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Anonymous No. 16222244

>engineering is a field of troubleshooting/fixing problems
>math is a field of understanding logic with about as many practical uses as philosophy
Why are the two seen as inseparable when math doesn't use any of the same thinking abilities as engineering?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222236

>Human activity is destroying nature!!!!
So how come the most densely populated part of North America also has the highest biodiversity?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222192

>assistant professor job
>requires 10 year of teaching experience

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gastric ph.jpg

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222158

Science proving vegans wrong again

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16222070

They hated him because he spoke the truth

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Anonymous No. 16222025

yet.. time "slows to zero" at the speed of light.
therefore, our experience of time is the retrograde effect of the universes' expansion.
we observe particles' interaction with the quantum field by sampling relative change.
light is not a thing, it does not move. it's relative change in charge.
time is not a thing, it does not happen. we represent changing state as a horizonal nomenclature on graphs.

there will be no heat-death of universe; as it expands and thins out, the resistance decreases ("electromagnetic viscosity")
if spiral galaxies were the product of coalescence, they would be slightly denser around their edges at the accretion boundary,
then thin out before becoming maximally dense at their centers. however… that is not the case.
they are a continually thinning density from center outward.
thus, galaxies are emitting the material they are comprised of from their centers.
galaxies are white holes.
the one-and-only black hole, is the universe itself, into which all the whitehole light spills.

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Anonymous No. 16221999


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221937

What are the implications of technology being more or less stagnant since the 70s?

And totally stagnant for the last 10 years. We are back in the middle ages, the world your children live in will be the exact same world you lived in.

The only thing remaining is to iron out a few kinks, EVs will replace ICEs to combat le CLIMATE CHANGE.
If we are very hopeful, cancer might be cured but that's about it, life will not fundamentally change.

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🧵 ASA Congruence rule

Anonymous No. 16221907

Using Hilbert's axiomatic system, can someone give me an elementary proof of the angle-side-angle congruence rule. Every proof I have come across relies on contradiction and justification from the diagram (pic related - <BCP can't be equal to <BCA since P is between B and A). I know that it seems obvious but there has to be a rigorous proof, based for example on the crossbar theorem.

As for the other congruence rules, SAS is taken as an axiom and there is a decent proof of SSS on cut-the-knot. This is literally all that is missing.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221900

Anyone else here a wikipedia pilled pseud maxxer? I spend a lot of time reading wikipedia articles on science and math so I can pretend to be an expert online. So far it's working great because the education system is so fucked that reading wikipedia can actually put you on the same level with graduates. The only way to expose my shallow half knowledge would by pinning me down on technical details. But only hyperspergs do that and then I can just make fun of them for being autistic.

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B4RK0N (300 IQ) &#039;kneel&#039; No. 16221851

What does high in high metabolism mean? High fidelity? Could it be that people with high fidelity metabolism have to actually set their organs(by focusing on their self locale and making a mental process toward a certain co-co understood order)?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

B4RK0N (300 IQ) &#039;kneel&#039; No. 16221779

What is speed? Fastness? Can it be considered agility of the physical universe - like a muscle?

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Anonymous No. 16221767

I have a question about my rectum. After I shit and I clean the after 10 minutes later and it is dirty again and I have to clean a second time. I think I might have torn something in the anal tract after a hospital stay where I could not shit for days and it collected up until I could. That or a sharp chicken bone I ate must have cut it. Anyway my doc seems clueless (he thinks its hemmorhoids). Is there hope for it to heal on its own? My ass is sweaty and unpleasant all the time now.

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🧵 Teeth are the worst-designed aspect of the human body

Anonymous No. 16221716

>you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth

>if you let plaque build up on your teeth and/or get gum disease, the bacteria has been found in arterial plaque meaning not brushing/flossing can lead to heart attacks

>for some reason, teeth are plaque magnets

>They’re entirely misleading because they look like bones but they aren’t bones mainly because they can’t fucking regenerate. The one part of my body that looks like a bone and feels like a bone, and would be really handy if it had the ability to regenerate like a bone, isn’t a bone and can’t regenerate.

>You’re basically guaranteed to have to get your wisdom teeth removed

>teeth often just don’t come in right at all and it sometimes requires surgery

>the shapes of our teeth creates confusion over whether humans are supposed to eat meat or not

>bonus: ruins blowjob

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221669


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221589

With stem cells of a patient programmed to a generate a limb cartridged into a silver alloy "bone" that produces an electrical charge and releases starter nutrients, you could hypothetically regrow a limb complete with nerves and sensation.

Why stop there? We can already grow muscle tissue and organs in controlled conditions. If you added a neuromorphic framework to the external of the silver alloy skeleton, the nerves grown to the sensor adapters would allow for the sensation of organic touch.

One step further, we can already make hybrid hardware/organic brain cell chips. If you had a neuromorphic web or framework with starter stem cells an AI picked out a genome for, it could grow an hybrid AI/organic brain and body of its own design and specifications.

Gemini liked the idea and proposed it may possibly solve the hydrologic cognition problem of cyclical self-sustaning, self-autonomous thought by having a constant stream of sensory information.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221476

What constitutes "scientific evidence" in a case like this?

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Anonymous No. 16221401


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221347

sciencebros... our response..?

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Study shows women....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221342

STEMcelbros, not like this...

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221200

how do I achieve hemisync? what is the science behind it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221187

In the realm of intellectual discourse, one frequently encounters a predilection for prolixity, wherein the deliberate employment of arcane terminologies and syntactic convolutions engenders an aura of scholarly gravitas. Such erudition, ostensibly designed to illuminate, paradoxically obfuscates, rendering the ostensibly perspicuous opaque. The intricate dance of polysyllabic articulations and labyrinthine grammatical structures serves more to confound than to elucidate, creating a veneer of profundity that, upon closer scrutiny, reveals itself as a simulacrum of true understanding.

The phenomenon of logorrheic verbosity, often valorized in academic and professional milieus, epitomizes the dichotomy between form and substance. In the pursuit of rhetorical sophistication, one may become ensnared in a web of linguistic grandiosity, where the sheer density of verbiage supplants genuine insight. This linguistic labyrinth, while impressive in its architectural complexity, frequently masks a dearth of substantive content. The resultant discourse, though resplendent in its superficial intricacies, ultimately lacks the substantive gravitas necessary for meaningful intellectual engagement.

Moreover, the proclivity for sesquipedalianism, while ostensibly indicative of a robust lexicon, often belies a fundamental insecurity regarding the communicator’s epistemic foundation. The excessive reliance on grandiloquent expressions and abstruse jargon may, in fact, be symptomatic of an underlying paucity of original thought. Thus, the intricate tapestry of convoluted rhetoric serves not as a beacon of enlightenment but as a smokescreen, obfuscating the very essence of the discourse it purports to advance.

The true hallmark of intellectual acumen lies not in the complexity of one's linguistic constructs but in the clarity and cogency with which ideas are conveyed.

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🧵 Given what we know about knowing things, how much do you suspect we don't know?

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16221172

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🗑️ 🧵 Is witness testimony credible evidence?

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16221143

>Does picrel make sense?