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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197821

Miath was a psyop for non STEM

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197819

I took 10mg of Adderall for the first time in my life 4 hours ago and i feel no different..

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🧵 Will LLM's lead to AGI?

Anonymous No. 16197809

Will LLM's lead to AGI? if not what do they need to be more 'intelligent'? (More analogs to biological cortices?)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197786

Now that causal effects of consciousness on synaptic exocytosis via quantum effects have been confirmed, how should we deal with the science denying schizos who still insist in a materialist worldview?

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🧵 How to get Modafinil?

Anonymous No. 16197783

Just had an appointment with a psychiatrist where I asked if I could be prescribed Modafinil as I have to study and work for long hours but they refused. I don't have much time to see multiple specialists in hopes they prescribe it so is there a "hack" to getting prescribed Modafinil easily? I don't want to do anything that can get me in legal troubles. I live in the USA btw.

Also what are your favorite study drugs that truly boost cognition?

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🗑️ 🧵 Consciousness and reality

Breachy_wits No. 16197760

Has it ever occurred to you that reality (the things we experience) is a result of interplay between other people's consciousness more akin to a web like structure.
It could be possible that this interplay of consciousness between humans is constantly creating the realities which affect us on an individual level and also on a collective level.

Eg. On Nick's way home from work there was heavy traffic on the N1 so he decided to use an alternative route on the back roads of a near by town.
While driving on the back roads Nick was attacked, his car hijacked at gun point and the robbers got away with his car.
Now take a careful look at the events that happened in the above paragraph. One thing led to another which also led to other things that made the robbery possible. You could infact see that there was a lot of interplay between a lot of individuals and the decision they took at a particular time during the unfolding of events.
This implies that there could have been so many outcomes if different decisions were taken at any point during the events that led to the robbery.
Below is a few possible realities which could have occurred
1. If lots of drivers did not choose to use the N1 at that particular time, Nick wouldn't have used the back roads and wouldn't have been robbed. (Event out of Nick's control)
2. Nick could have stayed on the N1 despite the traffic if he was a little patient but would have gotten home a bit late. In this case no robbery occured. (Event within Nick's control)
3. The armed robbers choosing that particular back road for their operation at that particular time Nick was driving caused Nick to become vulnerable to the robbers. (Event out of Nick's control)
Accessing these possible outcomes (there could be more), we could deduct that there was an interplay of factors that was within and outside Nick's control which could have made the robbery possible or impossible. This also leads to philosophical analysis of fate, destiny and freewill.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197752

When crossing the event horizon is quantum information destroyed,thus breaking unitarity, or is the equivalence principle violated, hence mess with general relativity?

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🧵 is QCD fake and gay?

Anonymous No. 16197706

Is there any evidence that quarks are actually real? It seems odd to me that the model for quarks in 1964 worked out exactly as predicted when it seemed more liked a mere abstraction (I mean shit like 1/3 charges) used to explain concepts that were not fully understood at the time.

>We found them with deep inelastic scattering
How do you know the particles were actually quarks as described in QCD tho? Also, doesn't this fall for the same presumptive logic that tries to prove dark matter?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16197670

8 days - edition

previous >>16195248

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197607

How can I learn statistical mechanics in less than 40 hours? I have an exam the day after tomorrow and I haven't started studying.
Follow up question assuming that it's impossible: How do I pretend to be good at statistical mechanics so that my professor is convinced that I should pass?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197580

why do I still pee when I don't drink water or eat anything

dont mention anything about "waste"

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197540

If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197498

This is the coolest thing humanity ever made.

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🧵 Atomic energy?

Roteman No. 16197471

The National Ignition Facility of america recently got 3.9 Megajoules of energy, but i dont understand how splitting or fusing atoms generates energy, when i split a block of wood, no energy is released, same if i glue two peices of wood together, i cant understand it, can somone please explain it to me? thanks in advance

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🧵 grad / study anons, how did you cope with keeping up?

Anonymous No. 16197465

>be me
>next to no prior math experience
>didnt even know what calculus was, didnt even have time to be worried about it
>ffw compsci second year
>doing only half load to do two math subjects
>horrible studyer
>not been able to keep up with material theyve given us at all
how did you guys do it? when i sit down and learn it, its not beyond me, but the speed theyre throwing concepts out and my lack of discipline means im no sooner recognising stuff than i am pushing it away for the next thing. it feels like a herculian effort for any of this math to be enough to pass in an exam

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197463

When are you going to stop boiling water and figure out some pure energy transfer

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197446

1. Is it possible that in universe everything is infinite and finite in the same time?
2. Is universe just a small part of something much bigger?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197441

How do I escape the dip?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197434

Anyone else regret not taking advanced math classes in highschool?
now I'm here on /sci/ not knowing calculus looking like a complete moron.

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Be good and you w....jpg

🧵 Strong Gravity

Anonymous No. 16197426

Is it possible that gravitation could arise from the strong force at a macroscopic scale? Most of the energy/mass in an atom comes from the strong force, so maybe all these tiny disturbances caused by the strong force add up as we get to bigger and bigger scales, eventually causing gravitation. Both the gluon and the "graviton" have charges and masses of 0 as well. They just differ in color charge and spin, we don't need to worry about color charge at macroscopic scales, but spin is an issue.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197414

they could be making it all up for all we know

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197359

when they do studies like this, what units are they measuring odors with?
do smells have frequency and intensity units like light and sound do?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197312

Redpill me on why basedintifically vaping is bad

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197257

Will P=NP ever be solved?