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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Psychopathic Geniuses

Anonymous No. 16173265

A server for rare individuals who possess both a psychopathic personality and high intelligence.

Are you one of us?


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🧡 Heat Death Doomerism

Anonymous No. 16173252

Tell me if I've got this correct /sci/. Some who say that the heat death won't really be the end point of quantum fluctuations and say that means things will continue, maybe even spawning new life eventually.

To prove quantum fluctuations, they make a vague gesture at (more often "talk about a YouTube video by some guy who heard something from somebody about) the formula for a quantum oscillator.

...But as the heat death approaches, the energy to oscillate even at the quantum level will dissipate as well.

So isn't this circular reasoning that amounts to "if oscillators exist then the energy for oscillation exists", when the entire point is that the energy for oscillation is going to go away?

I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding this since this is an easy area to misunderstand. (See: the number of people who think virtual particles are "particles with the property of being virtual", even those who really should know better.)

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173230

I am about to begin working on this book in preparation for returning to college after turning my life around this past year, what am I in for?

I failed calculus in high school, twice in college, and dropped it the third time I took it because I never had a solid grasp of algebra.

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🧡 DARK MATTER SOLVED. It doesnt exist. New model match observations

Anonymous No. 16173224

Lambda-CDM model overturned. Drak matter doesnt exist. And the universe is actually 26 billion years old.

New model cooked up last year pass test after test matching observation of JWST. New latest paper testing observations:
Origanl paper of the model

Who now gonna belive some imaginary nigga matter that we cant see but "absolutly" exist according to schizos

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🧡 This is China's space "East India Company"

Anonymous No. 16173212

Your grandkids will be battling them in spacesuits on New China, Mars very soon.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173194

>Newton and Leibniz discovered calculus independently of each other at nearly the same time
>Descartes and Fermat discovered Analytic Geometry independently of each other at nearly the same time
>Turing and Church discovered Turing-complete systems interdependently of each other at nearly the same time

How does this keep happening?

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🧡 Are Tsuchinokos Real?

Anonymous No. 16173167

800 join search party for legendary 'tsuchinoko' creature in Japan village

HIGASHISHIRAKAWA, Gifu -- Hundreds of curious-minded people joined an annual event here to look for the legendary "tsuchinoko" snakelike creature, but to no avail, again, with no one being able to claim the 1.32-million-yen (roughly $8,540) prize money.

The 32nd Tsuchinoko Festa was held in the central Japan village on May 3, during the "Golden Week" holiday period, with some 800 people from inside and outside Gifu Prefecture joining to search for tsuchinoko.

According to the tsuchinoko museum in the village, the creature resembles a snake with a triangular head, a body length of 30 to 80 centimeters and a torso as thick as a beer bottle. It moves quickly in a straight line, and is said to jump and roll.

The village prides itself as a location with multiple tsuchinoko sightings, and has held the search operation event since 1989. The prize money started out at 1 million yen (about $6,500), and 10,000 yen (roughly $65) has been added each year when no one could find the creature, bringing the total to 1.32 million yen this year.

The search area was on a mountainside that used to be a tea plantation, which was narrowed down based on the tsuchinoko's presumed habitat such as being "near the water and 'warabi' bracken fern which they feed on."

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🧡 Study Groups - College

Anonymous No. 16173134

I plan on going back to college after a years long hiatus. When I go back, I want my GPA to be as high as possible. I even plan on taking adderall occasionally to help me study, especially when I'm having difficulty focusing. One thing I remember going back to high school is the fact that I often got a much lower grade on my test, even after studying, because, even though I carefully read through all the material, they still expected me to read this other bit of material or even do my own research in addition to the material in the chapter we were going over. I don't want to have such experiences ever again. I figure the only way to avoid such scenarios is to have multiple study buddies whom I contact on a regular basis and do work with. We would make sure we're not missing any homework or failing to go over material we need to learn to pass the test. How do you go about getting such study buddies, and what things should be periodically discussed and reviewed?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173093

It's natural not to eat meat, fish, poultry.

The so called "science" made us believe otherwise.

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🧡 Study finds every new memory you make harms brain cells

Anonymous No. 16173050

>According to research published in the journal Nature, every time we create a memory, it harms our brain sells. This is because each memory creation causes inflammation in the brain and DNA damage in nerve cells as the memories are 'fused' into neurons and preserved.

>The memory formation process includes creating and fortifying connections between neurons, which allows information to be stored and retrieved later. However, this process harms the brain cells involved. According to the latest research, the act of remembering something for an extended period causes brain inflammation and DNA damage in nerve cells.
>Researchers conducted experiments on mice for the study and concluded that memory formation occurs within the hippocampus, a portion of the brain that is the major storage store for human memories and is essential to the process of remembering.

>"Inflammation of brain neurons is usually considered to be a bad thing since it can lead to neurological problems such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. But our findings suggest that inflammation in certain neurons in the brain's hippocampal region is essential for making long-lasting memories," neuroscientist Jelena Radulovic from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York told Science Alert.

>To stimulate their memory, the mice were given brief moderate electric shocks. A closer examination of the hippocampus neurons revealed gene activity in receptor pathways critical for inflammatory signalling.

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173046

step 1. add body to a vat of dipropyl ether / glycol
step 2. dissolve outer tissues in 60% sulfuric 40% phosphoric acid
step 3. crack the bone tissue and inject it with nitric acid and phosphoric acid in glycol along with some platinum dioxide catalyst to weaken the inner bone substrate
step 4. pry and remove the vertebrae and skull from the rest of the nervous tissues
step 5. re-acidify the solution with platinum dioxide and nitric acid with substance P and capsaicin plus formic acid in glycol/ether

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173031

That's where you fucked up.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173015

How do I figure out the following triangles. (1, 1, root 2) and (1, root 3, 2). I get root 2 and root 3 are the hypotenuse. Can you draw them for me?

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🧡 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16173012

Prep for Flight 4 Stack Edition

Previous - >>16170159

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16173007

>geometry is the music we see with our eyes

Thoughts, sisters?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172947

Why facilitates the correlation between skin color and intelligence?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172926

When you fatfinger and you're suddenly studying string theory

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🧡 Science mafia

Anonymous No. 16172910
I must say, he's got a point...

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🧡 When the fatigue hits

Anonymous No. 16172900

This is an excerpt from Roger Godement's Analysis I, where I direct your attention to the footnote. Of all the examples available, this is what Godement wanted to leave us with. Absolutely based and truth-pilled. The book is filled with hilarious asides rants interspersed with the mathematics, but usually the target is military expenditure and the production of nuclear weapons. In the original French the term used was les Nègres so no meaning was lost.

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172869

Are jewish physics simply a pilpul muddying the waters?

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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Foreskin Stretching

Anonymous No. 16172849

Ive heard a lot about this online, but how viable is it? I resent being mutilated at birth and not being able to have a fully functioning penis, as all cutfags should.

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Mothers' Day....jpg

πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172848

How important is it to have a good, attentive and caring mother in terms of human developmental psychology?
Is it possible to be a successful scientists without having started off being cared for by a responsible and diligent mother?

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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172846


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🧡 Quantum Electrodynamics is a fraud?

Anonymous No. 16172826

Is he right, anon? Video: