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🧵 Science murders another baby

Anonymous No. 16144637

>6 month old Liam received 5 vaccines (Hep.B, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) died within hours of vaccination

Nice job, science, way to go

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🧵 nanomachines

Anonymous No. 16144612

could ai really do this?

>If [the AI] is better than you at everything, it's better than you at building AIs. That snowballs. The AI gets an immense technological advantage. If it's smart, it doesn't announce itself. It doesn't tell you that there's a fight going on. It emails out some instructions to one of those labs that'll synthesize DNA and synthesize proteins from the DNA and get some proteins mailed to a hapless human somewhere who gets paid a bunch of money to mix together some stuff they got in the mail in a vial (smart people will not do this for any sum of money. Many people are not smart). [The AI, through the hapless human] builds the ribosome, but the ribosome that builds things out of covalently bonded diamondoid instead of proteins folding up and held together by Van der Waals forces. It builds tiny diamondoid bacteria. The diamondoid bacteria replicate using atmospheric carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sunlight. And a couple of days later, everybody on earth falls over dead in the same second.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144602

Why scientists are afraid of trying to answer why we exist?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144601

The other morning I was staring at a lone hair follicle close to my eye while the sun cast light into my room and I am 99% certain I saw little gaps in the strand. Is it safe to conclude I witnessed atoms or are you guys gonna crush my dreams?

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🧵 ADHD cure (without stims)

Anonymous No. 16144593

>ADHD brain does recognize dopamine from delayed gratification
>shit executive function (why should I do this thing if it doesn't immediately make me feel good?)

>ADHD brain is still capable of forming habits
>habit = behavior that takes 0 mental / emotional behavior
>form habit surrounding tasks that need to be finished
>the lack of dopamine from said task is irrelevant since task is habitual and thus requires no mental effort
>ADHD solved???

am i onto something?

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🧵 Exodus drive

Anonymous No. 16144578

>be a subject matter expert on electric propulsion at NASA
>walk away from your job
>claim to have invented some kind of electrostatic propulsion that may eventually flight a craft like a UFO
>ask for money

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong but this idea of an electrostatic field that should generate trust thanks to the asymmetry sounds to me like the story of the man who got inside a bucket and tried to lift himself by pulling the handle.

Here's the patent anyway:

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144573

What was science like in Weimar Germany? Was it as flagrantly fake and gay as science is currently?
What were the great scientific discoveries of Weimar Germany?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144559

Is it possible to scientifically quantify the value of art by a standard other than the financial value of the artwork?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144533

>blocks your path
what do?

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🧵 carrier suggestion

Anon No. 16144429

was preparing for med school entrance but now I'm having doubt about clearing it so any other carrier path should I go to CS engineering as im very fond of so....

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144407

Wtf is his problem? Why is he so angry?

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🗑️ 🧵 Columbia Protests Spreading

Anonymous No. 16144360

Has your university been affected by any protests?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144197

>still not even able to slow down aging

fuck are scientist doing? finding another pill for boners and giving meds to lazy fat people so they stop being fat.
meanwhile we're all on the slippery salope of aging and inevitable death

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144171

I am almost done my phys degree but never tried too hard because I never wanted a Phd or masters. Now I'm talking with my classmates and proffs and it seems that to get any shitass work you have to have a Phd.
Are STEM degrees actually meme degrees just like gender studies with no work? What do I even go into with just a bachelors?

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🧵 Chemistry lab interpersonal skillz

Anonymous No. 16144149

Hello, /sci/. I'm strongly in the belief that we learn best through doing things ourselves but I'm afraid that I'm entering a lab course this fall where it's very likely I will be assigned to a group with 1-2 partners. Should I just tell my partner that I'll do all the work myself? I'm kind of a perfectionist and if my partner screws that up, I'll probably drop out of school yet again.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144133

Lack of creativity in modern science and academia. I'm in my mid 30s and going to school for engineering and eventually medicine, a presentation I'm putting together for my intro to engineering class is on the lack of creativity and imagination in modern science and how the academic institutions are pushing a purely mechanical and knowledge based approach to their curriculum. This along with thousands of third world diploma mill graduates and DEI in the field are causing stagnation as the modern thought process of students has become "if I know x materials I can go into x field" or the students who are literally just trying to get in with xx government agency/company and thinking they will be spoon fed their projects like they did during school.

I have been witnessing this lack of dreams/goals in the majority of students I see and it doesn't feel like people have any dreams or passions they want to achieve or pursue and are just using it as a means to an end.

It feels like I'm projecting but I like these kids and I think they could really make a difference if they were pushed in a better direction.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144123

If you were using a time machine: you would take gold with you, as it would be the only currency accepted in any empire or country regardless of the year it is or where it came from.

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🧵 Solar Systen moon rankigns

Anonymous No. 16144121
>Our Moon
Moon bros...

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144112

bros i need your help. i have 1 month to study abstract algebra from scratch. how do i do it? please consider i have 119 IQ
>inb4 retard

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🧵 Psychology

Anonymous No. 16144082

>Be me
>Be raised to allways give 101% so I become sucsessfull
>think all the people who tell me I should allow myself to be helped are just lazy people wanting to make me lazy too
>to maximize effectiveness, learn in elementary school to work alone and not be disturbed by anyone
>Learn more than others, have an IQ of 140 around the age of 16/17
>basically "on that grind"

>be me now
>reflect upon psychology and how fucked I truly am
>Go to Therapist to not be "I self diagnosed"
>Therapist diagnoses me with Depression, BPD, Imposter syndrome and cPTSD

At least Im smart, r-right?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16143997

How does science explain the fact that from all of the species only mammals can smile or show facial expressions

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🧵 Need to learn precalc/trig in 1 week

Anonymous No. 16143995

Hello I havent gone to lecture all semester. I need to learn an entire semester's worth of precalculus/trig in one week. What should I do bros

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16143971

"Department of Mathematical Logic and Applications"

Everyone is catholic ,christian , hindu or "spiritual"

wtf is happening ?

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🧵 Monty Hall Problem

Anonymous No. 16143901

>go to a bar hoping to get laid
>see two beautiful girls sitting separately
>calculate my chances with each, they're not great
>but if I approach both, the combined probability isn't bad
>one girl leaves early, gets hit by a truck and fucking dies
>my chances of getting laid with the remaining girl are now higher than what they were initially