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🧵 Traditional sculpting

Anonymous No. 965460

Anyone know a good anon forum for the discussion of regular clay sculpting? Seems like a dying niche hobby nowadays. I know its off topic here, just like it would be on /ic/, but at least it's a 3d art too.
So, do you guys know any chans that have a board for this stuff? Perhaps some japanese chan custom figurine board, or some euro chan custom warhammer figure board? Anything that would involve sculpting with irl materials

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🧵 3DS Max Gurus

Anonymous No. 965406

Who do y’all follow since Arrimus nuked most of his vids last year? I haven’t found a single comprehensive source for Max tutorials since and it sucks a lot.

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🧵 Zbrush Dynamesh/Divide

Anonymous No. 965404

What's the fucking workflow of this shit when you're making a character and want to keep subvidivion levels????
I always end up with artefacts or whatever when I'm making something and it always shows up HOURS after the operation meaning I can't even go back anymore.
What I do is the following
> Create Sphere
> Duplicate it for each limbs or whatever
> Do general shapes
> Dynamesh each when needed
> Merge everything
> Dynamesh/Zremesh
> Add details
> Divide
> Repeat adding details

What the fuck am I doing wrong?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965402

Let me get this straight -
>I want to get a 1:1 3d model from stable diffusion - not in ortho rotation, but in random rotation
>I import the SDXL image into an orthographic view in maya and then place a flat plane over it.
>I move the verts and make new edges if need be to match the subject.
>I then push the verts back and forward only to add depth

I now have my 3d model.

How do I now go from orthographic camera to perspective without distortion so I can do turntables? Is that just a hard unknown and I'm assuming whatever perspective the SDXL has when I import the image as an ortho and thus I can't change out of ortho?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965347

>2023 almost over
>still no 1 click IFC/DWG to obj/fbx converter that doesn't fuck up the geometry or normals

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🧵 Donut birthday

Anonymous No. 965344

I made this donut to celebrate me using blender for 8 years, hurah

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🧵 Solidify modifier Blender

Anonymous No. 965341

I`m trying to increase hair width(object on top of a head) but when i do so with solidify modifier or bevel it works but slows to shit my pc.Been doing everything(head) without zero lag until this.Am i doing something wrong here?Seems to happen with every modifier.Whats the alternative way for increasing width

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965336

You never find people who play vidya that succeed in our industry. Why is that?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965299

i find blender to be super fucking annoying and convoluted to use, are there any other decent free modeling softwares that i can use?
(preferably that dont require me to watch 5 hours of tutorial videos to use)

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🧵 VW Gol (G3)

Anonymous No. 965235

(This low poly model is created by me using Blender, and animated in Outerra)

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🧵 Why aren't AAA studios doing this?

Anonymous No. 965230
Do any of you use the roughness truncation technique, talked about in the video, in your renders?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965213

Marvelous vs Houdini 20 for clothing. I want to save a buck, but I don't want my result to look terrible.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965210

itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."

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🗑️ 🧵 Stability AI new Video model

Anonymous No. 965199

cris won.

I won.

agdg lost, /3/ lost, industry fag lost.

new Stability Video model, chuds.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965169

My next "move" in maya is going to take at least 8+ hours to not do, but start. Not only that, but I have a certain amount of days limited trial going on on a several thousand dollar application that just came out. The maya project enables me to bring that data into the trial for the new app. I can't believe I put all this pressure on myself....all these deadlines is sucking the fun out of the project and turning it into actual work...I feel like a piece of shit, I dont want the trial to end and not have used the new app and still don't know if its good or not but at the same time I'm under so much pressure now. What do I do

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🧵 Zbrush

Anonymous No. 965151

Am I doing this right

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965130

How would you bros go about modeling pic rel? In this case floating geometry would be a bad choice wouldn’t it? I was thinking about cutting the faces, then deleting faces and shaping it. But it seems much faster to do it separately. What would your approach be?

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🗑️ 🧵 How does one go about recreating the Bryce 3D aesthetic in Blender?

Anonymous No. 965115

Yes, I get you could just use Bryce 3D itself. But, I want to make actual animations with its aesthetic. Any tips?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965054

Hey /3/ am I retarded for choosing to study 3D Animation in University despite not having any experience apart from making CS:GO maps? Also here's my Church inspired throne room I made in Maya I know it's not finished yet but I like it as a beginner.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 965018

>that defaul chainmail material that comes with Substance Painter
and you are worried about not being good enough for a job in the industry

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🧵 Is there a DL for these?

Anonymous No. 964997

If so, sauce. Don't want to drop a large load if possible

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964968

Blender doesn't even allow you to add a modifier to multiple objects at once.

Think about that for a second.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964956

Does anyone use mmd?
I would like to find some models that disappeared a long time ago

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 964950

My head hurts. All I want to do is have my head stop hurting and be able to think again. Someone make it stop.