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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202867

Who does this clickbait appeal to?
I'm an aging millenial who spent his life hearing the following quotes ad nauseum:
>I suck at math LMAO
>I fucking love science!!!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202850

long story short: they were given an F in the class.

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🧵 Complex Numbers

Anonymous No. 16202841

Why do they teach complex numbers in such a weird and confusing way?
>Here's i and its square is -1 because I say so

Why not just say that a complex number is an ordered pair of real numbers? Is it to make normies hate math and think it's all made up and gay?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202817

8 is just 0 wearing a belt

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🧵 Return of the Sunspot

Anonymous No. 16202798

region 3697 is almost upon us again, and this time its personal.
what preparations have you made /sci/ for the Mother of all CMEs on June 1st?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202624

Your not a transhumanist?... you're going to wither and die before exploring humanity's potential

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🧵 Intelligence seperate from Consciousness?

Anonymous No. 16202589

I'm a bit of a brainlet and hoping to spark some discussion on the possibilities of consciousness not necessarily being (consistently) emergent property of intelligence. I just finished reading Blindsight and it was a really fun read outside of the autistic vampire stuff that was actually really cringe. But the whole concept of intelligent space fairing organisms that lack conscious awareness was really neat. I don't know if I really understand the implications that would have though. I know ChatGPT isn't conscious but it mimics conscious thought enough that if I were talking to it in the same way as pic related I think there's a good chance it'd be as nuanced as an actual conscious person would be in answering. So if there's a chinese room thingy going on and not actual "conscious thought" but the chinese room mimics it effectively then who really cares? What am I missing?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202562

>every circle you have ever seen with a calculated circumference or area is an inaccurate value

Only the truly low IQ tolerate this.

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🧵 Vaccines cause autism

Anonymous No. 16202545

After reading through this textbook I have no doubt that vaccine related autism arise from the mmr vaccine.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202534

Normies are taking notice

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🧵 redditor is gonna david hahn himself

Anonymous No. 16202529

what do you think the fate of this guy is?

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🧵 how well we truly understand insect evolution?

Anonymous No. 16202519

dragonfly fossil was found out to be 300 million years old but where to go from that?

there is all the proof we need to show that dragonflies were pretty much the first insects but what is descending from them during 300 million year evolution?

dragon fly (literally "poke stick in the eye") has:
-aquatic larva that kinda looks like the adult without wings
-completely carnivorous
-barely any metamorphosis, the larva and adult have a lot in common
-completely useless creature on land, it must be in flight

golden eye has:
-terrestrial larva that resembles the adult only a little but there is still no true metamorphosis, the larva one day crawls out of a sand pile, breaks in half and adult walks out from the empty skin, the adult looks somewhat different but there was no cocoon phase or anything
-they are completely green as adults while dragonflies can be in multiple different colors except purple
-is formidable carnivore on land altough it prefers flying
-completely useless in water

it seems to me that damselflies eventually evolve into the golden eye, it took maybe 200 million years (both fold their wings in the same way while big dragon fly is unable at folding)

the big dragon flies have not changed from 300 million year old creatures except they have shrink in size

later on, golden eye will evolve to all the rest of the insects like this:

first beetles -> first wasp -> wasp evolves into butterflies
first beetles -> first "true fly" -> true flies like mammal carcass eating flesh fly evolve into a mosquito

mosquitoes are proven to exist 70 million years ago but there is no evidence from 300 million years ago

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🧵 unlesss it kill first

Anonymous No. 16202430

,Error: You must wait 51 seconds before posting a duplicate reply.
Error: You must wait longer before posting a new thread.

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🗑️ 🧵 "the grass steal from me"

Anonymous No. 16202418

my crime then it not answering

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202365

thinking of doing a PhD, convince me otherwise

specifically an electrical engineering PhD on hardware acceleration of AI models

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🧵 the hole rest of life it this

bonbon No. 16202363


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🧵 understand it 0

Anonymous No. 16202328

it worl record
atomo saokarakimasitamo
because it nose is hate

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Our World in Data No. 16202286

Which charts are best? Which of them flawed and why?
It's rare to see charts here.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202249

How many polacks does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

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🧵 Fungus Changes Human That Forces Subject To Stay In His House Avoiding Sun

Jewau Schwitz PharmDR. MVDr. DrSc. No. 16202228

>There Is A Wild Game Changing Theory About Human Behaviour In My Experimental Biological Research Institute About A Conspiracy Phenomena That Fellow People Who Isolate Themselves Home Or So Called Incel's / Neet's Are NOT Doing This On Their Own Will

>But Rather From A Mold Spore Infection That They Breathed In Trough Nose And It Catched In Olfactory Nerves And Passed To Brain Or Digested From Food & When The Subject Was Very Young And Drinked Rain Water

>The Mold Fungi Spores Catch Onto Brain And Release Mycotoxins The Harshest Harsh Toxins In This Simulation, It Changes The Brain To Adjust To The Mold Optimal Conditions

>That Involves Livimg In Dark / Cold Room And Avoiding Sunlight And Fresh Air So It Can Grow And Release Stronger Dose Of Toxin's, Going As Far The Wiring On Brain Forces Subject To Habe Constant Inteatine Problems Making Him Lie On Bed All Day Like Plant Or Infected Ant By Other Fungi If "You" Know "You" Know Also Staying On Toilet All Day

>Common Sign Is The Mold Gives Serious Anxiety To Subject When He Wants To Go Bathe Or Clean Teeth So He Can Do It Usually 2x A Month So Mold Spores Are Not Removed Entirely And Regrow Back.

>The Room Where Subject Lives In Should Smell Like Old Church Old Old Library With Really Old Books Maybe Medieval Castle The Prese ce Of Fungi Spores Is In The Air And On The Walls.

>This Can Clearly Be Used Elutes Or Goverments To Make People Invisible Terminally Ill And Seize Their Property As They Are Unable To Work In This Condition Propably Labbeled Schyzos And Institualized The Beggining Stage Is 13y Old On Average.

>Imagine If We Found Out We Were Right And "We" Found Cure Milions Of People Would Return Back To Normal Life Like They Had Before Infection !

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202209

Born just in time to be among the last mammals in our epoch to walk planet earth.

Feels 'aight.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202184

how important is mental math? should i be able to do 87*49 in my head?

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🧵 Do placebos have positive effects on health?

Anonymous No. 16202177

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16202167

>go bald
>turn to science - no cure
>get psoriasis on elbow
>turn to science - no cure
>get tinnitus
>turn to science (ok, surely?) - no cure
what the fuck would you say you do here? and you want me to take your vaccines? lmao