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🧵 Practical imperical proover ritual

Anonymous No. 16367241

When you notice your subjective perception of this meme has changed comment with your biggest wish in the world and it will happen it's science

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16367221

Ok so number which wife is on the left? It's Wife 3, right?

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🧵 Getting a strong intuition for 4d space

Anonymous No. 16367161

I know this is a trivial thing to care about, but I want to be able to dissect and manipulate a tesseract in my head as intuatively as I can with 3d cube. Can you recommend some good resources?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16367109

He’s been fully vindicated.

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16367100

Catch Testing Edition

Previous - >>16364614

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🗑️ 🧵 Race and work

Anonymous No. 16367033

Is it true that IQ is not the only thing that's different between races?
all the races are specialized towards certain. tasks due to their different cultures and environments which caused selective breeding?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16366994

It made it edition!


Next launches

Sept. 11: H2-A | IGS-Radar 8 | Tanegashima Space Center, Japan | 04:00 UTC

Sept. 11: Soyuz 2.1a | Soyuz MS-26 | Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan | 15:43 UTC

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366969

The age old question. What is 0 multiplied by itself 0 times?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366942

>dude aliens probably exist and they are like probably more advanced than us just like in heckin star wars and star trek. Statistically Aliens HAVE TO exist. They just have to bro. I can't wait until humanity become a space fairing kadashev scale™ level 13 race.
Why do basedience niggers believe in this goofy shit?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366916

R u an Aubrey de Grey groupie like me /sci/? We travel to all his speaking events. We are the Grateful Alive. The ALIVEHeads. Want to learn more?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366900

Why did he do it?

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🧵 NSAID discussion thread

OP !dQdLbVGMJw No. 16366885

We discuss mechanisms, benefits, use cases and adverse effects of NSAIDs.
New research is appreciated, established findings are welcome, theories are encouraged.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366860

If there are an infinite number of whole numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two whole numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any two fractions, does that mean that there are infinite infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And…(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And…)…continues forever. And that continues forever. And that continues forever. And…(…)…

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366805

If movement is relative, how do we know when an object initiates motion? If I press the gas pedal, is it really the car moving, or is the whole universe moving towards me?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366722

>death is scary and being alone without kids as an old person sucks major dick
>both are necessary for the species to adapt to the environment properly
if the good of the species was something individuals evolved to care about, wouldnt incels and the very sick just willingly want to die?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366685

What the fuck actually happens to the food that we drop on the floor? This always tortured me. Like, what the fuck is its story? We all occasionally eat like pigs and drop crumbs of something or drip grease down there. Does it get moldy or dehydrates and just exists under the table in perpetuity?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

the nobody No. 16366679

bring me the smartest glownigger u got


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366630

Is pure math just understanding the hierarchy of spaces (topological, vector, measure, metric, etc) and what kind of transformations are possible btn them in the same way science is about categorizing observable phenomena? I have a hard time thinking about learning random theorems in random fields and feel more comfy finding out what kind of things I can do in a measure space and not a vector space, like why are norms important instead of metrics, etc. These kinds of questions are more interesting to me than mastering the proof of the heine-borel theorem for instance. Are there books that take this approach to teaching math or do you need to suffer through 4 yrs of undergrad material to appreciate the answers?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366627

Doing research as an undergrad, whats the strat to extract maximum knowledge from research papers in the shortest amount of time? any tips about convention when writing a paper and sharing results? My advisor is genius tier so I think he just absorbs other papers just by looking at them

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366617

When does the water become you?

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🧵 Number theory Diophantine Equation

Anonymous No. 16366613

Assume that p, q are prime numbers.

What are all the values of p, q, that satisfy

p^3 = q^5 + 76?
Show proof.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366603

whata dumb fuck we discovered bunch of quarks and shit since than

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366541

There is enough marine sediments to cover the earths continents under a 2 km thick layer. You could practically make new continents with it. Expand earth for human habitation, replenish farmlands. The continent of Zeelandia could be brought above the oceans making millions of acres for humans and animal life alike.
How do we make use of this resource?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16366518

what is the scientific cause of homosexuality?