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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Why do white people hate my fork?

Anonymous No. 945990

>Many developers.
>Has been rewritten several times. Few new features.
>10 weapons, they don't do any noticeable damage however.
>Literally castrated - engine developer is now "a woman"
>Readable font
>Pro-Gay, Accepts and promotes "Transgenderism", Pro-feminist.
>Wishes to revoke license of "Transphobic" developers, but thinks this is impossible.
>No racial awareness. Anti-racist.
>Motto: we strive for excellence

>Developers work for Google

ChaosEsque Anthology
>One developer
>Never rewritten. Many new features. Accepts mortality.
>217 Weapons
>Forked 10 years ago, before all of that faggot shit.
>TTT Font Displays the Cross of Jerusalem at every Opportunity TTT
>Understands the beauty of young girls.
>Understands US Copyright Law and that Free-Non-exclusive licenses are Revocable; Ignores it.
>Racial Awareness: Whites are woman worshiping faggots and Heretics.
>Motto: Only God is Perfect


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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945988

/3/bros i dont feel so good..

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🧡 the real redpill to make money

Anonymous No. 945928

When did u realize that this meme mindset is the correct one.

Pic related.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945913

Can I make money if I make fan art of anime girls and cartoon character in

like a low poly model rigged, and animated?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945863

Should I follow this fag's tutorials or the official Blender channel ones?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Why do white people hate my fork?

Anonymous No. 945854

>Many developers.
>Has been rewritten several times. Few new features.
>10 weapons, they don't do any noticeable damage however.
>Literally castrated - engine developer is now "a woman"
>Readable font
>Pro-Gay, Accepts and promotes "Transgenderism", Pro-feminist.
>Wishes to revoke license of "Transphobic" developers, but thinks this is impossible.
>No racial awareness. Anti-racist.
>Motto: we strive for excellence

>Developers work for Google

ChaosEsque Anthology
>One developer
>Never rewritten. Many new features. Accepts mortality.
>217 Weapons
>Forked 10 years ago, before all of that faggot shit.
>TTT Font Displays the Cross of Jerusalem at every Opportunity TTT
>Understands the beauty of young girls.
>Understands US Copyright Law and that Free-Non-exclusive licenses are Revocable; Ignores it.
>Racial Awareness: Whites are woman worshiping faggots and Heretics.
>Motto: Only God is Perfect


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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945828

Are this guys video’s difficult to make?
I know nothing about 3D animation, but this guys stuff
is cool

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🧡 Miraculous Animation. Any ideas?

Anonymous No. 945825

So, there is this show Miraculous Ladybug with multiple studios handling the animation process. We have 3 very cheap studios and 1 expensive Korean studio SAMG.

Recently, there was huge leak with models from the show, and ppl can make own stuff with it. But no matter what technics people use, no one can repeat what SAMG is doing. Any speculations what they are exactly doing to make models look like this? Triangle lighting doesn't seem enough, and Sun lighting don't really matches the outcome.

They're using Maya 2015 and Vray 3.05/3.6

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945777

>Maya increasingly want to "verify" my account via internet
>have to click a link in the browser
>if I ever lost internet, its likely i would be unable to use Maya
>years ago it didnt use to be this way

This makes me kind of uneasy. Anyone know this feel?

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🧡 Convert to STL

Anonymous No. 945764

Does anyone know how to convert these AC mecha files into STL?

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🧡 Selfcad scrub

Anonymous No. 945701

I've been trying to get into 3d design, i choose selfcad as the software I want to learn to use first, but in not finding good current tutorials, as in like, less than 3 / 5 years old. Would any kind anon point to a good website or video to learn, please.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Shit board

Anonymous No. 945697

This is the most mentally ill board in the entire 4chan. Yes, its worse than /trash/ or /pol/.

One would think a small slow board would be a comfier experience, but no, the 5 most demoralized bitter autists in the world post in every thread with their garbage trolling.

Now you incels will reply with shitposting and what not. But you know deep down that Im right. You should kill yourself and make the 4chans a better place. Godspeed.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945677

Clarisse is kill

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945627

List of bad pipeline software to not waste your time and/or money on. I'll start. Add your own.

>3d Coat
>Da Vinci Resolve / Fusion

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945571

did you ever get "the call"? what do you say in such situation?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945524

3d frens, anybody here know of a website similar to cgpeers but for cnc 3d designing? im looking for a particular app but cant find any good sauces

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🧡 Nomad Sculpt

Anonymous No. 945517

I just bought this to try it out.

Can someone explain to me how the fuck it's so good?
Why can't ZBrush have UX like this? Everything about the way Nomad is designed makes perfect sense. Even a beginner with zero digital sculpting experience can get started very easily.

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🧡 Daz3d studio beginner question

Anonymous No. 945509

"I just started a week ago and I'm trying to model my first character. I did the hair with strand-based hair option. I tried adding a hair tie to a ponytail, but failed. Any idea how I'm supposed to add a hair tie? Is there any tutorial for making assets and props in Daz3d Studio? Or do I have to outsource this stuff to Blender or anything similar? Why does the rendering take so long? 2 minutes for just the head of my character. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong, like using too much resources for the hair? Thanks in advance.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945493

Is there any decent free CAD software out there? Stuff like FreeCAD is janky as hell and feature-poor, and Fusion 360 is nice but the free version only lets you save 10 files at a time and you can't use it commercially

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945488

100% of my models are vastly improved by using img2img trained on dreambooth. Do I lack skill in design or is it simply not possible to be as good as SD with dreambooth and its billions of images as reference? I'm feeling like I could be replaced soon, like really soon.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 ITS OVER

Anonymous No. 945456

its literally, figuratively OVER for pixel chuds. imagine drawing pixel by pixel for a living, when AI makes them obsolete. how could they ever recover?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945453

Working on a daughter of the cosmos model from bloodborne for portfolio. Any feedback on my low poly?

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🧡 How to add shapes that mess with structure edges?

Anonymous No. 945427

How would one approach at adding details that affect the structure edges of the model, without fucking up the edge flow and causing the 'pinch' effect when applying subdivision.

Example this fire hydrant, the flat shape on the back (text excluded, just the shape).

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 945357

I've developed a new 2D cheap as fuck style.