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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218865

I like mathematics and physics, but I absolutely hate the modern mainstream scientific establishment and its views and beliefs on physics (i.e. treating relativity as gospel) and its approach to the topics (i.e. teaching them to kids in school by having them memorize a bunch of equations, instead of focusing on spreading understanding and knowledge of science and math to people who want it).
Math and physics are cool but fuck 90% of physicists and fuck school, and fuck the association math/physics has with school.

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🧵 Can magnets used for cheating in basketball?

Anonymous No. 16218864

Theres some suspicion on /sp/ that the NBA is fixing games by using magnets in basketball.
Can any of the science geniuses of /sci/ help us out by watching this video and telling us if its possible that the magnet cheating theory is true?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218827

Can I develop a way to calculate large operations (on trillion+) on numbers (+-*/) instantly in my brain? and how?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218805

>Global warming
EM/Solar cycle

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🧵 There is no way to happiness—happiness is the way.

Alex Jesus No. 16218799

As Thich Nhat Hahn said, “There is no way to happiness—happiness is the way.” Vote for positive words, explore psychology, and enhance your well-being daily.
We are making a small website, which is also a social experiment. We hope that more people on the Internet will see happy language and interesting words, so that people can become positive.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218749

What percentage of the info written on /sci/ is false?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218709

Is the cost of energy the only reason we don't grow all food hydroponically?

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🧵 How true is this?

Anonymous No. 16218692

What are your experiences with interacting and working with engineers compared to other people?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218672

Special relativity is a hoax that has been holding back scientific progress for a century. Relativity of simultaneity is pseudoscientific garbage. Mass at high velocity may distort space but it does not distort time.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218661

Alcohol has legitimate medical uses.

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🧵 I don't get infinitesimals

Anonymous No. 16218636


Why can you discard dx? In the last step:
If you discard the dx term, why is it still an equality? Shouldn't that read:

[math]\frac{dy}{dx}\simeq 2x[/math]

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218432

The only thing real that is ever discovered in science is the mathematic geometric ratio between observations; every time "Observation A" happens then "Observation B" follows at a certain ratio.
We don't know why these observed patterns occur at these ratios, we don't know if they will continue to occur and nor do we know if they have occured in line with present patterns. Nobody actually knows what are these graphics we are observing; all theories and stories pasted on top of the math models since dawn of time are made up stories to help with compartmentalization and communication. They are all in another word, fairy tales.
The only thing we can do is experiment, observe, predict, and hope the future is like the past.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218327

Love or hate the nigga, he got a whole lot of people thinking about chemistry, and isn't that the key value here?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218297

Yall know those machines that dry food in low temperature under vacuum, yes? Im wondering what would happen with human body in there. What would happen with it and how would i look like. How much of mass would dissappear, how much body would weight after that and how much water would absorb it if someone would throw it in water?
Will body turn into mumy and will body look like one?
Have there been experiments with meat in there or with small animal bodies?

That sounds really weird but i cant get that thought out of my mind.
I dont want to sound like some creep but thats really interesting

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🧵 Help me understand pressure and temperature.

Anonymous No. 16218238

This isn't homework. If you have a sealed tank of water at room temperature, and half of the water in the tank ceases to exist and is replaced with vacuum, after the water spread into the vacuum, what would the pressure be inside, still at room temperature. I swear this isn't homework.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218173

/sci/, why do my fucking bones hurt from this stomach bug? It is excruciating. My wife says that it's my body pulling antibodies out of my bone marrow, the internet says that I'm so tense from the chills that it's actually my muscles balled up. Which is true? Is it both?

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🧵 What is electricity?

Anonymous No. 16218149

What is electricity? Also what is an electron, electric field, and magnetic field? And how do these relate to electromagnetic waves.

What does that have to do with the speed of light?

Does the fact that electrons can be both waves and particles impact any of the above at all?

I have a cursory understanding of physics and not satisfied with any explanations I’ve heard so far. Is it all fake and gay? Especially the ‘wave of uncertainty’ bs.

Any book recommendations etc on the above would be very helpful too

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16218138

So longevity /b/ros, what's the latest scoop on the frontier? Will life extension be successful within the next 30 years?

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🧵 How Is He Coping?

Anonymous No. 16218126

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🧵 Planned obsolescence

Anonymous No. 16218039

Is planned obsolescence real or bullshit? Is there actual non-anecdotal evidence that old things last longer than new things? Are there theories in economics, psychology, and other fields explaining why a company would want to sell cheap crap that breaks fast? After all, what's the difference between this and just selling stuff that lasts twice as long but also costs twice as much? It seems like everyone takes planned obsolescence as something obviously true but I'm not seeing much research on the topic when looking up Google Scholar.

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🗑️ 🧵 Help with homework

Anonymous No. 16217676

Number 4

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16217616

u see? this is the shit that pisses me off.

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🧵 Once there are error free million+ qubit quantum computers will we just do everything on them?

Anonymous No. 16217614

Can't they do everything a classical computer can do and more? What would be the point of classical computing?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16217591

our guy is dying