should Musk be put in charge of this project?

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🗑️ 🧵 Academic publishing rife with fraud

Anonymous No. 16469092

New paper suggests large amounts of collusion and other unethical behavior in the world of academic publishing
>Academic papers are essential for researchers to communicate
their work to their peers and industry experts. Quality research is publi- shed in prestigious scientific journals, and is considered as part of the hir- ing and promotion criteria at leading universities. Scientific journals conduct impartial and anonymous peer reviews of submitted manuscripts; however, individuals involved in this process may encounter issues related to the duration, impartiality, and transparency of these reviews.

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🧵 Can things truly come from nothing?

Anonymous No. 16469014

I was talking to a friend yesterday and he was telling me about how he read that in today's physics it is believed that things can appear from absolutely nothing, than in experiments, even the best vacuums we have achieved we have detected particles to "spawn in".
He also said that the conservation of energy law only works on chemical reactions and closed systems (which we aren't sure the universe is).

was my friend schizo ranting or did he say any truths?, if so what kind of particles can just "spawn in" like that?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468922

Is there any science behind looksmaxxing?

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🧵 cerebellar cortex

Anonymous No. 16468899

How the fuck does the brain have a snowflake/leaf/flower or whatever it is?

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🗑️ 🧵 Whats wrong with FANS?

Anonymous No. 16468879

Did anyone ever find out?
Why do
>Female Asian Never Smokers
Get lung cancer?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468855

So this means the center of our galaxy was a quasar at some point?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468832

Is biology, the study of living things, superior to physics, the study of matter and energy? Why should we care about inanimate rocks and predictable physical processes, when God's love and power is most apparent in things that live and breathe.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468775 [Embed]

This is an incredible video, it provides evidence that the more intelligent you are, the more likely you are to be swayed in decision making by your political beliefs. More intelligent people seemingly experience emotions more intensely and it interferes with their ability to perform logically more so than less intelligent people. This could explain a lot of what we see in common political discourse.

It could potentially be used as an argument against many rhetorics that their side is right because they have more intelligent members or that they as an individual are more intelligent, when in reality this can have the opposite effect.

This can be compared with many other topics of discussion we feel intensely emotional about. Rule of thumb, if you feel very strongly about something, chances are, you're not thinking about it rationally, therefore, you really should try to distance yourself from emotions when making decisions and put facts over feelings.

In short, intelligent people are more stubborn, which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468747

Why are viruses like that?
and what the fuck ARE they?
why can't they be alive?
weird cunts

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468678

What do you think would be the most important books that may compensate for the rest of them if all the books suddenly disappeared?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468631

What actual new science has BSM contributed to the field of astrophysics?

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🧵 Why do heritable traits fit a normal distribution?

Anonymous No. 16468565

I don't see how this makes sense using Mendelian inheritance. Is it because of the heterogeneity in a population and random gene inheritance from two parents to their offspring, or random mutations that aren't deleterious?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468555

Is raw milk safe to drink?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468549

What they tell you: For every force there is an equal and opposite force.
What they don't tell you: One force of those force pairs is fictitious.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468485

Is it possible to create an artificial, new element that will be stable, non-radioactive, and have useful properties? Is there a chance of an element that occurred by itself still remaining undiscovered?

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🧵 Lumber Research?

bibo No. 16468456

Why aren't scientists working on making larger trees? Or faster growing hardwood trees?

We should be driving down the cost of lumber to basically zero. It seems like an extremely important issue and basically no organizations are working on it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468448

Post most overrated mathematicians in your opinion

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🗑️ 🧵 are jews so dirty because of neanderthal admix?

Anonymous No. 16468410

i think for example adhd and other frontal lobe deficiencies might correlate with neanderthal admix, too. but it'll never be researched because they control science funding.

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🗑️ 🧵 ITT: black excellence in STEM

Anonymous No. 16468378

>Two High Schoolers Found an ‘Impossible’ Proof for a 2,000-Year-Old Math Rule—Then, They Discovered Nine More

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16468368

>Scientifically speaking, [bullshit that has nothing to do with science]
>Politics thread
>Religion thread
>/x/-tier thread
Scientifically speaking, who keeps spamming shitty threads, raiding good ones, making moronic arguments, lacking basic knowledge of reality that any first-year has, and generally trying to turn /sci/ into yet another brainlet & schizo board?

Who stands to gain from ruining /sci/?