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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16583017

Got any news about coronavirus? Will there be a dangerous strain again? Highly infectious strain?

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🗑️ 🧵 Appreciating stats opinions!

Anonymous No. 16582990

I wrote a stats article on my blog but I'm not sure if the math is right. I'm not a statistician, and so I'm not sure if there's a glaring issue with my article I simply haven't noticed.

If someone could look it over I'd really appreciate it

I also posted it on scored

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582908

I discovered the ultimate theory of everything, the answer to all the questions in the universe that solves all the questions in physics and will allow us to travel faster than light. Only a genius like me could have come come up with something as brilliant as this (this is why Peter Thiel has selected me as his confidant).
The answer?
Simple: the Shiab operator. Unfortunately, I forgot how it's defined.
This will not stop me from going on a lecture tour and going on Joe Rogan to explain why I am a giga super genius.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582867

Determinism is an ontological assumption rather than a proper scientific claim. There's no way to falsify it because any degree of empirically observable unpredictability can always be attributed to epistemological limitations, even though such limitations are themselves an inherent property of reality that stems from physical laws rather than just practical limitations. The predictability you think you observe is partly the product of external imposition and partly the product of selection bias. If reality was predictable, there wouldn't be a need to create artificial laboratory conditions and then still discard outliers from the data.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582808

I have developed a severe depression. Scientifically, how do you cure it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582807

If an iron exotic gas giant like WASP-76b collided with our sun, what would happen?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582801

What causes rape fantasies in modern women?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582773

I'm looking for some scientific data about consequences of taking LSD or other psychedelics during pregnacy.
Is it dangerous for future child development?

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🧵 Mapping Combinatorial Search Spaces to Continuous Search Spaces via Circle Transforms

Anonymous No. 16582771

Framework (TSP inspired):

Key Invariance Principle: The theory centers on a transform that maps geometric configurations through force circles, which encode geometric constraints and reveal pathways between valid configurations. Crucially, at any chosen radius, the original figure can be exactly reconstructed, this is because the transform circle’s circumference is set equal to the Euclidean perimeter, ensuring that the arcs between candidate midpoints maintain their true lengths.

The fundamental elements are:

1. Configuration Mapping Mechanism
- Each point in a geometric configuration is associated with a "force circle"
- The force circle is centered on its point with radius equal to the point's distance from the configuration's centroid
- These force circles remain invariant through transformations

2. Transform Circle Properties
- Points are mapped onto a circle with radius R = perimeter/(2π)
- Angular positions preserve relative distances from the centroid
- Arc lengths between adjacent points maintain proportional relationships from the original configuration

3. Geometric Preservation Properties
- Valid configurations emerge where force circle intersections create midpoints
- Total perimeter is preserved through arc length conservation
- When scaling between configurations (e.g., square with C=4 to C=4.828), proportional relationships are maintained (see attached)

4. Configuration Discovery Mechanism
- As the transform circle's radius changes, points spread or contract while maintaining their geometric relationships
- Force circle intersections create paths that midpoints follow
- When a midpoint lies within multiple force circles, it can split to reveal alternative valid configurations
- Each split point represents a distinct valid geometric configuration

Attached visualization demonstrating a square edge length one, transformed with 2 edge 2 diagonals through radius scaling.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582685

Plants grow teeth, stomachs, fur, develop poison, spikes, et, they fight with other plants with for territory, they cooperate with some insects and birds, etc.
How are they not animals?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582602

*proves evolution in your path*
christianity BTFO

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🧵 Can capitalism save the world?

Anonymous No. 16582593

Why can't we strap some rockets in the 2032 asteroid so it gets captured by moon gravity and orbits the earth and we simply start mining it with robots?

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🧵 Question?

Anonymous No. 16582551

Suppose I transfer all my memories via mind/brain uploading into a robot/machine/computer, will I become immortal?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582469

Meanwhile, in the world's most important academic conference on Natural Language Processing evaluation in Spanish language...

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582431

Why is mental illness very complex?

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🧵 amateur astronomy

Anonymous No. 16582393

What are the objects to look for in the night sky when stargazing in the northern hemisphere (south europe) mid-February, using just a basic pair of Binoculars (Galileo 20x50) and/or my smartphone camera with some exposure, in a location a few km out of town with SQM=21,14, based on a light pollution map I found online, around the hours of 20:00-21:00?
>pic: frame of a video I took of the pleiades with my binoculars from just outside my house

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🧵 message to the past

Anonymous No. 16582376

Quantum mechanics is real. Investigate wave-particle duality and discrete energy levels. Also tell Boltzmann he’s right

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🧵 I love gliders

Anonymous No. 16582369

It's basically free flight, especially with "thermals"

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582360

How do I publish a paper if all I have is 1 degree and no scientific equipment?
Aside from the intrinsical scientific quality, how long and/or formally correct must the paper be in order to be accepted?
Also, how do I make sure my paper actually says something new, in order to avoid make myself look like pic related? How do I know whether my idea was already tried before or not? Searching through the literature looks like an herculean chore, if my search is too vague I end up with thousands of papers, it it's too specific I end up with nothing at all

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to prime or to no....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582306

Find X for the lowest non-prime number as the result of this formula.

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🧵 Spooky Space Shit

Anonymous No. 16582224

What the actual fuck was this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582223

Why am I so retarded at word problems and graphing? Solving equations is easy but I can't graph most equations I see, and I'm even more retarded when trying to figure out how to solve word problems.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582220

What studies have been done to determine the optimum level of stress on a human to achieve maximum output?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582203

Is the state of being a social outcast just a form of natural selection in action?