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🧡 Vertical view inside a tornado captured on camera

Anonymous No. 16588714

A science team used a drone to fly into a tornado and they basically showed that the movie Twister was right this whole time.

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Anonymous No. 16588682

Is cholesterol good for you?

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Anonymous No. 16588613

Holy shit when is Curt Jaimungal gonna hurry up and upload the Barandes video on revolutionizing quantum theory and btfo all the boomers stuck in the past?

Jesus FUCKING christ


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Anonymous No. 16588612

What if aliens aren't real because earth is an extremelly rare planet on the universe?

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Anonymous No. 16588572

Are viruses and prions, living beings?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16588567

What is the genetic mechanism behind mutts looking weird? I've seen a lot of biracial/mixed people and they near-universally end up with fucked up facial features. Many of them fall into an uncanny valley. Also mutts seem to have a higher rate of trannyism and other mental illnesses.I understand it's from some kind of genetic incompatibility, but I don't understand why this would happen?

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Anonymous No. 16588513

So are these two going to collapse into bags of flesh when they come back down to Earth?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16588511

>be me, throw 3 dices at the same time
>be statistical mechanic scientist next to me
>what's the temperature of that random event?
>what is the internal energy of the distribution?
>dude chill, I'm just throwing some dice, this is not a gas, it has no temperature
Why are scientists like this?

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lörs on pic.jpg

πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16588504

what do you think about this

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 caffeinated water bottle.

Anonymous No. 16588371

there has been no such drink before

boys, 19, suddenly get an idea: combine Finnish pure spring water with laboratory grade caffeine to make a drink: there is no sugar, no vitamins, no nothing, its just water + caffeine

400 milligrams of pura caffeine diluted to half a liter of spring water

it is possible to buy from Helsinki, not from anywhere else currently, since they are running such a small business

the spring water itself of course is not from Helsinki but 200 kilometers away and from a pure spring inside a forest

technically this idea is so easy anyone could make the sames though

the boys thought "wonder why there is no caffeine + water available but everyone drinks energy drinks which contain all kinds of unneeded chemicals"

so far they are selling it good enough to cover the costs of bottling water and buying the caffeine from Finnish chemistry plant and to pay their own salaries for all three persons who run this small time side job which the boys do in addition to their studies in college

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Scientific Solution to Canadian Housing Crisis

Anonymous No. 16588318

The only solution to the Canadian Housing Crisis is to build high speed rails to the middle of nowhere.
>Trains enter with cargo and commuters
>Trains leave with trash and sewage and commuters

All needed supplies for the residents of the rural satellite metropolises travel on the trains with the commuters.

The commuters work in places such as:

They bring home income which they spend on the local economy.

The trains will then be essential to fuel the new economies and they're an eco-friendly method of delivering as many supplies inland as needed.

This is the Scientifically plausible solution to save Canada from their economic struggles. Scientists need to be thinking of civil solutions rather than obsessing over quack theoretical physics.

Put your brain training to work to make the world a better place.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16588223

>One single individual who is the most dominant mind on the planet earth at the moment. Effectively Voldemort. Person, whose name we are a little bit afraid to invoke... Edward Witten
Is Eric Weinstein just autistic or Witten is actually someone people don't fuck with? I heard Weinstein saying other cringe shit like aliens manufacturing CPUs so I'm not sure

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Anonymous No. 16588222

how comes certain old shitty monitors such as this still have wonderful contrast and blacks / great image quality in general? In person the blacks remind me of that of a VA.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16588157

can someone help me with my homework?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16587992

Why is everyday language often different in meaning from the strictly logical meaning?

For example, if you say
>John doesn't play either trumpet or clarinet.
that means
>John doesn't play trumpet, and he doesn't play clarinet.
but in strictly logical language it means
>John either doesn't play trumpet, or he doesn't play clarinet.

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Anonymous No. 16587976

>you can't measure the real value of the length of this table, every time you measure it you get a random value that follows a gaussian around the real value, you can treat that number with statistics and calculate the interval where the real value has a 99% chance of being, but you never can measure the real value.
this is the dumbest thing that I learned in my physics major, I just measured my living room's table and every time I measured it I got 134.3cm
How is that not the real value?

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Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587933

*Throws NPC chickun to the ground*

Honestly, is everyone an NPC but me? My dreams are telling me it is so. Plus, there's lots of signs in this world that it's a simulation.

Is it a simulation where I'm the only real person?

Enjoy your NPC chickun.

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🧡 Can you crush a human skull with your foot?

Anonymous No. 16587795

Do you think its physically possible for an adult male to crush someone's skull by stomping on them repeatably? As in exploded watermelon style

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🧡 How do I make bolean algebra equations as complex as posible in a timely manner

Anonymous No. 16587665

I need to do it for a personal project but I am stupid.

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Anonymous No. 16587661

why is it standard modus operandi in intellectual circles to belittle and make someone feel bad for not knowing something or displaying ignorance. it's almost as if the whole point of learning things for some people is so they can make other people feel bad, and then they wonder why they haven't actually accomplished anything noteworthy and people don't like them.

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Anonymous No. 16587657

Could optogenetics cure any mental illnesses in the future?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 The problem with centralized LLM or search engines

Anonymous No. 16587654

Imagine if you will
A religious or ideological institution that secretly wants DEI at all cost. Racial communism at all cost irrespective of natural genetic proclivities.
How they can achieve this is to distribute knowledge fed into centralized LLMs and search engines unfairly based on race.
>A 150 IQ white scientist feeds some very intuitive thought processes to ChatGPT
>A 130 IQ white college student never gets to see this when prompting a question to ChatGPT since he is white but a 100 IQ black college student gets to see this when prompting a similar question since he is black.
The corporation can just wave away the legal implications of selectively leaking the 150IQ scientist's thought process with "training data and emergent properties".

Current religious institutions are already known to do this on an analog scale like the Catholics. It effectively operates as a totalitarian authoritarian institution by consuming all sorts of signals and knowledge from the masses through confession and selectively distributing the best knowledge to followers based on hierarchy and profitable knowledge based on race.

How can we prevent this from happening?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Scientists: our best work is in ideology

Anonymous No. 16587640

Scientists admit that they have nothing to offer except leftist blog posts.

Here’s the data showing what gets the awards. And that leftoid word list isn’t even very comprehensive


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Anonymous No. 16587624

What model of radiation dose effects do you think is best?