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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221115

Will CBD help with my sciatica nerve pain? If so what do I look for?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16221105

Plasma Sheathe Edition

Previous - >>16218956

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221095

i need help improving a "formula" i have for rating albums

take every song on the album and rate it on a scale of 0 - 3. 0 being awful and 3 being a masterpiece

after you collect the ratings, calculate the average, the median, and the standard deviation of all the ratings.

i also added in a cohesion score, meant to boost the scores of some albums who have a good overarcing theme or style with songs that fit well together but don't hold up well on their own in a vacuum. (cohesion score can either be .5 or a full 1)

the actual formula ends up being (average + median + cohesion) - standard deviation.

I will attach a photo of my spreadsheet with scores
please keep in mind the purpose of this is to calculate an albums merit based upon each song on its own in a vacuum. There are some albums I absolutely love that got a lower score than I thought they would, so don't judge me too harshly for the scores, it's just what the formula gave me based off how much I enjoyed the songs of each album.

any advice is appreciated, i am absolutely awful at math so this entire setup may be completely retarded

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221091

>drops mic
evolutionists BTFO

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🧵 Gödel daddy

Anonymous No. 16221082

any opinions about CTC? i know it sounds sketchy but a structure like this in our own universe may be theoretically possible

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221072


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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221029

Are scientists free people?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16221028

can someone explain the psychology of highly intelligent yet unstable people being drawn to one form of dogmatic extremism or other? be it political, religious, ideological, or what have you. I continue to observe this phenomenon on the internet and it fascinates me.

pic unrelated.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16220916

If covid causes cancer then how come its the vaccinated who keep on getting all the cancers?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16220887

What do you think will come after silicon in semiconductors?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16220621

There are perfect spheres, but because their sphere shape is so fine it becomes a part of a universe like a wheel fitting a car. It would likely sink in and become a system-wide effigy - like a natural mainframe in the fabric of space and time.

Imperfect spheres don't have this effect, but their edges aren't as fine.

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🧵 E=mc2

Anonymous No. 16220608

Who the fuck uses this shit seriously?

Energy is measured in btus when it comes to hydrocarbons.

In electricity we measure the flow of electrons in Volts or amps.

It’s worth noting that Einstein is a Jew and nobody told us this fact.

Why is this formula plastered all over our schools when no one outside of “theoretical physics” uses this shit?

Engineering has no use for therotical applications. I can’t take off in a plane based off theory I need a factual basis otherwise each takeoff is a suicidal mission.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16220598

Hey anon, how did you get into science & math?

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🧵 Sloan Great Wall

Anonymous No. 16220556

>supposedly over one BILLION lightyears long
>supposedly one BILLION lightyears away
How are you even supposed to make these measurements? I find such statistics to be quite hard to believe.

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🧵 Alzheimer memory encoding fraud

Anonymous No. 16220551

2006 paper claiming evidence of Alzheimer and connecting it with poor memory is a fraud and has been retracted.

This was one of the biggest medical science story that happened nearly 2 decades ago and the story still persists today. But now the most popular retracted paper is a goner.

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🗑️ 🧵 Science VS biblical myths

Anonymous No. 16220455

I was on a journey to understand how the fuck even biblical cosmology works and it literally makes no sense whatsoever in like even bronze age idiots can not believe in this crap.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and I understand flat earth etc.

So according to the bible we live in a submarine surrounded by water....

Many questions however most important one.
If rain is created by god opening the windows on top to let the water in to make rain....
How is this shit possible?
Since it would let all the air out and we would drown in only water.
And no this is not some modern talking point anyone who has a bottler or some clay vessel can understand this by going to the local river.

Also according to this biblical model the bible is literally a lie.
>Muh waters above seperated from the waters below
No there is no separation it is the same water and you are in a submarine.

To even believe this garbage you need to abandon the meaning of the word

I can imagine some primitive idiot not thinking about it and repeating this trash however can anyone even salvage this trash I do not care if you introduce magic here. I wanted to know what ancient primitives believed the world is like.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16220422

How to cure my sleep problems?

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dropping bombs.png

🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16220392

Congrats to all the SpaceX employees, all except Elon Musk, the sponsor.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16220366

do you look like a scientist?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16220294

I just googled Chicxulub.

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🗑️ 🧵 grad school

Anonymous No. 16220212

should you do it?
i am a graduating math undergrad. i dont know what do do with my degree or future. however, i have a rare privilege to go to grad school without extra costs. should I do it? I took a few grad level classes in my senior year and i honestly felt like i was becoming too stupid or not studious enough for them. is trying to kick the can down the road by becoming more qualified a good strategy to set up my future, or am i just wasting my youth on education instead of building up savings.
can any mathemeticians tell me about their experiences?

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🧵 Humans and Neanderthals only had sex for a brief period, but it still fundamentally changed our DNA

Anonymous No. 16220210

We might consider Neanderthals to be ancient and unknowable relatives, but humans were once on very intimate terms with them.

Our ancestors, for example, had babies with the shorter, stockier species and swapped DNA for thousands of years.

Studying genomic data from both ancient and modern humans, scientists learned that Neanderthals and humans were having sex around 47,000 years ago then stopped less than 7,000 years later — relatively brief in terms of evolution.

All humans have at least a little Neanderthal DNA, a 2020 study found. These genes may impact everything from metabolism to our risk for diabetes.

Finding out when humans acquired them can help scientists understand how these genes evolved and why they might have been beneficial to our ancestors and stuck around in our DNA for millennia. Neanderthals were living in Asia and Europe when some humans started moving out of Africa. The two groups began having children together shortly after that, sometime between 60,000 and 50,000 years ago.


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🧵 I'm baking here

Anonymous No. 16220197

Wtf guys, this heat is insane. I don't believe in global hoerming, but WTF is going on?
It's not even summer yet.
>Temperatures over 110 Fahrenheit from southeast California to Arizona
>New temperature record set in Phoenix, again. 11 people with heat exhaustion at a Trump rally
>New teperature record set in las Vegas, 9 people needed hospital treatment
>another temperature record in Death Valley
I'm serious. I'm obse and I'm scared to leave my home. Is this normal?

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🧵 potassium citrate solution

Anonymous No. 16220193

if i took bulk potassium citrate and mixed in with water so say 50ml of water contained 1/4 tsp of potassium citrate will it go bad or anything? i take it often and this would be easier than measuring it out every time

also does anyone know where i can get cheap bulk clean potassium citrate?