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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145266

How can I prove to you that I can predict the result of a coin flip? Would 20 consecutive guesses convince you? Maybe 30?

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🧵 if mankind discovers a way to produce plastic endlessly

Anonymous No. 16145259

will there be plastic deserts with storms, like sand deserts?
lush tropical islands basd on plastic "bedrock"?
plastic mountains (with water ice caps)?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

7 No. 16145238

if theres so many confirmed channeling broadcasts from the pleiades

why theres not any radiotelescopes scouting that region 24/7 for any tech signatures

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🧵 Math

Anonymous No. 16145207

What is that thing like z?

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🧵 /sci/ approved diets

Anonymous No. 16145160

What's the optimal diet for a difficult semester full of math and physics? I notice that certain food combinations like yogurt and kiwi make me so much more productive but sneed oils do the opposite. Is there a perfect /sci/ diet?

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🗑️ 🧵 Get real.

Anonymous No. 16145135

Every second post on this fucking board is just some bullshit fake source and a ambiguous question that the fucking OP thinks is some bombshell that destroys 50+ years of scientific research. Is this a Science & Math board or some fucking Christian antiscience proxy? This ain't fucking /pol/.

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🧵 How light is light?

Anonymous No. 16145106

If light is massless energy expanding out selflessly into its surroundings, then how does einsteins e=mc2 factor in here?

I don't understand how plants grow and it hurts my hwead.

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🧵 Want the below BOOK

JpexHitme No. 16145049

Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension: A Mathematician’s Journey Through Narcissistic Numbers, Optimal Dating Algorithms, at Least Two Kinds of Infinity, and More

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16144982

B13 Massey's Rollout Edition

Previous - >>16143108

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🧵 Day 9 of studying math everyday until I learn calculus

Anonymous No. 16144951

Today: more division

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144942

Something doesn't add up you guys: cats, lions, tigers etc. sleep/take it easy most of the time and only exert themselves when they need to hunt, mate or fight but they are relatively short-lived. Why? Apparently size doesn't matter, wild/domesticated doesn't matter, eliminating chronic stress doesn't matter, slowing down metabolism doesn't matter, carnivore diet doesn't matter. Has genetic determinism won again?

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🧵 Is being gay natural?

Anonymous No. 16144926

Is being gay definitely natural?

>it's been observed in other animals!
Never in my life have I seen gay dogs or cats. Do I really trust "papers" published in the past century?

>kids from good non-abusing families can grow up to be gay!
Yes so that means something else caused it.

>there's no such thing as a gay gene!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144910

>Trans-neptunian object
You will never be a real planet

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🧵 Sudden Cardiac Deaths

Anonymous No. 16144861

How did the lockdowns cause such a phenomenon? Was it all the chinese food that got delivered?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144860

Hey /sci/ the other boards say you are pretty smart.

So I want to know why do mountain have their points up to the sky rather down on the earth?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144811

do you look like a scientist?

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🧵 UPenn, notorious underestimators, predict up to 39 named tropical storms in 2024 atlantic

Anonymous No. 16144810

It’s over. Climate Chaos is here, coasties.

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🧵 Why do scientists ignore Wolfgang Smith and Alfred North Whitehead on bifurcation?

Anonymous No. 16144800

>IN my previous lecture I criticised the concept of matter as the substance whose attributes we perceive. This way of thinking of matter is, I think, the historical reason for its introduction into science, and is still the vague view of it at the background of our thoughts which makes the current scientific doctrine appear so obvious. Namely we conceive ourselves as perceiving attributes of things, and bits of matter are the things whose attributes we perceive.

>In the seventeenth century the sweet simplicity of this aspect of matter received a rude shock. The transmission doctrines of science were then in process of elaboration and by the end of the century were unquestioned, though their particular forms have since been modified. The establishment of these transmission theories marks a turning point in the relation between science and philosophy. The doctrines to which I am especially alluding are the theories of light and sound. I have no doubt that the theories had been vaguely floating about before as obvious suggestions of common sense; for nothing in thought is ever completely new. But at that epoch they were systematised and made exact, and their complete consequences were ruthlessly deduced. It is the establishment of this procedure of taking the consequences seriously which marks the real discovery of a theory. Systematic doctrines of light and sound as being something proceeding from the emitting bodies were definitely established, and in particular the connexion of light with colour was laid bare by Newton.

Why do they still cling to erroneous Cartesian concepts?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144791

evolution is fake and gay fucking retards

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🧵 What to do with raw genetic data?

Anonymous No. 16144757

I got my genome sequenced a few years ago and have BAM, VCF and FASTQ files. The biggest files are over 100GB. I didn't really end up doing much with the service and procrastinated on doing much. Have there been any recent advancements like websites or programs that let you do more with your genome?

I primarily did it to find out health information to optimize my health.
I remember putting my VCF on promethease but it had been heavily nerfed and they hid certain genes.

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🧵 Im 21 and want to make the next Unicorn

Anonymous No. 16144725

What fields of computer science still have Alpha?.

Can I still create a Computer Science unicorn?

Help me out Formal /sci/ence bros. What asymmetric path should I study?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144695

I'm not racist but I can't wrap my brain around this argument. First off, how to we compare the similarity of populations? Just typical gene frequencies? Then how is it the case that two average representative individuals in two different populations are more similar to each other than that same average individual and a random other member of their own population?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144676

1) Where would modern LLMs fit on this chart?
2) LLMs aside, what might Level 10 represent in the distant future?

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🧵 My thought on the collatz conjecture.

Anonymous No. 16144659

So as you see the problem is that : For even numbers, divide by 2;
For odd numbers, multiply by 3 and add 1.
With enough repetition, do all positive integers converge to 1? The reason to why it converges to 1 is simply because if you look at 2 and 3 they go up to 4 which is bigger than 3 and 3 goes to 6 so if you see the 4 of 2 eats the number itself and all the numbers above 3 so with some mechanics you can reason the reason and it's because it goes to 1. This can also show that maybe 1 is prime because 4-3 goes back to 1. Any thought pls thanks.