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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172786

Dr. Jordan Peterson says that global warming is a big lie and that it is fake and gay

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172766

How good is the fact checking for science? Are the people who do the science fact checking legitimate established scientists with PhDs and substantial career experience?

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šŸ§µ Duolicious (((Research)))

Anonymous No. 16172747

>4chan "tinder for femcels"
>the app is a laggy mess that does not work half the time
>25% of the codebase is made with shaggy bash scripts prone to command injections
>turns out the user data was used by EU faggots to conduct a public research
>dev started banning 4channers for racism, antisemitism and transphobia after the app got popular on twitter
>started banning anyone he did not like
>never banned females, instead sent them emails explaining why their bios were edited
>pays $1000 per month to store uncompressed user images
>asks for donations
>now, the user data has been leaked and made available for public

If you unironically used this app and posted real info on yourself, congratulations on being retarded.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172743

How does science justify this?

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172734

>be me
>professional engineer
>kind of heavy (350 lb)
>frequently need to use the fast Fourier transform
>abbreviate it fft when typing on my work laptop (MacBook pro)
>autocorrect changes it to fat

Is this why engineers use thinkpads?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Eos !!7Nk2/yfbs86 No. 16172730

I think the way that the concepts of relativity are taught fundamentally leaves people with an incomplete and incorrect understanding of the nature of space.

People are taught that our universe has a set speed limit called the speed of light and that nothing can go the speed of light because it just takes too much energy as you get closer and closer to that speed. But the way this is described is quite misleading. My little object can go as fast as I can accelerate it to, there isn't some speed limit to the object itself (well there are some factors that might limit my speed but they don't operate on the same principles as the magical speed limit people think the speed of light is). My object can go as fast as it wants, faster and faster as it approaches infinity (relative to a stationary observer of course). The thing is, someone standing still relative to my object, will never see it go past the speed of c, they will observe it being limited, slower and slower, and closer to c as its "true" speed gets faster and faster.

This is why I hate the term "speed of light", it births all of those misunderstandings of what that speed really means, like when people ask "If I'm on a train going at 99.999999999% the speed of light won't the light come out really slow?", of course it won't because that light is traveling away from you infinitely fast, and as an object with mass you cannot have infinite speed, you will never be able to keep up with that light, it's fundamentally in a different realm of existence from you.

These concepts shouldn't be hard to understand, but it is hammered into us from a young age how "light travels at the speed of light and you can't", and "the earth is moving at 30km/s" with frequent disregard for reference frames. It's no wonder many people find relativity so hard to understand, you might as well try to teach someone their second language at age 80. Don't you think the way we teach people should be changed?

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172668

my mother is german/irish and my father italian. i'm having an identity crisis because these people were always opposed to each other in terms of religion and customs and i'm lost as to what to consider myself. i already got bullied off multiple sites asking this question for being pale yellow

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Anonymous No. 16172666

I like to know what the actual believes on ghosts are from people who are into them.

Like I talked to some and it is peak bullshit and retardation.
One guy literally debunked himself after I started asking questions since his own model of ghosts and earth was fucken impossible.

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172660

China is collapsing hard. Their real estate market and economy is basically dead in the water. Their demographics are fucked. It's over. This is the Japanese asset bubble, but a hundred time worse. China might not see positive GDP growth for another 30 years. Failed state by 2030 probably

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šŸ§µ Getting into applied maths ?

Anonymous No. 16172577

Sup /sci/ fellow autists. I'm currently studying financial engineering after a maths/physics degree. My university allows me to quit a year before and to go get a Msc somewhere else. I like maths and thought about getting some european Applied Maths Msc (Zurich, Geneva...).
Are there good prospects with a dual degree both in maths and engineering ?

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šŸ§µ Infinity is a hoax

Anonymous No. 16172564

Is there any evidence that infinity exists?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172544

Where are all the Aliens !?

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šŸ§µ Orion capsule would have killed its crew

Anonymous No. 16172541

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Barkon No. 16172525

Children are armor.

Dali Lama, gat an armor

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šŸ§µ I hate pop-science

Anonymous No. 16172520

Bill Nye, Neil Tyson, Carl Sagan and the rest of them. We get it, humans are made of stardust. Why don't you study something actually important or controversial like race and IQ.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172507

>Science still hasn't discovered what wavelength correspond to Magenta and White
>People still believe that colors are absolutely related to wavelengths
When will we get out of this phase?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172491

What is his endgame, strictly speaking in terms of science and mathematics.

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šŸ§µ Unscientific American

Anonymous No. 16172487
>Unscientific American
>Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology.
have you read this text? thoughts?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172481

Russia has found vast oil and gas reserves in the Antarctic, much of it in areas claimed by the UK.

Reserves totalling 511bn barrels of oil ā€“ about 10 times the North Seaā€™s entire 50-year output ā€“ have been reported to Moscow by Russian research ships, according to evidence given to the Commons Environment Audit Committee (EAC) last week.

It follows a series of surveys by the Alexander Karpinsky vessel, operated by Rosgeo ā€“ the Russian agency charged with finding mineral reserves for commercial exploitation.

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šŸ§µ Microtubules chads, our time has come

Anonymous No. 16172438

Let's say our conciousness is controlled by quantum function collapse, we shouldn't be held accountable for any crimes we do because it's randomness all the way down.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172436

>given a secound chance at life
>play indieslop roguelikes

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ An Austrian right after WW2, pretending to be a Slave.

Anonymous No. 16172410

Was Conan the most Nazi movie ever made?

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Barkon No. 16172394

The animals are allowed in our gardens, and to exist, we're just greedful

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16172392

Time had an origin or is it something that has always existed?