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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476858

The president of the EU is not attending the big climate summit, neither is the president of the USA or the leader of China. The leaders of Japan, Brazil, France and many other nations are also skipping the event.

Does this signal the official death of the global warming meme?

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🧵 any med faggs wana tell me ho bad this AMR actually is?

Anonymous No. 16476852
> glass report

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🗑️ 🧵 Physics seems fabricated

Jefferson01 No. 16476848

How might I prove Newton's Laws using mathematical axioms?

Also, the fact that Physics models seem never to approximate reality perfectly, likely means we aren't in a simulation, yet

The fact that our manmade equation realms are not reality makes me uneasy. Is this really the world we have?

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🧵 Explain to me why this wouldn't break the second law

Anonymous No. 16476827

Setup as pic, starts at room temperature and thermal equilibrium, with no radiant photons in the vacuum space.
Wood absorbs infrared light, aluminium reflects IRL.
Every part of the system emits some IRL and cools down slightly, however a disproportionate quantity of photons in the left chamber are absorbed by the divider compared to the right. This should mean that the left-hand chunk of wood should initially cool down faster than the right hand one.
The divider should re-emit IRL into both chambers at an equal rate so the total energy difference should stay the same. But then the cycle repeats.
More infrared is absorbed by the divider on the left side, infrared is re-emitted to both sides equally. This should result in a thermal difference between the two pieces of wood starting from thermal equilibrium without any energy input and therefore should violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
I know it will eventually reach "equilibrium" because eventually the right side will be emitting more photons then the left so the absorbtion rate on both sides of the divider will be equal, but that shouldn't happen before a noticeable temperature difference.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476790

How do we prevent science and math education from being subverted and used for purposes other than which it was intended?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476703

Average IQ of people with blue eyes: 114
Average IQ of people with brown eyes: 81

has science figured out why this is yet?
why are people with paler eyes mentally superior to everyone else?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476669

What would happen if i invented a drug that made a person smart enough to beat ai at chess?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476652

What is the science of red hot embers, that no longer burn, not rekindling new wood put into the fireplace and instead just turning them into more black embers, until you throw a match onto the fire and the whole thing is ignited? As if it wants to burn but is unable to kindle itself without another fire from outside.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476647

Any shot of electric aircraft ever matching or surpassing the speed of the current varieties of jet planes?
Assuming the energy storage issue is solved, of course.

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🧵 A brief commentary on the Perpetuation of the Human Species and the path to a Type 3 Civilization

rik No. 16476619

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🧵 Scientists dropping out of science

Anonymous No. 16476557

Why are so many people with degrees in geology, molecular genetics, chemistry and physics not working in those things?

every single guy under 40 years old with those degrees has a bunch of cloud certifications and works as a coder in some soulless deadend software ENGINEER.

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🧵 Cats of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16476540

Friday they're frying the cats and eating the cats edition.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Garrote No. 16476492

Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport chan.

This is the science of human bioenergetics.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476478

Why does weed hit immediately when I take a bong rip but take 5 minutes when I vape? Does the glycol or whatever that goop is have to break down to let the THC through? I understand why edibles take an hour. It's a completely different way of absorbing it. But a bong rip and a vape pen is both depositing the THC into your lungs, so what gives?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476425

Oh no you're telling me le science communicator who hecking loves science is actually a plagiaristic piece of shit ?

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🧵 Male Variability Hypothesis

Anonymous No. 16476322

There are:
- More dumb men then dumb women.
- More average women then average men.
- More smart men then smart women.
So, the male Genius curve is a minority. which explains that throughout history, geniuses have always been rare and special. They cannot represent the "masculine" in essence.

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🧵 Anyone knows how to treat ADHD induced brainfog?

Anonymous No. 16476315

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476077

Biofags, how big of a deal is this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476041

Teleportation LITERALLY kills you. You get disintegrated and turned to nothing and die, meanwhile a clone of you is created. The original you is dead, and now there is a new being who has your memories.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476039

Couldn't you just build a powerful enough telescope of 50cm resolution in let's say 10 AUs, point it at the part of the sky given by the date and time of launch and find that damn cover? I get all steps in this are hard but isn't it theoretically possible?
Or just do the damn experiment again cause the suspense is killing me

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476029

You guys starting to notice how everyone got ever so slightly dumber in the past 4 years?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16476008

When will be ordinary people able to travel by shooting into space and coming down on the destination in a few minutes?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16475986

The only stream i will be watching Monday

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16475971

are autists just rebranded retards, scientifically speaking?
