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🧵 Honestly, this is my winning secret asspull winning card

Anonymous No. 946712

Starting to seriously think you can´t make it with art, if you like try to be a follower.

There´s not point on making my style look like genshin impact, Vroid or AAA realism.

Because there´s like a billion artists that can make that shit in 5 minutes at a level I simply wont be able to compete.

It's also why I will stop using AI.
There´s not point on using a tool that makes eveything look like It was made by the same tool, with the same compositions and poses.
And the flood of AI art, means it will be the new fiver pajeet scam type of art.

People will get tired of it, eventually.

And the fact AAA companies will start to use it.
It´s not a new thing, is not unique.

Your game will be simply another AI art game.

Honestly what I see is that I need to just do a gamble and just push with this style.
It looks bad, yes, not skilled, yes, amateurish, yes.

You can say, oh, that´s a joke, those models are bad, It looks like an asset flip. It´s just hilarious how bad it is.

And yet....
It´s unique.

Like it takes a person less than a second to quickly realize is not generic VN anime waifu pixiv art, or le epic AAA realism or western art.
It´s unique.

And that´s the card I think that will let me to actually make it.
My winning secret card.

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🧵 Minecraft modeling

Anonymous No. 946674

I wanna get into creating and animating models/textures for MC, which programs should I use?
Pic related

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946668

what's the expected time to finish an environment like this with all the props and callouts in a studio?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946641

What do you do when you're eager to learn but you're stuck at your day job? I'm an office receptionist so i sit on my thumb all day listening to podcasts and playing runescape on my phone. I'd love to use this time more productively but it's hard when i can't do anything hands on. The best i can think to do is browse this imageboard, but that just makes me envious and a little horny. I can at least come up with ideas, but i'm a novice and i'd rather be at home playing with blender...

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946637

Hi, I'm looking for a cracked softwre, in here that I do the request?

It's is a pluguin for AutoCAD Civil 2021, FARO as built, anyone knows?

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🧵 I made a flanged mace

Anonymous No. 946631

pretty cool i think. took me maybe 40 minutes while listening to lightning bolt

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946611

What is the correct way to animate skin bulges? Like if a character's skin is being pressed on by another 3D object, how do you make it look like pressure is being realistically applied? As opposed to just clipping through the mesh.

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Anonymous No. 946609

Is there a way to animate a magazine flipping pages with collision between the pages? I also want to load the pages from images I have on my computer. A book would be nice too.

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🧵 Making CG porn

Anonymous No. 946591

Hi /3/! I remember when we had a thread about CG porn and how to make it, and OP even provided others with a MEGA link for porn resources eg. sounds, models, blender porn tutorials.
I want to ask for your advices regarding making CG Porn, and if someone has a library of assets for example videos, sounds, I would greatly appreciate it!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946588

Daz users, is there any benefit switching to Genesis 9? Ive only really ever used g8.1 but since G9 has much more out there now is it any good?

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annotated blockout.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946559

working on a concept art portfolio for games and I did a very rough blockout for this office space. Does the overall architecture and scale make sense?
I might make the staircase wider and raise the ceiling to make it feel more open.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946536

I need to display video on an object, but the resolution needed for the video is bigger than the max resolution of mp4.
As such I need to make multiple videos and then tile them together on the object. How would that be done?

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🧵 Free Shit. have fun.

Anonymous No. 946514

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946501

Does Animbot suck?

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🧵 3D reconstruction of a flame

Anonymous No. 946497

I'm trying to make a 3D reconstruction of a flame from images taken with the same RGB camera from different angles. What software do you recommend to do the modeling? For now my only options are OpenCV. matplotbib and mayabi

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maxresdefault (1).jpg

🧵 How can I find an entry level job with no professional experience ?

Anonymous No. 946476

Uni is forcing me to get a summer job. I don't care where or how but I have to find one.

I'll take anything, Minecraft Monster school animations, crappy looking Turkish mobile games. Where can I find positions like that? Just easy unremarkable shit that doesn't require 5 years experience on the job listing.

I need a place to get my foot in the door and apply what I'm just starting to learn.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946367

Anyone get that error in Zbrush where the pressure on the tool goes to 100% and you cant reset it until you restart the program? Does that go away in Maxon versions?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946352

>There's our little 3DCG expert!
>Still waitin' on that call from Pixar, son?

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UV map crunchy.png

🧵 Substance Painter UV Map looks crunchy

Anonymous No. 946267

Substance Painter UV Map looks crunchy this is not normal. I am revisiting substance painter and I exported my model into substance painter the body model is fine on the UV map but the head looks crunchy I even increase the polygon count so it wouldn't do this but it continues to do this. I am still a noob at this. Thanks in advance Anons If anyone knows how to use substance painter I'm also using 2021 version. I've made Textures in the past and they did not turn out this way so I somewhat know what I'm doing...

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🧵 Anyone know if I can get my hands on any animations from skating games?

Anonymous No. 946175

I'd like to have reference files for a project. But all the datamines I've found online are only for models and textures and stuff.

It doesn't necessarily have to be Tony Hawk, any game will do so long as I can view the files in blender or Maya and stuff

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 946171

>paralyzed by the sheer amount of steps I have to take to get to comp

Anyone know this feel?

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🧵 how 2 retopo

Anonymous No. 946160

How the FUGG do I retopologize stuff without looking like ass? This is so damn time consuming and my results are inconsistent >:(

I use zbrush and I use zremesher, retopology/zremesh guide brushes, I've done zsphere retopology and tried projecting mesh directly onto a model but my results are still lackluster and stake forever to make. Please help me improve, I would appreciate advice.

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🧵 Newfag UE5 VR developer in need of some help

Anonymous No. 946003

Hello, /3/. I'm a newfag VR developer. I'm going to get quickly to the point. I want to develop VR games, possibly really beginner VR hardware in the future.

I own a pretty good computer myself, Unreal Engine and all my UE projects run on my SSD. However, it takes forever for UE5 to load projects.

Do you have any suggestions? Please let them know in the replies.

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🗑️ 🧵 Why do white people hate my fork?

Anonymous No. 945998

>Many developers.
>Has been rewritten several times. Few new features.
>10 weapons, they don't do any noticeable damage however.
>Literally castrated - engine developer is now "a woman"
>Readable font
>Pro-Gay, Accepts and promotes "Transgenderism", Pro-feminist.
>Wishes to revoke license of "Transphobic" developers, but thinks this is impossible.
>No racial awareness. Anti-racist.
>Motto: we strive for excellence

>Developers work for Google

ChaosEsque Anthology
>One developer
>Never rewritten. Many new features. Accepts mortality.
>217 Weapons
>Forked 10 years ago, before all of that faggot shit.
>TTT Font Displays the Cross of Jerusalem at every Opportunity TTT
>Understands the beauty of young girls.
>Understands US Copyright Law and that Free-Non-exclusive licenses are Revocable; Ignores it.
>Racial Awareness: Whites are woman worshiping faggots and Heretics.
>Motto: Only God is Perfect