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🧵 piss-poor pair quality

Anonymous No. 16438451

ive recently got unshielded twisted pair cables (UTP) for communication purposes and i cannot reccomend it. rancid, id say.

i recommend next time using shielded twisted pair cables (STP), as that insulation adds a protective layer against electro-magnetic interference leaking into and out of the cable. its only reasonable.

faggots say otherwise.

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🗑️ 🧵 Combating Russian trolls and Conspiracy theorists on sci

Anonymous No. 16438432

Pol just instituted a new policy requiring posters to either verify their emails or wait 15 min before posting due to the massive amount of Wumao and Kremlin shills on pol. Sci has had a big problem with these posters, especially in connection with stuff like COVID, gender science, and the replication crisis hysteria. Mods on sci really need to consider a similar policy before sci is too far gone.

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🧵 Sleep-wakefulness inbetween state

Anonymous No. 16438399

How can I artificially induce a state between sleep and wakefulness? Where I am dreaming but not so deeply that Im not aware that I am dreaming?

I have noticed while studying(math specifically). If I get hyper focused on what I'm studying but I'm also kind of tired and dizzy and just zone out randomly, I might enter a state of near-sleep where I start to dream(but I know I'm dreaming). In that state of near sleep I reflect about what I'm studying in the form of a dream. Sometimes I might drift into something unrelated(like a fat ass grinding on my dick) that was significant to me recently, but somehow my brain just uses it as an analogy to understand what I'm studying(the angle of my dick to the ass and how it changes as the ass grinds on me becomes a problem to solve) on autopilot without me really having to guide him. It's like a deep dream-meditation or a how people describe a psychedelic drug trip(but sober).

Then when I leave the state of near-sleep I understand what I'm studying much better, and formed connections I hadn't noticed before.

It's like that state of near sleep is much faster at problem solving and much more intelligent, but in a way that calls onto the abstract-creative part of my brain rather than the purely logical. It makes a huge difference even if it only lasted 15 minutes.

The same happens to me when programming. If all the variables of hyperfocus+kind of tired+very interested are there, I start to zone out at times and enter near sleep dream states where I am essentially better at find patterns, solutions, being creative and at learning.
Because of this I have stopped taking stimulants because stimulants make this impossible. I have to let my hyperfocus come naturally and to be lacking a bit in wakefulness, while relaxed. Stims make me too wakeful and attentive(in the acute stress kind of sense rather than the relaxed sense like say L-theanine does).

How can I artificially induce it more often?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16438287

Is there a deeper planet to be on in this three body problem simulation?

(You will be served soon).

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16438239

Do I mate with a math or bio girl if my goal is to have quality offspring?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16438211

Booster 12 return edition

Previous - >>16435718

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16438174

Is Starship a troll attempt on humanity?

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🧵 Can AI solve simple statistical equations and inferences?

Anonymous No. 16438160

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🗑️ 🧵 How do billionaires even exist?

Anonymous No. 16438088

If you got 50.000 dollars every day it would take you 54.79 years to reach your first billion, more than 5 decades despite you getting 50.000 dollars everyday, and I haven't even calculate any tax detraction or inflation or anything, likely it would take you WAY more than that. But in the world there are 3.194 billionaires, how? Mathematically and rationally it just doesn't make sense to me, especially since it doesn't take them 5-6 decades for them to become billionaires so they must be gaining WAY more than 50.000 dollars/day, I just can't wrap my head around it

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16438052

So Easy Edition
Previous: >>16435718

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🧵 True physics end game

Anonymous No. 16438039

In the end it's all about energy. The only end game is you getting an infinite amount of it, and/or you have infinite control over it.
In actual terms this would translate into free energy and/or star-trek replicators where you can spawn in any item at will.

Now, please explain how does the current direction of physics models and request for colliders in anyway inches toward this ultimate end goal and is not just a con for cash.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16438016

What's your ideology? Mine is concern for the people I'm with(i.e. the world's population).

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16438002

What is the science of why some girl's asses are so fat?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16437987

Most people who think with us on sci are actually walking advertisements, as a metaphor for their creepy, false profiteering behaviour.

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🧵 >that feel when

Anonymous No. 16437871

>the theoretical physicist weakly strolls down to your lab and asks you to experimentally affirm his gauge theory symmetry breaking gender

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16437858

How do I speedrun string theory? Please give me the most didactically valuable resources. Assume that I know all the required math, I need to learn the physics intuition and the terminology.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16437749

How can you believe in evolution if it's just a theory? (a guess)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16437664

Why are opiates still so prevalent?
Do we really not have a different way of dulling pain? Isnt there some electrical impulse device than can dampen pain?
Damn opiates ruined the world cause monkey brains cant handle it

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16437660

A => B
should not mean
"not A or B"
for such is the incel schizo formalist's veil.
it should mean: If you prove A then you can prove that this is equivalent to proving B, that there exists an argument which can show that any arbitrary proof of A can converted to a proof of B

Likewise, "there exists x such that A(x)", should mean you can construct x and prove A(x), not merely the incel schizo's "not for all x not A(x)". Indeed if " not for all x A(x)" should not be equivalent to "there exists x such that not A(x)", which is an implication only a schizoid formalist would make.

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🧵 Physics books for midwits

Anonymous No. 16437636

I got a midwit degree many years ago and haven't solved a single equation or done any experiment since.
I can barely remember how to integrate.

What are some physics books that are not popsci but not academic money laundering scams either? Something that expertedly communicates modern physics and discoveries to the undergraduate demographic with the goal of enlightenment and sharing philosophical perspective, but not to teach you how to pass exams because of curriculums?

For example, is there a book of important groundbreaking experiments which explores the motivation and result and the theory evolved with then?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16437557

Autism is just as common in women.

Social biases exist, therefore biological biases do not exist. You can't refute that logic.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16437555

>our solution to kidney failure is a machine circulating your blood
Is there really no alternative to dialysis other than a transplant?
Has there been any research into other ways to treat kidney failure or are your kidneys just fucked if you gotta go the dialysis route?

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🧵 How do you solve this?

Anonymous No. 16437554

Every country can only pick two at most.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16437481

>energy has mass
>photons have energy
>photons are massless
how the fuck does this work