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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16146057

>There's gotta be a breakthrough they aren't telling us.

What is it? What have they achieved that will change the world, but they don't want to say?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16146055

How could we research the paranormal without succumbing to the incessant yammering of crunchy Arizona milfs? If the phenomenon is erratic how can we set some concrete rules to base research off of?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16146039

hey, so I've been making a 3d editing software. I've been stuck on face extrusion for a day or so.
when I extrude a face (move it in a given direction and connect it with new polygons) some of the new quads end up facing the wrong direction (inwards). how can I detect this mathematically?

You can do the cross product to determine the quad's normal vector, but I honestly have no clue how to tell if the normal is correct. (of course visually it's quiet obvious when it's flipped) I tried taking the angle between the normal and the extrude direction but its always at 90 degrees, (never -90) so that's a dead end. you can check if the normal facing towards the 'center' of the shape or away. but that won't work for concave shapes

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145994

Is bromine the weirdest element?

>the only non-metallic element that is liquid in room temperature and pressure
>puts off tons of scary looking vapor

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145951

What the hell is a transcendental number

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145935

Can you quickly check if I transformed that correctly?
My friend is saying "S can't be negative" and that's what you end up with if you plug in the data.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145933

>classes will dull your mind
Was John Nash right?

Also why did he lose if he knew math?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145926

If 85% of the universe needs to be composed of dark matter for general relativity to work the way it does, isn't it simpler to conclude that general relativity simply doesn't work the way we think it does?
When you presume that the standard model is correct, and that dark matter is needed for it to work, you're way more likely to just point at the few bits of evidence for dark matter detection and ignore all the failed attempts to detect it.
You've already decided on the conclusion beforehand. The experiments and research don't matter.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145920

Is this true about nuclear energy?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Vax Induced Turbo Cancer Proved Real

Anonymous No. 16145861

Bad news fellow vaxxies, the "turbo cancer" rumor that the conspiracy theorists have been yammering about has turned out to be completely true, as proved by this recent publication:
>The "hallmarks of cancer" were proposed by Hanahan and Weinberg (2000) as a group of biological competencies that human cells attain as they progress from normalcy to neoplastic transformation. These competencies include self-sufficiency in proliferative signaling, insensitivity to growth-suppressive signals and immune surveillance, the ability to evade cell death, enabling replicative immortality, reprogramming energy metabolism, inducing angiogenesis, and activating tissue invasion and metastasis. Underlying these competencies are genome instability, which expedites their acquisition, and inflammation, which fosters their function(s). Additionally, cancer exhibits another dimension of complexity: a heterogeneous repertoire of infiltrating and resident host cells, secreted factors, and extracellular matrix, known as the tumor microenvironment, that through a dynamic and reciprocal relationship with cancer cells supports immortality, local invasion, and metastatic dissemination.

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🧡 Sci permanently and irrevocably btfo

Op OudrPWaUDQ No. 16145691

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145661

>year of our lord 2030 minus 6
>we still use boiling water to make electricity
>we still use binary for computation
>we still have no permanent moon colonies
>we still refuse genome editing technology to unlock humanity's full potential

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145619

The green generator that will change science.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145615

How many IQ points did the overall population lose in the past few years?
Nowadays I whenever I find myself in an argument, it’s like I’ll have to constantly correct people for the most basic shit ever, because they cannot help but fill their arguments with silly middle school tier logical fallacies.
This applies to literally everything, from politics all the way to football.

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🧡 How diverse are humans genetically compared to other mammals?

Anonymous No. 16145597

With few exceptions academia wholeheartedly refuses to talk about this subject and racial supremacists aren't exactly objective. Obviously we can be diverse in physical size and appearance. I'm more interested in IQ and temperament which have been proven to be at least partly influenced by genes.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145575

The basic building block of the universe is cringe.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145461

..I think I might live in a simulation or some lesser reality based on my anecdotal experiences. Anyone else?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145450

Thinking about infinite regress is making me go insane

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145400

how much PDEs do you need for modern geometry&topology?
for example to understand ricci flow and perelmans proof

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145355

what's it like to be dead?

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🧡 press S to spit on teachers

S S S S S S S S S S No. 16145335

they are islamite marxist tranny retards press S to spit on them

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145304

How accurate is the IDRlabs IQ test and would I expect to score lower on a real one?
I feel like this is a generous result considering few of the questions are like any on other online tests I've done, although those give similar results, and I only got 48/55.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145290

What would happen if i try to perform a deep brain stimulation on myself without assistance?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145286

Soiyence is fake and gay.