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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16474256

Remind me again what he proved in physics? A disabled man talking via a machine was indeed a revolutionary thing, but that shouldn't be enough to give some insignificant hack fame...

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🧵 /med/ medicine

Anonymous No. 16474196

obstetrics edition
prev: >>16451314

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sdp mears.pdf

🧵 Small dick problems: Masculine entitlement as rhetorical strategy

Anonymous No. 16474118

>This essay aims to sharpen the term entitlement for critical scholars by positing entitlement as a rhetorical strategy of hierarchy maintenance. The Reddit community r/SmallDickProblems, intended to provide support for men with small penises, furnishes an appropriate case study for threatened masculinity employing entitlement claims to maintain status. Abetted by the affordances of scale and anonymity associated with networked platforms, the men at r/SmallDickProblems assert affective and epistemic entitlements to recoup what they perceive to be a natural gendered hierarchy.

>Content advisory: This essay examines discourses concerning misogyny, transphobia, and suicide.

>Keywords: Affective entitlement; epistemic entitlement; male entitlement; manosphere; networked misogyny

You're telling me that right now, right fucking now, there are pieces of shit in this god-forsaken world taking actual grant money to "study" online websites to find ammunition to humiliate, berate, condemn, and disparage men who were unlucky to be born with less than 7 inches below the belt? You're also telling me this shit gets peer reviewed?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16474066

If math is so fucking complicated... Well, have you ever stopped to think: Hmmmm. Maybe it is TOO complicated? Maybe, just mayhapsly, this is a bad thing and not a good thing?

Science is outpacing evolution. People have to attend school for 20+ years just to reach a level of being able to read 100 year old discoveries. It's simply not sustainable.

Maybe it's time to stop and think about that. Like it's time to refactor your code. It's smelly, and full of bugs and poor documentation and legacy. You need to make things more simple. Actually improve how things are formulated and communicated, or there simply won't be any healthy brains left by the time they have the knowledge necessary to contribute further.

That's by the way the real reason you should be able to explain something to a 5 year old.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473985

>need some old-ass book from 1960's
>Anna's Archive time
>download is either insanely slow (several hours for 30 MB book or doesn't start at all

Truly the age of free information.

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🧵 Global Excellent Scientists Fund 2025 in China

Anonymous No. 16473944

My father is a mechanical engineer and used to be in nuclear power research. He received the following email:

I searched it up a little and found this random article:

This supposed campaign has elements identical to the email:
2024 invitation for overseas talents to apply for the Global Excellent Scientists Fund in China.
>promises salaries ranging from $95,000 to $374,000.
>The fact it was sent by email

We live in Europe not Canada but there's too many correlations.
In any case, should we be worried about this? Is there anything fishy going on?
Is there a reason he shouldn't apply?
Have you had any experience like this?

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🗑️ 🧵 Social sciences

Anonymous No. 16473909

Can anyone on /sci/ guess the cause behind this massive 55% turnaround in the vote tally in this one district in Brooklyn which did not occur in to the same extent in nearby districts?

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🧵 Transcranial magnetic stimulation

Anonymous No. 16473889

I've been getting moody since the time change has kept me at a desk during daylight hours. I'd like to supplement a little bit of full spectrum light exposure with TMS, since the Mayo clinic said that it is generally safe and without serious risks for someone of my medical history. I assume I won't be able to use a home unit with headphones, with all the magnets involved. Are there any anons with experience or suggestions before I buy a home unit from China without a prescription and do 3-4 15 minutes sessions per week?

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🧵 gwern

Anonymous No. 16473789

this is your hero?

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🧵 How good are elite colleges actually?

Anonymous No. 16473788

Okay /sci/ so there are a bunch of things online showing Cambridge college's reading lists and other shit for their mathematics tripos, said to be the hardest math course devised by humans. But how good is this really? We all know elite colleges make things harder and are selective purely as a means of maintaining their prestige and reputation. I knew a guy who attended an elite college and he told me the teaching actually sucked and they spent more time online or using MIT open courseware instead of relying on their actual professors who seemed more interested in research and PhD slaves instead of teaching freshman undergrads. Overloading students with work was a tactic used to make things artificially difficult and elite and keep them busy.

So basically, if somebody went through this material would it actually give them a good education in mathematics? If yes, is that education actually better than what you'd get at a less elite/pretigious institution that has a solid reputation in math? I'm guessing the basic stuff is good but it isn't as great as it makes it out to be and probably not better than a public ivy in the graduates it produces and a lot of it is just hype and maintaining an image. But i am a pol "science" retard who has zero understanding of math and science so I don't know.

Math tripos guide

Reading list and book reccs

Lecture notes from parts 1 and 2

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🗑️ 🧵 Is it worth watching?

Anonymous No. 16473768

I've watched a few episodes of S1 and it feels like a giant waste of time.
Does every episode follow this pattern :

Mystery->Mystery solved->...or is it?...

But really it's just some B rated horror movie crap.

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🧵 /bio/ - Biology General

Anonymous No. 16473764

Manmade Horrors edition

Basic Info For Tourists:

Biology Journals to Read New Research:

Top Bio News Headlines This Week:

QOTT: Let's say you genetically engineered a species of satyrs and minotaurs. What would their taxonomy be? They have characteristics of both the family Bovidae and the order Primates, but don't seem to fit in either. How would you classify them?


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473672

Could a animak evolve to survive 1000k?

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🧵 It is actually possible to buy a piece of moon for 70$ ?

Anonymous No. 16473644

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473626

So gravity doesn't actually exist, there's just the warping of space-time?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473537

How can we avoid microplastics in daily life?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473503

Chat, is this true?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473479

Is it harmful for health to smell and keep old books?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473477

>Despises conquistadors for destroying the Aztec and Mayan civilizations simply because they had some scientific and astronomical knowledge.
>Completely ignores their constant human sacrifice, slave-based society, and fundamentalist beliefs.

Isn't supporting the most technologically advanced civilization the most pro-science stance you can take? Why do some "scientists" place their emotions above progress?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473388

Would this work?

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🗑️ 🧵 Is eugenics real?

Anonymous No. 16473378

I need the genuine truth, not the leftist lies thay deceived people.

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🧵 Uhm no clue if this is the right place to ask but you guys seem like a smart bunch.

Anonymous No. 16473363

So i have been studying on and of for thr past 4 years. Im 24 right now i studied ,political sience( stoped becous alot of fart smellers both proffesors and classmates). Labtech(quit becous of peer ridicule, and its aledgedly a "woman job") 2 years of buiness admin. And iknow iknow buisness admin probably is the better paid job but im considering going back to labtech i have no idea why i let people talk me out of it. I refuse to become a excelmonkey even if the pay is waaay better. Simply becous if i take money out of the equation id go labbing all day hell ill do it for fucking free. Am i being a tard?
>thanks for reading my blog

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🧵 Why is Princeton considered the mecca of mathematics?

Huh J. No. 16473359

I've read this time and time again on several forums. Besides the fact Princeton spent decades proving one by one the over 3000 theorems and equations of Ramanujan diaries and the fact Princeton has the biggest mathematics library of the world, How true is it?
How is Princeton maths different than Harvard maths or MIT maths?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16473339

There’s a host of paradoxes that have been identified that would arise if backwards time travel was possible. However, I thought of one that I haven’t heard in the mainstream yet.

If, by some mechanism, a person or object hypothetically travelled backwards in time to meet its past self, you now have duplicates of that person or object. Doesn’t that violate the law of conservation of mass?