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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222873

If we define truth as correspondence between our ideas about the world and our observation of the world then how are metaphorical truths different from scientific truths?

For example: the story about Hansel and Gretel is false in the sense that the described events can not be verified by observation but there is a theme in this story that can be found in many other stories from different times and places: women are a tempting, trapping and devouring force. Since this theme is so universally recognizable we can agree that through mythology we have captured a truth about the world, no?

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🧵 Apollo 11

Anonymous No. 16222867

Do we have the scientific specs on the technological marvel that passed through the Van Allen Radiation Belt and landed on the moon?

just wondering. pic from wikipedia.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222865

'Super', is part of the brains actual name. If your understanding of brain doesn't include super, you can't use it. By focusing on any combination of super brain parts, usually, you can compute and process - however, because of recent criminal activity that is blocked.

The only way to create a inner dimension using the heart and using it as a copying/dragging and canvass tool until you've freed mind space.

The heart should be thought in the opposite context to the brain but not just directly opposite, like red is to blue, a complete oppositification til the two are in their place. You sort of open the heart in a key unlocking process. You can hold your breath to pass the criminal activity, for.about 30-50 seconds whilst trying to create a unlocking using all your mental focus in twist of fate. Once you have used the heart successfully, hold that position and it will create a nearby dimension you can use

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222783

I'm not here to talk about Sabine. I'm not here to talk about if Bitcoin is or isn't good for the environment. I'm here to talk about whether or not this 5 hours old video has an effect on current prices (scientifically speaking).

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🧵 Quantum failure

Anonymous No. 16222761

Looks like I had to dig through the literature achieving for this gem. The quantum effect doesn’t work in computing because it’s not scalable and to many components to the board. Plus the materials components cannot create the thin oxide layer for the tunneling effect to take place at scale. The only memory size they got up to is 4kb. Quantum is trash, and a proven failure despite 100s of millions in research. Now that moors law hit its limits they are here to shove it down our throats.

Peak humanity has been reached get ready for the decline boys

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222749

how do i cope

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222747

>you need a lot of life in your years not just years in your life

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🗑️ 🧵 MSM comes out against scinece

Anonymous No. 16222742

Even the MSM is now starting to complain about how incredibly fake science is and how hopelessly dishonest scientists are

Bloomberg: Fake Scientific Studies Are a Problem

Wall Street Journal: Flood of Fake Science

National Review: Much of Science Is Fake

How should this problem be solved and can it be done before it destroys science permanently?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222716

The sky is red currently. The sun is able to connect to Earth now the criminals have been captured. No need to worry, it's just healing. In weeks time I will update the Sun and Earth and Moon.

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🗑️ 🧵 Ban all /pol/tards

Anonymous No. 16222709

/sci/ nowadays be like
>10000th thread about climate change denial
>10000th anti vax thread
>10000th thread about iq
>1000000th thread about race

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222634

Why doctors never mention you can cure most issues by just eating properly, stop eating goyslop and drink more veggie juices.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222605

Does fine tuning imply multiverse theory being real?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222554

Why do you need math if we have calculators

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222515

Will playing Portal 2 make me smarter? (It makes me feel like I'm getting smarter)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222476

Son, we live in a world of mathematical principles, and those principles have to be understood by men who use real numbers. Who's gonna do it. You? You Professor Wildberger? Real numbers have a purpose greater than you can POSSIBLY fathom. You weep for John Gabriel and you curse real numbers. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not grasping, that the use of real numbers, while confounding, PROBABLY saves time from vapid toiling. And their existence, while grotesque, and incomprehensible to you, saves time.

You don't want to ignore real numbers because deep down in places you don't talk about at conferences, you WANT infinite precision, you NEED infinite precision.

We use concepts like "infinity," "irrationality," "convergence." We use these concepts to understand the universe. You use them as fodder for your skepticism.

I have neither the time, nor the inclination to explain myself to a foundationalist who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom real numbers and limits provide and then QUESTIONS THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY PROVIDE IT. I would rather you just said THANK YOU, and went on your way. Otherwise I suggest you grab a Cauchy sequence, and take its limit. Either way, I don't give a DAMN, WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE ENTITLED TO

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🗑️ 🧵 The Case for Real Numbers

Anonymous No. 16222457

Son, we live in a world of mathematical principles, and those principles have to be understood by men who use real numbers. Who's gonna do it. You? You Professor Wildberger? Real numbers have a purpose greater than you can POSSIBLY fathom. You weep for John Gabriel and you curse real numbers. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not grasping, that the use of real numbers, while confounding, PROBABLY saves time from vapid toiling. And their existence, while grotesque, and incomprehensible to you, saves time.

You don't want to ignore real numbers because deep down in places you don't talk about at conferences, you WANT infinite precision, you NEED infinite precision.

We use concepts like "infinity," "irrationality," "convergence." We use these concepts to understand the universe. You use them as fodder for your skepticism.

I have neither the time, nor the inclination to explain myself to a foundationalist who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom real numbers and limits provide and then QUESTIONS THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY PROVIDE IT. I would rather you just said THANK YOU, and went on your way. Otherwise I suggest you grab a Cauchy sequence, and take its limit. Either way, I don't give a DAMN, WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE ENTITLED TO

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222443

>soothing music plays in the background
>anthropomorphized math symbol appears in the corner of the screen
>*fake disgustingly cheerful voice* Ok, in this video, I am going to show you how BEAUTIFUL *undergrand math topic* is, and how it has DEEP connections all across mathematics
Is there a more söy math youtuber?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222433

Are people significantly dumber today compared to 2014 or 2004?

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🧵 Questions?

Anonymous No. 16222393

Suppose I am a King (absolute monarch) from a small country. How much would my average travel expenses cost (armored car motorcade and aeroplane) when I need to meet foreign dignitaries abroad and is it more practical for me and my entourage to fly through my own jet plane?

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🧵 AI now can modify human DNA

Anonymous No. 16222390

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🧵 Which is worse on the long term, covid-19 or covid-19 "vaccines"?

Anonymous No. 16222345

If you are going to make a bold statement please provide a legitimate source or at least tell a real life observation or experience .

If covid is man made than that too can have unknown longterm consequences such as the gene drug they called "vaccines".
You can find articles before the pandemic classifying mrna and viral vectors as gene therapies.

Why did they deny and lie about this and call others who claimed this "conspiracy theorists" when it was a confirmed fact prior to the outbreak?
Why didn't they only vaccinate people who are at high risk or why didn't they use traditional vaccines?
Why are the vaccinated get sick more often than the unvaccinated. Are turbo cancers true?

Is there even a likely narritive to this or is it the biggest government fuckup in human history?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222339

The USA federal court system has made it official:
The covid injections were not vaccines

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222320

Is economics a science??

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222281

is IQ pseudo-science?