🧵 Mercury is better than Mars
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 11:06:00 UTC No. 16590037
So we're just not gonna talk about the fact that mercury has a region the size of Mexico at its two poles that has perpetual subsurface temperatures 0-30 celcius and that it is protected by mercury's modest magnetic field and the average annual radiation levels are significantly lower than the occupational limit for radiation workers ? There's easily accessible water and organics in the poles and more in the volatile rich layer under the crust. And its the most energy abundant planet in the solar system. Lol lmfao FUCK mars
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Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 07:26:36 UTC No. 16589912
>descartes: reality is just a dream projected by satan
>elon: computers keep advancing and eventually will simulate reality, implies we are in a simulation
How come this problem has never been solved?
🧵 Alright /sci/
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 06:56:12 UTC No. 16589898
What's your take on this one?
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Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 06:30:40 UTC No. 16589894
I am 38 and just found out that gravity it not a focre when an big object pulls another
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Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 05:29:00 UTC No. 16589865
Be calm.
Should I trust black and brown doctors? It seems like they are less intelligent but allowed in based on race.
Or is it situational where I can trust a black general physician but not a black surgeon?
🧵 there is a limit on biomass on Earth!
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 04:27:38 UTC No. 16589841
there were billion bugs upon Earth in 1990, where did they go?
(no they did not all die to your car's windshield while driving)
turns out Earth human population increased from 5.2 billoin to 7.2 billion only in 33 years
one human is like equivalent of zillion bugs or something
so there you have it, too many poeple, biomass has been converted into people, there will be no bugs
🧵 Planning out my degree
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 04:10:40 UTC No. 16589836
I'm in year 2 for my computer engineering degree and am trying to plan out what my 3rd and 4th year classes are going to be. I want to go into either medical devices or UAV/drone a la neuralink/anduril/lockheed.
I have to pick 2 of these 4 classes, or 1 if I get an internship, what would be the best
1 Digital Signal Processing: sampling, discrete processing of analog signals, fourier analysis, signal analysis, z transforms, filter design, real time DSP, applications
2 Antennas and Propagation: EM wave propogation, basic radiating structures (dipoles,loops,apertures array antennas), survey of practical antennae types, propogation models in free space, ground reflection, atmospheric reflection, urban environments
3 high frequency engineering: ideal and lossy transmission lines, waveguides, s parameters, couplers, isolators, circulators, rf and microwave amplifiers and oscilators, rf and microwave system specs.
4 introduction to robotics: fundamentals of robot manipulators, sensors, actuators, effectors, Denavit-Hartenberg parameterization, motion planning in multiple spaces, and programming of manipulators
🧵 In which direction will the scale tip?
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 02:37:59 UTC No. 16589808
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Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 02:23:19 UTC No. 16589788
When will celiac disease be cured?
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Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 01:16:15 UTC No. 16589738
is neurolinguistics a meme
🧵 Its over for chemcels
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 00:35:17 UTC No. 16589722
AI can now generate new materials given their desired qualities. So basically the vast majority of material scientists is useless now, only being relegated to the role of creating these materials and then performing tests on them, well at least until they make end to end robot operated lab where robots just move materials from machine to other machine and perform the tests themselves.
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Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 23:56:44 UTC No. 16589703
If reality is the collapse of probability into occurrence, is every point of occurrence connected to, and in communication with, every other point of occurrence past, present and future?
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Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 23:44:48 UTC No. 16589690
Addressing the Scientific Community: A Newly Identified Energy Discrepancy in Photon-Electron Interactions Due to a Factually Missing Variable
In this work, we present conclusive evidence that standard Compton scattering equations and photon-electron interaction models omit a critical variable—electron bundling and rigidity resistance in lower orbitals—leading to systematic energy discrepancies in experimental data. This missing factor results from the incorrect assumption of free and stationary electrons in standard photon interaction models, which neglects:
1. Electron Rigidity—Lower orbitals exhibit increased resistance due to electrostatic constraints.
2. Velocity Mismatch—Photons and electrons experience a freeze-frame velocity difference at the moment of interaction.
3. Electron Bundling Effects—Perturbations from incoming photons cause temporary electron clustering, increasing self-resistance and altering scattering profiles.
4. Orbital Self-Resistance—Electrons experience increased repulsion when forced inward, further altering expected momentum transfer.
These realistic and factual atomic properties introduce an undeniable energy loss mechanism that has been consistently overlooked, thereby explaining discrepancies across all photon-matter interaction models.
1 Identified Discrepancy: Where Existing Models Fail
1.1 The Free Electron Approximation (FEA) is an Oversight
Standard models, particularly the Free Electron Approximation (FEA), assume electrons are free and stationary prior to photon interaction.
However, electrons in real atomic systems are bound by electrostatic forces, making them resistant to displacement and motion.
This assumption oversimplifies the scattering process, leading to an unaccounted energy loss mechanism during interaction.
1.2 The Failure to Account for Electron Rigidity and Orbital Resistance
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Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 23:35:30 UTC No. 16589686
So recently, I learned of this technique that uses mitchondrial DNA to estimate changes in historical populations. For example, pic related is a graph that shows changes in the Native American population. With this knowledge, it made me ask: has there ever been an analysis of the Jewish population using the same methodology? It would be intresting to see if there have had been any changes over the last one hundred years or so.
🧵 /mg/ math general
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 22:29:29 UTC No. 16589624
Required Reading edition
Talk mathematics, formerly >>16562509
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Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 22:22:26 UTC No. 16589610
2032 Asteroid Thread, the odds are even higher now at 1 in 38
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Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 22:12:24 UTC No. 16589597
What are you researching, anon?
🧵 Intelligence Variance Heritability
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 21:47:28 UTC No. 16589572
Since studies on monozygotic twins and studies on adoptive parents have clearly shown that general intelligence variance is primarily determined by genetics, why do so many sociologists still unduly question the role of genetics?
🧵 "Cleo" has been uncovered
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 21:05:41 UTC No. 16589541
Turns out it was Vladimir Reshetnikov running multiple alt accounts
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Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 21:01:09 UTC No. 16589540
Why do you guys hate the social sciences except when it comes to IQ research?
🗑️ 🧵 The 3 great pyramids of Giza are the representation of Orion's Belt
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 20:53:58 UTC No. 16589535
"...the crossing of the four stars of the quadrilateral (the four stars around Orion's Belt: α Orionis, γ Orionis, β Orionis and κ Orionis) forms an angle of 51°51′, that of the pyramid of Cheops. The distances of the seven stars of Orion combined make 5,236 light years . Now 52.36 cm corresponds to the Egyptian cubit and to approximately {\displaystyle \pi /6}\pi /6 meters. The angle of the pyramid of 51°51'14'' is also linked to the number Pi (height/base = 4/Pi), the author concludes that {\displaystyle \pi }\pi is inscribed in the position of the stars. He puts forward many other coincidences to support this correspondence between the geometry of the constellation and that of the Great Pyramid.
His theory presents the pyramid as a true "mineral computer". By superimposing the drawing of the great pyramid on that of the constellation of Orion (and Sirius), he develops a basic diagram, which, scaled to the pyramid, would allow us to decode many universal data: Earth-sun distances; diameters of the sun, the Earth, the Moon, etc. He thus goes further than what Robert Bauval and others (Virginia Trimble, for example) have already put forward on the Orion-Giza link. The geometric and numerical coincidences would be very numerous. This is the reason why the author claims that the pyramid was built according to Orion (associated with Osiris) and Sirius (dedicated to Isis)...."
🗑️ 🧵 Designing scientifically a magical system.
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 20:24:04 UTC No. 16589508
Any physics/chemistry nerd here that can help me design a scientific explanation of how an elemental magic system similar to avatar cartoon could function cientifically?
My first guess is that an extra fantasy electrogmagnetic force is required for that reaction.
It would be very clear that there would be some earth poles in both the horizontal and vertical axis of the world map, where a type of this force travels between something like fire pole to the ice pole.
Also, there would be needed an extra axis for a fifth element where it goes from the center of the planet.
This could generate 5 posible axis for the 5 clasical elements.
If this electromagnetic force fills the planet, then I would need something like an extra type of atomic subparticles that react to each of these forces.
Likely something like something like a fire isotopode of the charge of this particle could react to a particular pole frequency.
Magic then would be simply something like an acumulation of these atomic subparticles from the enviroment into a magical pot device or even organ in the magic user.
Which after enough acumulation of these "magical" electrons, would mean that by some trigger the magic user does, would mean a chain reaction that would similar to powder or an explosive cause a big liberation of those particles releasing the spell, like a fireball.
Likewise, this energy would be of a certain electron type of charge, which would mean It would likely react or not react with other elements.
This could explain why a fire spell has not effect on something like an earth magical device.
Or could explain why an element have a bigger effect on an oposite element, since this would mean the receptive material reacts much more easier to that particular electron and cause some chemical reaction.
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Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 20:14:49 UTC No. 16589497
Hello, anons. I never post here, but I had a science question that I hope you can help me figure out. I have a very rudimentary understanding of physics and so I can't exactly reason out this situation without a bit of help. I'd appreciate any and all responses!
I was reading an anecdote where a man on drugs rode a drop tower at a theme park and profusely vomited over himself. Obviously his vomit did not travel very far in front of him, as it mainly covered himself, but what I was wondering was this:
If you were riding a drop tower (which drops riders at a height and uses nothing but gravity for downward motion, meaning the apparatus and riders are accelerating at a rate of 9.8 m/s^2, if my old high school science memory isn't failing me) and suddenly threw up facing forwards as soon as the drop commenced, what would the final velocity of the vomit trail end up being? Obviously as it is also impacted by gravity, the 9.8 m/s^2 would still apply, but would it perfectly match the falling rate of you and your fellow riders, or would the forwards propulsion of your body expelling the fluid make it fall out of sync? I don't know much about fluid dynamics either, so I'm not sure if the air resistance would also significantly affect the rate of decline.