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🗑️ 🧵 Nationstates Web Browser Game Where "You" Run Own Country !

Luke West No. 16182107

>Hello Brother's From /Sci "I" Invite "You" To Join A Browser Game About Politics Where Reaĺly Interesting People Hangout.

>"You" Create A Nation By Answering Few Questions That Change Country Politics Then Migrate To [ Mitteleuropa ] Region.

>You Answer Up To 6 Problems Each One Can Take 8 Hours To Appear The Decision Changes Country For Instance Banning Smoking Or Cars & Banning Clothes !

>I Prefer To Go Full Primitive 88IQ Society A True Anarcho-Primitivist !

>Friendly Community Full Of Fellow Based And Red-Pilled People Gathered There For Year's Everyone Is Welcome It Is Like Super Secret /Pol Telegram Board.

>Im Awaiting What Ideologies And Systems "You" Can Come Up With "You" Can Even Write A Problem And It Can Be Put Into A Game !

>This Can Be "Played"Even On Phone A 10 Minutes Each Second Day Not Counting Talking In Chat Making Maps Or Raiding LGBTQ Or Furry Region's !

>Small Runescape Like Feel Just Like 0,04% C02 Is Cause For Green Deal Somehow !

>Share Before "They" Delete It !

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🧵 Consciousness

Anonymous No. 16182094

I feel as if I am going insane. I have been researching consciousness for the past year, and I have found myself in a position where I am back at square one. Even after all that I have researched and the knowledge I have inquired, I am adamant with the new mysterian position that the hard problem of consciousness and the binding problem are ultimately unsolvable.

I'm curious about your perspective. What is the essence of consciousness? What are the implications it has for our perception of reality, the nature of subjective experience, and death?

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🧵 its ok if youre retarded!

Anonymous No. 16182072

>I do not take Freundlich for a very great talent, but for a person with a burning interest and a remarkable tenacity...
>I know from my own experience that the necessary technical skills can be acquired, if the requisite understanding and a great interest are combined.
-Albert Einstein to Schwarzschild

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🧵 Michelson-Morely Experiment

Anonymous No. 16182064

Can't the Michelson-Morely experiment be used to deduce a flat earth?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16182011

Is it genetic?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181950

If you have a high enough IQ, science, religion and philosophy are all one thing. Midwits cannot grasp this simple concept

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181947

What are some ways we can conserve energy? Visual processing apparently uses half of the brain’s energy, and the brain already uses like 20% of the body’s energy. Should we just close our eyes when we don’t need to be using them?

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🧵 Med school admissions: "We are above the law"

Anonymous No. 16181939

>Medical schools are ‘skirting SCOTUS ruling against afirmative action, report shows

>'Many in the healthcare establishment... remain ideologically committed to the principle of racial favoritism,' new study says

An association of medical professionals is sounding the alarm that medical schools across the country are "skirting" the Supreme Court’s ruling requiring admissions programs to abandon race as a factor.

Do No Harm, a group of physicians, nurses and other medical professionals "focused on keeping identity politics out of medical education," unveiled new research this week with findings that, despite the high court’s decision in the landmark affirmative action case last summer, "many in the healthcare establishment nevertheless remain ideologically committed to the principle of racial favoritism and reject the virtue of race blindness."

"Efforts to game admissions with an eye toward bolstering racial diversity commonly occur under the moniker of ‘holistic admissions,’" reads the study titled, "Skirting SCOTUS: How medical schools will continue to practice racially conscious admissions."

"In theory, holistic admissions should mean de-emphasizing the metrics that primarily determine admission to medical school (e.g., GPA and MCAT scores) and placing greater focus on other academic qualifications, personality traits, or professional accolades," it continues.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181905

>today's number is ____

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181893

>take a jar filled with water and pour some dirt into it
>stir until mixed
>come back later and it's neatly separated into layers
It takes a simple school experiment to disprove so-called "Second Law of Thermodynamics". Why do scientists still insist on calling it a "law" when it's clearly false?

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🧵 Simulation Theroy Is Not Unfalsifiable.

Anonymous No. 16181877

In fact it's being proven true right now. The burden of proof lies on Simulation Theory denialists to prove it wrong at this point.

Inb4 "But Decartes' evil demon told me it's real!"

KEK, good luck with that blue pilled losers.

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🧵 Man dies at 92

Anonymous No. 16181858

Jabney Moleman died

Originally from Austin, Texas, he died at his home in Santa Monica, California, his daughter told US media.

Although he was best known for playing nasty men for laughs, he also took on a range of dramatic roles and voice-over work.

"Acting is acting, in my opinion," he told an interviewer in 2012, about the shifts in his career. "And if you can't make that adjustment, something's awfully wrong."

More recently he appeared in the western drama Yellowstone, and had a recurring role as an influential businessman in the HBO gangster saga

>Boardwalk Empire.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181836

Is maths worth studying? I thought AI can solve all problems.

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🧵 academia is now fake

Anonymous No. 16181814

you have to fake a few tests to be able to finish most of masters degrees in university

the tests can be accomplished by using ADHD medication (or real amphetamine but then you have to eventually deal with the police) or by being the shut in type who study all day all night and has no social life

guess which one all the students choose?
the drug way

because the drug users were able to get lowest scores on test that is still accepted as passed instead of having failed, they get their masters degreees

because they are super social drug users they also get the connections

it is only these people who get the jobs, the shut in type who actually knows shit about his field is not getting a job

therefore everyone who is now in his 30s-40s and has a masters degree in STEM and a relatively good job (not saying the pay is good but the job itself is) is actually a fraud they did not pass their tests fair

they arent intelligent enough to do the work they are now doing but they are the only ones doing it which is why everything falls apart in society scale

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🧵 I got a bunch of question about AI

Anonymous No. 16181742

How exactly an LLM works?
>it just predict words
If i ask what color the sky is, and the AI answers "blue", is the answer generated just by human experience and observation?

When confronted with the question above, chat-GPT specified it's programmed to find a specific pattern according to a database, it doesn't agree but judging from the answer seems like this is the case.
It can't observe, it can't judge, it can't experience things first hand, identify objects or actions and turn then into abstract ideas to work with, it can mix things together to a certain degree but not like a human would do.

Now i'd like to ask /sci/ what does it think about it, because if this is the case i feel disappointed, for sure it's impressive how such mechanisms makes me feel like i am talking to a person but these systems only relies on a fuckton of human knowledge and can't experience or generate new data by themselves. It's like watching a guy cheating at the exam by reading stuff he wrote on his arm.

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🧵 How to cope with being a 143IQ brainlet?

Anonymous No. 16181710

I just took a WAIS-IV IQ test and it turns out my IQ is a measly 143. I was a bit sleep deprived and had heard some bad news just before taking the test, and got flustered and tilted halfway due to a poorly worded trivial question (two cakes can bake in 30 minutes, how long would it take to bake 8 cakes? I asked if all 8 could fit in the same oven because then it would be 30 minutes again, but the tester just ran out my time) but other than that I did my best. The highest I could've gotten with perfect conditions is probably around 146 or so. How do I cope with being such a massive fucking retard?

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🧵 Directed energy weapons against mosquitoes

Anonymous No. 16181646

There is plenty of use for those both in the industry and the army.
Why is there no such device on the market against mosquitoes? Wouldn't it make sense to invent one using already known theory of electromagnetism.
There are a few interesting solutions to them like mosquito laser or even your regular led traps

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🧵 Non-calculus topics in math that require no prerequisites

Anonymous No. 16181636

I've been away from school for a while. Took calculus of a single variable and linear algebra a while ago. Most of it was hand wavy. I'd like to get back to math but I feel I don't have the mathematical maturity to truly understand calculus. What are some good resources/books for learning discrete math, number theory, etc. to build the maturity needed to tackle calculus?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181615

>runs into you while running away from you
what did God mean by this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181606

Sorry I'm retarded but why is it so hard to find Calculus textbooks by Stewart/Spivak on Amazon that aren't old and cost 100$+? Are these books out of print or something?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181532

Can someone post the other trolley problem memes?
I had a hard drive failure and I'm trying to rebuild my /sci/ folder.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181512

Are "superhabitable" planets a real possibility or just an hyperbole? How can we know that Earth doesn't have the perfect conditions for life to develop?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16181492

>ice melts at 0c
>Water evaporates at 100c
So what happens to ice at 100c and air water at -1c???

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🗑️ 🧵 kill yourselves

Anonymous No. 16181454

anything that scientists say the opposite is true
scientists are the vicars of satan on earth